
  • 网络fabricated structure;prefabricated structure;prefabricated concrete structure
  1. 而在装配式结构施工安装技术中,临时支撑系统是一个关系到吊装能否成功,影响到施工吊装安全和效率的非常重要的因素。

    In the construction and installation of prefabricated structure , the temporary bracing system is a very important factor on the success of the lifting and the safety and efficiency of construction lifting .

  2. 预制装配式结构的发展应用除需材料科学和设计理念的支撑外,施工安装技术对其发展有着决定性的影响。

    The application and development of prefabricated structure are not only supported by the material science and the idea of design , but also dependent on the construction and installation technology as well .

  3. 装配式结构标志底板优越性浅析

    The Study on Mark Slab Advantage of Fabricated Structure Mark Design

  4. 预压装配式结构是将混凝土构件通过施加预应力装配而成。

    Pre-stressing concrete fabricated structure is formed by applying concrete components with pre-stressing force .

  5. 由于其构件均为预制,具有装配式结构的优点。

    It has the advantages of the prefabricated structure because of the prefabricated components .

  6. 混凝土叠合结构的两阶段制造和二次受力使其兼有现浇和装配式结构之优点。

    The concrete composite structure has the merits of cast-in-site structure and assemble structure .

  7. 装配式结构体系的发展与建筑工业化

    Development of Assembly-Type RC Structure and Building Industrialization

  8. 一般来说,与建筑物相关的预制装配式结构分为两种。

    Generally speaking , prefabricated construction in relation to buildings is divided into two classes .

  9. 对预制装配式结构的型式进行选择。

    The major finished work is followed : ( 1 ) Choosing the type of the whole structure .

  10. 该系统采用高度模块化的装配式结构,由工程知识获取系统、综合求解运行系统和其他支持系统组成;

    It adopts high modular construction and includes knowledge acquisition system and synthetical problem solving system and other support systems .

  11. 由于装配式结构节点连接可靠性差,难以满足反复荷载下的受力要求。

    As the reliability of the fabricated structure node connection is poor , it is difficult to meet the requirement under repeated loading force .

  12. 由于构件连接预应力的作用,大大提高了装配式结构的整体性,克服了装配式结构节点连接可靠性差的缺点。

    As the role of the pre-stressing force which between the components has greatly improved the integrity of fabricated structures , the structure overcome the poor reliability of the fabricated structure connected nodes .

  13. 铝合金玻璃幕墙的发展主要体现在以下方面:金属框架结构体系发展为单元组合装配式结构;

    For instance , the development of aluminium alloy glass curtain wall has been brought forth with the following performances such as : 1 , the metallic frame structure system has been developed into an unit of fabricated structure ;

  14. 由于混凝土叠合结构是在预制构件上再次现浇一层混凝土而形成的装配式结构,故其兼具预制结构施工方便、缩短工期和现浇结构整体性能、抗震性能好等的优点。

    For the concrete composite structure was made by pouring concrete on prefabricated components to form fabricated structure , it had both advantages-convenient construction , short construction period of prefabricated structure and good entirety , seismic performance of cast-in-situ structure .

  15. 通过对目前建筑施工现状的分析,提出装配式结构体系的发展,不仅可以解决施工中存在的问题,而且是实现建筑工业化的关键。

    Based on the analysis of the status of building construction in China , the development of Assembled Structure System ( ASS ) can solve not only the problems in construction , but also is the key for realization of building industrialization .

  16. 装配式大板结构竖缝抗震性能研究

    Study on seismic behavior of vertical connection in prefabricated panel structures

  17. 装配式大板结构竖缝抗剪机理研究

    Study on Shear-resistance Mechanisms for Vertical Connections of Precast Reinforced Concrete Structures

  18. 装配式钢结构塔式起重机基础的设计及有限元分析

    Design and Finite Element Analysis of Assembled Steel Structure Tower Crane Foundation

  19. 预应力混凝土预压装配式框架结构设计理论与方法

    Theory and Method for Design of Pre-stressing Concrete Fabricated Frames

  20. 工厂化养鸡场装配式鸡舍结构优化的研究

    Study on Structure Optimization of assembly poultry-house of industrial Hennery

  21. 高层装配式大板结构模拟地震试验

    Earthquake simulation tests of tall buildings with precast large panel

  22. 浅埋装配式防护结构设计计算方法的研究

    Study on the Design Calculation Method of Shallow Buried Prefabricated Protection Structure

  23. 预制装配式混凝土结构的施工现状及改进建议

    Applications status of the prefabricated concrete structure technology and advises

  24. 装配式轻钢结构临建房屋技术性能与应用研究

    The technical performance and applied research on temporary light steel structure assembled housing

  25. 新型装配式组合结构对爆炸冲击波流场的影响

    Influence of newly-designed assembled structure on explosion field

  26. 接缝抗弯刚度是装配式衬砌结构设计的重要参数,工程中一般是通过接头的荷载试验来确定。

    Bending stiffness of segment joint is a important parameter in shield tunnel structure design .

  27. 混凝土叠合结构是当前国际上大力发展的一种装配整体式结构,试验表明,这种叠合板结构性能良好。

    Concrete composite structure is a great developing structure which combines precast with cast in situs in internationality at present .

  28. 装配式大板结构竖向齿槽接缝受剪承载力设计竖向接缝对连续刚构桥后期挠度的影响

    SHEAR CAPACITY OF VERTICAL-GROOVED CONNECTION IN PBP STRUCTURES Influence of Vertical Joints on the Post-Construction Deflection of Continuous Rigid Frame Bridges

  29. 装配式大板结构作为一种独特的建筑结构,有着其独有的优点,同时,其缺点也非常明显。

    Fabricated large panel structure as a kind of building structure has its unique advantages , at the same time its shortcomings are also obvious .

  30. 本文针对装配式大板结构水平接缝、竖向接缝及连系梁接缝各自的受力特征,提出了相应的设计计算方法,对楼板接缝和大板结构的整体稳定性设计,作了原则性的阐述。

    Design and Computation methods are presented for horizontal joints , vertical joints and ring beam joints in large panel buildings based on their mechanical characteristics .