
  1. 结晶岩系中都有高压变质岩,且在10Ma以来均发生过深熔与混合岩化作用;

    Similar high-pressure metamorphic rocks which overprinted by the re-melting of crust and migmatization younger than 10 Ma ;

  2. 喜马拉雅结晶岩系中的石榴子石

    Garnets of crystalline rocks in the Himalayas

  3. 藏南亚东地区前寒武纪结晶岩系以往统称为“聂拉木群”。

    The Precambrian crystalline rock series in the Yadong area is previously called " the Nyalam Group " .

  4. 东秦岭秦岭岩群是一套中深变质结晶岩系,主要由片麻岩、斜长角闪岩、变粒岩和大理岩组成。

    The Qinling Group is lithologically composed of four closely related but different rock sequences , gneiss , amphibolite , metadolerite and marble .

  5. 佛坪变质结晶岩系主体可能形成于古元古代,年龄2000Ma左右。

    The main part of the Foping metamorphic crystalline rock series possibly formed in the Paleoproterozoic , with an age of - 2 000 Ma .

  6. 区域地壳结构有基底结晶岩系(新太古界)和褶皱岩系(中新元古界),盖层为古生界,自上震旦统至二叠系基本连续出露。

    The crustal components in the region include : late Archean crystallization basement , middle-late Proterozoic fold series and Paleozoic cover of upper Sinian to Permian stratigraphic system .

  7. 对分布在高喜马拉雅带中的结晶岩系进行了重新划分,在其下部新建立亚东岩群。

    The crystalline rock series distributed in the Higher Himalaya belt is divided again , and the Yadong Group-complex is newly established in the low part of the series .

  8. 用丰度关系法计算分离结晶岩浆岩系总分配系数

    Calculation on the general distribution coefficient of the fractional crystallization magma series by the relationship of abundance

  9. 出露于湘东北九岭&幕阜山岭之中的连云山杂岩属于古元古代结晶基底岩系。

    The Lianyunshan complex , cropping in the Jiuling Mufushan range in the northeastern Hunan Province , belongs to the paleo Proterozoic crystalline basement rocks .