
  • 网络yanshan movement;Yanshanian Movement;yenshan movement
  1. 推覆构造产生于J3t之后,K1d之前,系燕山运动中晚期,向下切割及叠加在早期F1滑覆构造系统之上。构造发育规律对找煤勘探具有重要的指导意义。

    The nappe structures , which generated in the middle late period of Yanshan movement between J 3t and K 1d , cut down and superimposed on the slide stacking structure system created in the early F 1.The regularities of structural development have important significance for the coal exploration .

  2. 燕山运动大致可分为三个序次:褶皱逆冲断层张性断层。

    Yanshan movement can be divided to three orders ; fold-thrust-gaping fault .

  3. 早燕山运动使渤海湾地区形成宽缓的大型NE向褶皱变形,并使早&中侏罗世盆地发生反转和逆冲断层变形;

    Some large-scale gentle folds trending in northeast direction developed during Early Yanshanian movement in Bohai Bay province and had resulted in deformation and inversion of Early-Middle Jurassic basin .

  4. 结合硫和氢氧同位素测定结果,成矿流体是燕山运动阶段的地表水沿断裂深循环,特别是在富K、富Au的凝灰岩中往复循环作用形成的。

    Linking with determined results on sulfur and oxyhydrogen , the mineralization fluid formed from the deep circulation of the surface water along the fracture , especially from circulation repeating in the potassium-and gold-rich tuff .

  5. 燕山运动和中国大陆晚中生代的活化

    The Yanshanian orogeny and late Mesozoic activation in China Continent

  6. 盆地经历印支运动、燕山运动、喜山运动的改造。

    This basin was reformed in Yinzhi movement , Yanshan movement and Ximalaya movement .

  7. 试论湖南晚燕山运动

    On the late Yanshanian movement in Hunan Province

  8. 论北京地区燕山运动

    On the Yanshan movement in Beijing area

  9. 四海地区髫髻山组后城组火山岩形成于燕山运动早期或中期阶段的造山变形事件趋于结束时的构造环境中。

    The volcanic rocks erupted in late stage of the early or middle Yanshanian deformation episode .

  10. 第二期原油注入为燕山运动中期,成熟度相对较高。

    The second one in middle Yanshan movement , with relatively high maturity of crude oil .

  11. 印支、燕山运动对四川三叠纪(钾)盐盆地的控矿和改造

    The control and modification of Indosinian and Yanshanian Movement over the Triassic ( kalium ) salt-bearing Basins in Sichuan

  12. 分析了燕山运动和喜马拉雅运动在准噶尔盆地油气运移和聚集中的作用。

    The effect of Yanshan movement and Himalayan orogeny on hydrocarbon migration and accumulation in Junggar basin is analyzed .

  13. 燕山运动控制着盆地次一级构造单元的格局及局部构造的形成。

    Formation of the secondary structural units of the basin and formation of local structures are controlled by Yanshan movement .

  14. 早中侏罗世湘南172~181Ma的花岗闪长岩可能代表了燕山运动早期古太平洋板块向华南之下俯冲的起始时间。

    The 172 ~ 18l Ma age of granodiorites in south Hunan may represent the start time of Palaeo-Pacific subduction .

  15. 主要发育二叠系、三叠系、侏罗系多套烃源岩,燕山运动早期、中&晚期及喜马拉雅运动期为烃源岩的主要生、排烃高峰期。

    The periods of early , middle-late Yanshan movement and Himalayan movement are its major periods for hydrocarbon generation and expelling .

  16. 晚期形成于燕山运动主幕以后,属原生油气藏。

    The later hydrocarbon reservoirs were oil and gas ones originally , which formed after the main episode of Yanshanian orogeny .

  17. 晚海西运动、晚燕山运动对盆地烃源岩的成熟具有重要的影响。

    The thermal events of late Hercynian movement and late Yanshanian movement has great effects on the maturation of source rocks .

  18. 桌子山形成于燕山运动时期,山体主要由古老的结晶片岩和砂岩构成。

    Table Mountain was formed in Yanshan movement period , the mountain mainly by the crystallization of ancient schist and sandstone .

  19. 燕山运动造成了本区基底构造的基本轮廓&北东向雁列式隆起与拗陷。

    The fundamental framework of geological structure of bedrock in Beijing plain was created due to Yanshan Movement in this region .

  20. 燕山运动末期,秦岭地区造山活动结束,伸展拉张作用由北向南展开。

    In the terminal time of Yanshan movement , with orogeny finishing , extensional tectonic system developed from north to south .

  21. 江苏地温分布主要受燕山运动以来,特别是挽近地质时期仍然活动的构造体系(主要是新华夏系和华夏式构造)的控制。

    The thermal distribution in Jiangsu are controlled largely by tectonic systems since Yanshanian movement , especially Neocathaysian and Cathaysian structural systems .

  22. 是在燕山运动末期、在中生代潜山背景上发育起来的北北东走向的下第三系低潜山披覆构造带。

    It is a NNE-strike low buried-hill draping structural belt on the Mesozoic buried hill at the last phase of Yanshan movement .

  23. 文中数值模拟工作对进一步理解燕山运动发生的深部背景即来源于软流圈的贡献有一定的意义。

    The numerical simulation of this paper is of significance in understanding the deep tectonic background of the generation of Yanshan movement .

  24. 中晚三叠世的印支运动和中侏罗世的早燕山运动为构造热事件,对三叠系烃源岩成熟起到重要作用。

    The Indosinian movement and early Yanshanian movement are tectonic thermal events which play an important role in the maturity of source rock .

  25. 受海西运动和燕山运动的影响,形成深浅两套断裂系统。

    Affected by Hercynian movement and Yanshan movement , two rift systems - the shallow rift system and the deep rift system take shapes .

  26. 晚期燕山运动使柴达木盆地进入了整体沉降的坳陷阶段,有利于烃源岩的迅速成熟生烃;

    Due to Late Yanshan Movement , the whole Qaidam Basin entered into depressing stage which was favorable for rapid maturation of source rock .

  27. 中国的金矿成矿作用主要发生在这四次造山运动的晚期,特别燕山运动的晚期。

    Gold deposits in China were formed in the late period of the four orogenic movements , especially in the late period of Yanshanian Orogeny .

  28. 中国东部燕山运动、西部喜马拉雅运动都达到全球陆内构造运动高峰。

    The Yanshan movement in Eastern China and the Himalayan movement in Western China all reached to the peak of intracontinental orogeny in the earth .

  29. 燕山运动早-中期,库拉-太平洋板块与欧亚板块的相互强烈挤压作用是该推覆构造的主要动力来源。

    The intensive compression between the Kula-Pacific plate and the Eurasian plate of early-middle period of Yanshan movement was the main power to form this nappe structure .

  30. 影响研究区的关键性的构造运动为:印支早期运动,安县运动,印支晚期运动,燕山运动,喜山期运动。

    The key tectonic movements that effect this study area contain : early Indo movement , Anxian movement , late Indo movement , Yanshan movement , Himalayan movement .