
yín huī sè
  • silver gray;silvery grey
  1. 由于雨打日晒,墙变成了银灰色。

    The wall weathered to silvery grey .

  2. 在高光部分,它被染成暗淡的银灰色。

    In highlights it hued to a dull silver-grey .

  3. 米歇尔专为这个早春系列(cruisecollection)设计了一款印有品牌标识的银灰色T恤衫(soft-washedT-shirt)。

    For his cruise collection , Michele designed a soft-washed T-shirt with printed logo detail .

  4. 推出两款银灰色布洛克鞋的西蒙娜圠蹿(SimoneRocha)说自己得借此机会感谢零售商一如既往的支持。

    Simone Rocha , who offered two silver brogue designs , says it was her opportunity to thank the retailer for its continued support .

  5. 一种繁缕,其叶多毛,呈银灰色,花大,呈白色。

    Chickweed with hairy silver-gray leaves and rather large white flowers .

  6. 那晚苏珊穿着白色与银灰色相间的晚礼服,看上去光彩照人。

    Susan looked radiant that night in her white and silver dress .

  7. 他是一个高高的,帅气的小伙子,拥有银灰色的头发。

    He was a tall , good-looking man , with silver gray hair .

  8. 这小汽车是银灰色的。

    His hair is going gray at the temples .

  9. 超薄型银灰色反光地膜生产工艺研究

    Study on manufacturing process of super thin silver gray reflecting ground cover film

  10. 蚜虫对金黄色具有正趋性,对银灰色具有负趋性。

    The aphid possess positive taxis to golden and negative taxis to silver grey .

  11. 阀门需上尺度红色氧化底漆和银灰色面漆。

    Valve to be supplied with standard aluminium paint finish over red oxide primer .

  12. 银灰色的无翅昆虫,出没于家庭中吃书中的粘胶和浆洗过的衣物。

    Silver-gray wingless insect found in houses feeding on book bindings and starched clothing .

  13. 合金钢的银灰色磷化处理

    The Silver Grey Phosphating Process of Alloy Steel

  14. 银灰色的天穹上,落日只剩下最后一抹玫瑰色的余辉。

    The sunset was merely a flush of rose on a dome of silver .

  15. 靠甲壳类动物维持生活的银灰色大西洋海豹。

    Silvery gray Antarctic seal subsisting on crustaceans .

  16. 聚乙烯银灰色地膜的研制麻风病人的畸残调查

    Preparation and Study of Polyethylene Silver Grey Mulching Film Investigation of Deformity and Disability in Leprosy

  17. 他的鱼躺在碎冰桶里,其中有银灰色的金枪鱼和带闪光条纹的欧洲鲈鱼。

    His fish lie in tubs of crushed ice : steel-colored tuna and glittering striped bass .

  18. 梅拉妮浅银灰色是很难维持的发色因为新头发很快会显现出来

    Melanie , Platinum blonde is a hard hair color to have because it grows out fast .

  19. 集成电路看上去就象一个小小的银灰色的正方形块或金属块。

    An integrated circuit looks like nothing more than a tiny silver-gray square or chip of metal .

  20. 我去年买了它们的妈妈辈植物,我收集了它们那些银灰色的种子。

    I got their mom plant last year , and I gathered their silver grey tiny seeds .

  21. 某种像液体一样的、银灰色的东西簌簌地滑落到地板上,聚成一堆,闪闪发亮。

    Something fluid and silvery gray went slithering to the floor where it lay in gleaming folds .

  22. 说明:银灰色金属锭,有金属光泽,在空气中可渐渐氧化。

    Description : Silver gray metal ingots with metallic luster , It can be gradually oxidized in air .

  23. 戴姆勒公司的蓝色和银灰色豪车迈巴赫首次亮相,流行歌手丽安娜•刘易斯担任车模。

    Daimler debuted the blue and silver Maybach at the show , with entertainment by pop singer Leona Lewis .

  24. 雷富礼先生有着一头短而直的银灰色头发,并有一种沉静的领袖气质,他的入场引起了不小的骚动。

    With his spiky , silver-grey hair and quiet charisma , Mr Lafley 's arrival caused quite a stir .

  25. 偏僻的小溪黎明的时候是乳白色的,阳光下是剑蓝色,朦胧的月色下则呈银灰色。

    Lonely creeks are opal in the dawn , sword-blue in the sun , grayly silver under misty moons .

  26. 如果俯视这个广场一对银灰色树皮的大树非常显眼,春天这里是鸟儿做巢的地方。

    Dominating the square are a couple of silver barked trees which in the spring are alive with nesting birds .

  27. 她带着眼镜,穿一条银灰色连衣短裙,露出长而白皙的双腿。

    She was wearing a pair of glass and a short silver gray frock , baring her long white-skinned legs .

  28. 产品形状为片状、块状、色泽光亮,呈银灰色。

    The product shape for the laminated shape , massive , the luster is luminous , assumes the silver-gray color .

  29. 物理状态:高纯锆为银灰色棒状晶条,具有金属光泽。其内部和表面不带有非金属夹杂物和蓝膜。

    Physical features : crystal bar in silver grey lustre , without non-metal inclusion and blue film on the surface or the inner .

  30. 其中的小说《沉沦》、《南迁》、《银灰色的死》包含大量的对德国和英国浪漫主义作家作品的引用。

    In this collection , such stories as Sinking , Moving South and Silver-gray Death teem with citations from German and English romantic works .