
jiē shi
  • solid;sturdy;durable;strong;bear fruit;stout


jiē shí
  • bear fruit;seed;fructify;fruit
结实 [jiē shi]
  • [bear fruit]∶植物结果实

  • (1) [stout]

  • (2) 强健

  • 张胖子长得很结实

  • (3) 牢固

  • 结实的靴子保护着他们的脚

结实[jiē shí]
结实[jiē shi]
  1. 雪已经融化了,但是湖面上仍然冻得结结实实的。

    The snow had melted , but the lake was still frozen solid

  2. 这种床垫最好放在结实的床板上。

    The mattress is best on a solid bed base

  3. 要不是这车结实,根本走不完这段路程。

    A less rugged vehicle would never have made the trip .

  4. 我把箱子盖上,用绳子捆结实。

    I closed and roped the trunk .

  5. 他长着一副结实的方下巴。

    He has a strong square jaw .

  6. 这艘船造得结实。

    The boat was sturdily made .

  7. 他身材真结实。

    He 's a real hunk .

  8. 家具做得非常结实。

    The furniture was robustly constructed .

  9. 她是个60岁出头、身材矮小结实的女人。

    She was a short , sturdy woman in her early sixties

  10. 该皮革柔软而结实,足以用上数年。

    The leather is supple and sturdy enough to last for years

  11. 这种织物非常结实,能经受粗加工。

    The fabric is strong enough to withstand harsh processing .

  12. 他是个大块头,结实得像棵橡树。

    He was a huge man , built like an oak tree .

  13. 路上通常石头很多,所以最好穿结实耐磨的靴子。

    The paths are often very rocky so strong boots are advisable .

  14. 他矮壮结实,脖子很粗。

    He was short and stocky , and had a thick neck .

  15. 这些椅子构造轻巧,但却极为结实。

    The chairs were light in construction yet extremely strong .

  16. 这种结实的高强度塑料盒子在水下100英尺以内是防水的。

    The durable high-impact plastic case is water resistant to 100 feet .

  17. 在两块结实的烤板上抹些油,把烤炉加热到400度。

    Grease two sturdy baking sheets and heat the oven to 400 degrees

  18. 如果土壤过干,植株可能会过早结实。

    If the soil dries out the plants may bolt .

  19. 跟大部分运动员一样,她身形清瘦,肌肉结实。

    Like most athletes , she was lean and muscular

  20. 你自己要准备好结实的步行靴和拐杖。

    Equip yourself with stout walking boots and sticks .

  21. 我们一直专注于制造极为结实耐用而且设计简单的机器。

    We 've always specialised in making very robust , simply designed machinery .

  22. 它由3块坚固的木板做成,很结实。

    It was very strong , made of three solid planks of wood .

  23. 我们在她位于贝尔格莱德的公寓里进行了交谈,那屋里满是结实的老式棕色家具。

    We talk in her Belgrade flat , full of heavy old brown furniture

  24. 我的马虽矮小,但精瘦结实,走路稳当。

    My horse is small but wiry and sure-footed .

  25. 粗花呢从不过时,手感很好,结实耐磨。

    Tweed is timeless , tactile and tough .

  26. 雅各布斯身材结实,脸色红润。

    Jacobs was a stout , florid man .

  27. 操作台是由结实的山毛榉木做成的。

    The worktop is made of solid beech .

  28. 我希望你们俩都有结实的鞋子。

    I hope you 've both got stout shoes

  29. 安德烈娅给了儿子结结实实一顿痛打。

    Andrea gave her son a sound spanking .

  30. 他长得清瘦而结实,体格健美。

    His body is wiry and athletic .