
zhuānɡ shì cái liào
  • Decorative materials;trimming;finishing material
  1. 第四十二条违反本法的规定,擅自降低消防技术标准施工、使用防火性能不符合国家标准或者行业标准的建筑构件和建筑材料或者不合格的装修、装饰材料施工的,责令限期改正;

    Article 42 Those who , in violation of this law , arbitrarily lower technical standards on fire control in construction , us construction parts and materials not conforming the state standards or industrial standards or disqualified fitting and decoration materials during construction , shall be ordered to make corrections within a time limit ;

  2. 目的研究装饰材料挥发物对人体外周血淋巴细胞DNA损伤作用。

    Objective To study on DNA damage of human peripheral lymphocytes caused by the volatile compounds of decorated materials .

  3. 应用AHP评价建筑装饰材料的微环境学特性

    Evaluation of Interior Environment Characteristics of Building Decoration Materials with Analytic Hierarchy Process

  4. 当前企业在使用电子商务实现室内装饰材料及家具交易上,基本上是网上浏览,网下购买的方式,还没真正地实现一个基于Internet环境的完整的电子化交易过程。

    The currently application of EC on the indoor decorating material and furniture is scanning online , purchasing offline , not realizing a really transaction based on the internet .

  5. 装饰材料引起室内VOC污染的防治

    Control of Volatile Organic Compounds Pollution Caused by Building and Decoration Materials

  6. 结论装饰材料高浓度有机挥发物可引起小鼠外周血淋巴细胞DNA损伤,因此应加强对新装修场所的卫生监督、监测。

    Conclusion High concentration of the organic volatile chemical compounds would damage DNA of peripheral lymphocytes of mice , hence strengthening the supervision and surveillance over the newly decorated places is necessary .

  7. 欧洲正以每年15%的速度递增使用此产品,我国也不例外,UV板必将成为装饰材料行业必选的发展潮流!

    Europe is an annual increase rate of15 % using this product , China is no exception , UV board decorative materials will become the development trend of the industry will choose !

  8. 本公司主要生产高强、轻质双层玻璃精品石膏线、GRC外墙装饰材料。

    The company mainly produces high-strength , lightweight double glazing fine plaster line , GRC wall decoration materials .

  9. 装饰材料挥发物吸入染毒对大鼠IL-4、IL-5含量及ICAM-1mRNA表达的影响

    Effects of Volatile Organic Compounds Inhalation on the Content of IL-4 , IL-5 and the Expression Level of ICAM-1 mRNA in Rats

  10. PVC作为一种性能优秀的建筑装饰材料,被广泛应用于工业、农业、商业等各个领域,有着广阔的应用前景和巨大的市场需求。

    PVC has been widely used in industry , agricultural , commerce and other fields as a very ideal building material by its excellent characteristic , it has a good application prospect and huge market demand .

  11. CaO-Al2O3-SiO2(以下简称CAS)系统微晶玻璃是目前国内外流行的高档建筑装饰材料,具有一系列优异性能,其应用前景无比广阔。

    CaO-Al2O3-SiO2 glass ceramic is one of the most promising high-grade decoration materials all over the world because of its excellent performances .

  12. 并针对体育馆内各表面材料声学特性,利用VC通过ADO接口连接Access数据库,建立吸声材料查询系统,便于方案制定中吸声装饰材料的选择。

    Based on the acoustic characteristic of surface material in the interior of gymnasium , the query system of absorption material is built combining VC with Access by ADO interface . It is facilitate to choose the material in the solution formulation .

  13. VOC是造成室内空气污染的重要原因,室内装饰材料、家具及用品的环保程度直接关系到室内空气的质量。

    VOC is the main cause of interior air pollution , the environmental level of the decorate materials , furniture and others is connected with the quality of interior air directly .

  14. 在装修初期,建筑装饰材料较高的VOC散发率可能会影响室内的变量甚至影响人们的健康。

    For a short initial period the emission rate of dried materials from the installation of decorative boards is relatively high and may affect several indoor environmental variables including human health .

