
zhuānɡ shì yì shù
  • decorative art
  1. 尚华装饰艺术作品&陶艺挂盘

    Shang Hua 's Works of Decorative Art & Pottery Wall Plates

  2. 印第安传统文化对墨西哥陶瓷装饰艺术的影响

    Effects of Mexican Indian Culture on the Ceramic Decorative Art

  3. 说到波希米亚玻璃,许多商店都有出售这种传统的玻璃制品,但做工最为精细的却陈列在19世纪装饰艺术博物馆(museumofdecorativearts)里。

    As for Bohemian Glass , there are many shops selling traditional glassware but the finest examples are in the 19th-century Museum of decorative arts .

  4. DeanKoontz以装饰艺术的风格建造了这个绝伦的小影院--我认为这不是偶然的。

    Dean Koontz built this fabulous home theater , which is I don 't think accidentally-in Art Deco style .

  5. CG、虚拟现实和增强现实构建成三维数字装饰艺术系统的基本元素。

    Computer graphics , virtual reality and building up the true feeling of Virtual reality compose numeric decorated three dimensions art system .

  6. 本文详细介绍了CG的定义、组成、特征和其应用,提出了基于CG上的三维数字装饰艺术的设计构想。

    This article was focused on the concept , constitutes , character and application of the CG and gave some experimental designs on CG .

  7. 韩国DISEVEN聚酯纤维吸音装饰艺术板;

    Republic of Korea DISEVEN polyester fiber sound-absorbing panels decorative arts ;

  8. 在卢浮宫(Louvre)装饰艺术博物馆(MuseedesArtsDecoratifs)举办的德赖斯・范诺顿(DriesVanNoten)时装展开幕式,吸引了设计界偶像人物克劳德・蒙塔纳(ClaudeMontana)和情色珠宝设计师贝托尼・弗农(BetonyVernon)等名人。

    Chic-est Fete The opening of the Dries Van Noten exhibition at the Louvre 's Mus é e des Arts D é coratifs drew notables from design icon Claude Montana to erotic-jewelry designer Betony Vernon .

  9. 涵艺数字油画(上海)文体用品有限公司多年以来专业从事高难度,装饰艺术和DIY数字油画,产品出口于欧美、日本、韩国等国家和地区。

    Hanyi digital painting ( Shanghai ) culture and sports articles Co. , Ltd engaged in difficult decorative arts and DIY digital painting , products are sold to Europe , America , Japan and Korea ect .

  10. 美国拍卖商芝加哥LeslieHindmanAuctioneers珠宝和工艺钟表部门的负责人亚历山大•艾伯林(AlexanderEblen)表示,人们通常都没有意识到一块旧手表或祖母戴的装饰艺术风格的珠宝价值几何。

    Alexander Eblen , head of the jewelry and fine timepieces department at Leslie Hindman Auctioneers in Chicago , says people often don 't realize the value of an old watch or grandmother 's Art Deco jewelry .

  11. 原始装饰艺术中的生命意识探微

    Elementary Study on the Consciousness of Life in Aboriginal Ornament Art

  12. 建水紫陶传统装饰艺术的文化新内涵

    The new cultural connotation of Jianshui traditional decorative arts purple pottery

  13. 洛阳汉代彩绘陶壶装饰艺术

    Decorative Art of Painted Pottery Vases of Han Dynasty in Luoyang

  14. 世界最大的装饰艺术博物馆

    The Largest " Museum of Decoration Art " in the World

  15. 现代陶艺介入建筑与环境装饰艺术的研究

    Study on modern ceramic arts involved in architectural and environmental decorative arts

  16. 建筑外墙装饰艺术的特点和色彩设计

    Art features and color design in building external wall decoration

  17. 坛城的设计思想和表现形式&藏式建筑装饰艺术散论之三

    Design thoughts and expression forms of Mandala decoration art of Zang architecture

  18. 唐代长沙窑装饰艺术浅谈

    On the Decorative Art of the Changsha Ware in the Tang Dynasty

  19. 装饰艺术的渊源&彩陶艺术

    The origin of the art of decoration & ancient painted pottery art

  20. 明清建筑室内装饰艺术

    Interior decorative art of architecture in Ming and Qing dynasty

  21. 富于审美情趣的结构装饰艺术。

    Decoration is attached to structure , which abound in aesthetic sentiment .

  22. 本文主要论述了皮革装饰艺术的风格,装饰手法以及装饰艺术在皮革制品中的应用。

    This paper deals mainly with the style of leather decorative art .

  23. 象征是原始装饰艺术涵义的主要特征之一,但不是惟一;

    Symbolization is one of the main characteristics of primitive decorative arts .

  24. 喀什市现代城市景观中的装饰艺术研究

    Research on the Modern Cityscape 's Decorative Arts in Kashi

  25. 中国北方传统民居装饰艺术与特征

    Decorative art in northern traditional folk house and its characteristics

  26. 计算机图形艺术与数字装饰艺术的研究与应用

    The Research and Application of Computer Graphic Art and Digital Decoration Art

  27. 中国原始装饰艺术中宗教观念的渗透

    Infiltration of the Religious Ideas in the Chinese Primitive Decoration

  28. 装饰艺术与后现代主义设计的风格比较研究

    The Research of Design 's Style in Art Deco & Post Modernism

  29. 鱼纹在中国传统装饰艺术中的地位与应用

    Position and Function of Fish Patterns in China 's Traditional Decorative Art

  30. 中国传统文化元素与现代装饰艺术创作

    Chinese Traditional Cultural Elements and Modern Decorative Art Creation