
jié lùn
  • conclusion;consequent;inference;verdict;epilogue;epilog
结论 [jié lùn]
  • (1) [conclusion]

  • (2) 从一定的前提推论得到的结果

  • (3) 对事物的做出的总结性判断

结论[jié lùn]
  1. 有各种原因促使我作出那个结论。

    There are various reasons that impel me to that conclusion .

  2. 她认为现在下确切的结论还为时过早。

    She considers that it is too early to form a definite conclusion .

  3. 从讨论中我们可以有把握地得出一些结论。

    We can safely draw some conclusions from our discussion .

  4. 他们得出的结论大有问题。

    The conclusions that they come to are highly questionable .

  5. 这些结论不可能推及全国。

    These conclusions cannot be generalized to the whole country .

  6. 报告的结论是,无须作任何重大变更。

    The report concluded that no substantive changes were necessary .

  7. 读者需要自己去得出结论。

    The reader is left to draw his or her own conclusions .

  8. 结论是,需要作出的变更程度很低。

    It was concluded that the level of change necessary would be low .

  9. 你又犯老毛病了:匆匆下结论。

    There you go again ─ jumping to conclusions .

  10. 我又犯老毛病了,冒冒失失地就下结论。

    There I go again ─ jumping to conclusions .

  11. 你从这个报告中得出了什么结论?

    What conclusions did you draw from the report ?

  12. 现将我们的几点结论综述如下。

    The following is a summary of our conclusions .

  13. 他们正在等待医生的诊断结论。

    They are waiting for the doctor 's diagnosis .

  14. 这就必然得出一个结论:这两件事互有关联。

    This leads to the inescapable conclusion that the two things are connected .

  15. 从小孩的观点来看这是个合乎情理的结论。

    It was a logical conclusion from the child 's point of view .

  16. 两个彼此不相关的研究部门得出了同样的结论。

    Two independent research bodies reached the same conclusions .

  17. 你是如何得出这个结论的?

    What led you to this conclusion ?

  18. 你从这件事中得出了什么结论?

    What do you conclude from that ?

  19. 很少有人会不同意这个结论。

    Few will argue with this conclusion .

  20. 你的结论无可辩驳。

    Nobody could quarrel with your conclusions .

  21. 陪审团花了很长时间才得出结论认为她有罪。

    It took the jury some time to reach the conclusion that she was guilty .

  22. 他的结论是这座城市过分重视规划设计了。

    The city , he concluded , had overdosed on design .

  23. 原谅我,我不该草率地下结论。

    Forgive me . I shouldn 't be jumping to conclusions .

  24. 由她的信可以得出两个结论。

    There were two inferences to be drawn from her letter .

  25. 从上文描述的结果中可以得出几个结论。

    Several conclusions could be drawn from the results described above

  26. 埃莉诺也被详细审查,结论经常是不够格。

    Eleanor was scrutinized , too , and often found wanting

  27. 他说他还不能对几起谋杀下结论。

    He says he cannot yet draw any conclusions about the murders .

  28. 布雷赫特的结论是他的电影剧本已被窜改。

    Brecht 's verdict was that his screenplay had been mutilated

  29. 相关科学家对不同模型的结论给予不同的权重。

    The scientists involved put different weight on the conclusions of different models

  30. 这次审讯将得出自杀的结论。

    The inquest will bring in a verdict of suicide .