  15. 近些年的研究结果表明,现代建筑装饰材料中释放出的挥发性有机化合物(VOCs)是引起室内空气污染的主要因素之一。

    Recently , some of the research results show that the indoor air pollution caused by modern building decoration materials in release volatile organic compounds ( VOCs ) is one of the main factors .

  16. 新型建筑装饰材料和日用化学品的大量使用,使得挥发性有机化合物(VOCs)不断释放到室内,由此导致室内空气品质(IAQ)下降。

    Large amounts of volatile organic compounds ( VOCs ) are released to indoor environments because of building materials and commodities with VOCs used , and worsens indoor air quality ( IAQ ) .

  17. 采用本方法制备的(CdTeQDs/PLL)多层膜具有光致发光性能和良好的抗菌生物活性等优点,可将其应用于构建抗菌涂层装饰材料等。

    Using this method , the prepared ( CdTe QDs / PLL ) multilayer films have good photoluminescence and exciting antibacterial properties . It may have potential application as an antibacterial decoration coating . 4 .

  18. 建立了辐射地板供暖的传热模型,利用SIMPLER计算程序模拟计算了地表装饰材料和埋管保温层性能对辐射地板换热和地表温度分布的影响,得出了地板内部的温度场分布规律。

    Establishes a heat transfer model for the radiant floor heating system . Analyses the effect of the flooring material and insulation layer on the heat transfer and temperature distribution by numerical simulation using the SIMPLER program and obtains the temperature distribution inside the floor .

  19. 黄绿色SrAl2O4;Eu,Dy长余辉蓄能材料是于二十世纪中期出现,并在九十年代得到迅速发展的夜间照明和装饰材料。

    A new type of long afterglow phosphor SrAl2O4 : Eu , Dy , which can be used to night illumination and decoration , has been synthesized and got rapid development in the middle of 20th century .

  20. 挥发性有机物(VOCs)是一种重要的大气污染物,主要产生于燃料燃烧、交通运输和装修装饰材料等方面,对人类赖以生存的自然环境造成了危害,并严重威胁着人体的健康。

    Volatile organic compounds ( VOCs ) are very important air pollutants which derived principally from combustion of fuel , transportation , decorative materials and so on . They have caused various environmental problems and serious harm to human health .

  21. 挥发性有机物(VOC),主要来源于建筑材料、室内装饰材料、生活和办公用品及室外工业废气等,对人类健康的危害正得到人们越来越多的重视。

    Volatile organic compounds ( VOC ), which is mainly from building materials , indoor decoration materials , life and office supplies , outdoor industrial waste gas , and so on , have attracted increasing attention since it influences human health .

  22. 丙酮(C3H6O)和甲醛(CH2O)是两种典型的小分子挥发性有机污染物,广泛产生于工业生产过程及装饰材料中。

    Acetone ( C3H6O ) and formaldehyde ( CH2O ) are two typical little molecular materials of VOCs which generated in the industry fields and decorative materials .

  23. 软木树皮和沉木是很好的装饰材料。

    Cork bark and driftwood are attractive items to decorate with .

  24. 微晶玻璃/金属复合新型装饰材料的研究

    The Study on the Glass-Ceramic / Metal Composite New Decorative Material

  25. 装饰材料释放物对小鼠的免疫毒性检测

    Toxicity Test of Decorative Material to the Immune Function of Mice

  26. 装饰材料在室内设计教学中的作用与地位浅论

    Role and Status of Interior Decorative Materials in Teaching Interior Design

  27. 利用废旧纤维材料制造汽车内装饰材料

    Fabrication of Vehicle Interior Decorative Material Utilizing the Waste Fiber Material

  28. 建筑装饰材料污染物散发影响因素研究

    Research on the Influencing Factors of VOCs Emission from Building Materials

  29. 多彩花纹涂料是一种理想的建筑装饰材料。

    Multi colour pattern coating is an ideal building decorating material .

  30. 蚕丝纤维织物是汽车、飞机的良好的内装饰材料

    Silk Fabric a Satisfactory Material for Internal Decoration of Cars and Aircrafts