
  • 网络Installed power
  1. 为解决液压电梯装机功率和能耗大的问题,提出一种采用闭式油路的变频(VVVF)控制液压电梯系统。

    To solve the disadvantages of large installed power and high energy consumption in hydraulic elevators , the variable voltage variable frequency ( VVVF ) controlled hydraulic elevator system with closed circuit was proposed .

  2. 装机功率减少40%-70%。

    Installed power reduction of 40 % - 70 % .

  3. 在这些系统中应用该动力单元可简化液压系统,降低装机功率和能耗,提高系统的性能。

    The installed power and energy consumption were reduced , and the structure of the application system was simplified .

  4. 由于不采用配重,液压电梯的装机功率与能耗都超过普通曳引式电梯。

    Without balance weights , the required power supply of hydraulic elevators are more than that of traction elevators .

  5. 随着乳化液泵单机装机功率的增大,要求乳化液泵站安全有效运行迫在眉睫。

    With the the power increase of Emulsion Pump Station , the demand of safety work is in the face .

  6. 净化系统装机功率小于2kW/1000m3、运行成本小于3.7元/1000m3。

    The purification system installed power was less than 2kw / 1000m3 , and the running cast was less than 3.7yuan/1000m3 .

  7. 该设备操作方便、装机功率小、生产率高,曲粉质量符合酿酒工艺要求,粉尘浓度、噪音指标均达国家标准。

    The quality of the treated starter powder was in accord with liquor-making requirements and dust concentration and noise indexes met national requirements .

  8. 介绍了远红外节能烘箱的结构尺寸、装机功率的计算、远红外辐射元件的选择、保温材料的选择、结构特点及温度控制方法。

    Tructural dimensions , power calculation , selection of infra-red radiation element and heat holding material , construction feature and heat control are introduced .

  9. 输气管道压气站装机功率及备用系数的选择,直接影响到输气管道正常运行的可用性、可靠性和经济性。

    Selection of installed capacity or stand-by factor of compression station has a direct impact on the availability , reliability and economics of gas pipelines .

  10. 游梁式抽油机减速箱净扭矩波动剧烈致使电动机平均工作效率低下及装机功率过高是产生这种电能高耗的主要原因。

    The major cause of big power consumption is high installed power and low average electric motor work efficiency , which is caused by hugely fluctuation of reduction gearbox output torque .

  11. 推导出加权全局条件数、平台装机功率等性能指标的表达式,分析了各性能指标与结构参数的关系。

    The expressions of weighted global condition number , installed power of parallel platform and other performance indices were deduced . The relations between performance indices and structure parameters were analyzed .

  12. 给出装机功率的计算方法,说明该系统能够极大降低装机功率。

    The calculating method of installed power of the improved hydraulic elevator is presented , and so it is clear that the installed power of the system can be reduced greatly .

  13. 对闭式系统中泵、马达之间的功率匹配进行了研究。在系统中采用了功率反馈的形式,提高了使用效率,降低了装机功率;

    The power matching between pump and motor in close system was studied , the form of power feedback was adopted in this system , thus using efficiency was elevated , the installed capacity was reduced .

  14. 根据推力计算出推动器的输出功率后,可通过厂家提供的产品螺旋桨效率η螺和电机效率η电机来求得推动器所需要的轴功率和装机功率。

    After calculating the output power of submersible propeller based on thrust , the axial power and the installed power necessary for submersible propeller can be calculated by efficiency of propeller and efficiency of motor which are supplied by the manufactory .

  15. 从功率匹配和最小实现的角度,提出了多负载液压恒压网络功率完备匹配的概念及结构条件,给出了基于装机功率最小原则的运行方式的确定方法;

    In point of power match and minimum realization , the concept of complete power match of the multi-load hydraulic constant pressure systems was proposed . A method for determining the running condition in respect of the minimum power was also presented .

  16. 设计和应用研究表明在液压电梯和液压抽油机中应用本课题系统,能改善整个系统的性能,简化系统结构,节省安装空间,降低系统装机功率和能耗。

    According to design and application research , the characteristics hydraulic elevator and hydraulic oil pumping unit are improved by using the system above . The installed power and energy consumption are reduced , and the structure of the application system is simplified .

  17. 把装机比功率控制在8~10马力/百米的范围之内;

    Specific power limited in the range of 8 to 10 HP per 100 meters ;