
  • 网络Xingkai Lake;Khanka Lake;lake khanka
  1. 兴凯湖自然保护区生态质量模糊综合评价

    Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation on Ecological Quality of Xingkai Lake Nature Reserve

  2. 中国兴凯湖鱼类资源调查及保护策略研究

    Survey of Fishery Resources in Xingkai Lake and its Protection Strategy

  3. 兴凯湖自然保护区湖岗春季鸟类多样性调查与分析

    The Bird Biodiversity in Spring in Xingkai Lake Natural Reserve

  4. 小兴凯湖的水生植被及其生态作用

    Aquatic vegetation of small Xingkai Lake and its ecological effects

  5. 兴凯湖秋季丹顶鹤觅食生境初步研究

    Foraging Habitat of Red-crowned Crane in Autumn in Xingkai Lake

  6. 兴凯湖湿地保护区鸟类多样性调查

    The Survey on Bird Diversity in Xingkai Lake , China

  7. 兴凯湖松瘤锈病损失量的研究

    Study on the losses of Xingkai Lake pine gall rust

  8. 兴凯湖梅花鹿鹿茸几种化学成分分析

    Analysis of Several Chemical Compositions of Pilose Antler in Xingkai Lake Sika Deer

  9. 黑龙江省兴凯湖保护区的基本特点及其有效管理

    Xingkai Lake Reserve in Heilongjiang Province , its Main Features And Effective Management

  10. 兴凯湖自然保护区昆虫区系特征

    The insects fauna character in Xingkai Lake Nature Reserve

  11. 黑龙江、绥芬河、兴凯湖渔业水域水质及评价

    Water quality and evaluation of fishery waters of Heilongjiang

  12. 兴凯湖第二泄洪闸消力池底板施工技术

    Constructure technique of No.2 sluice gate force reduction pool bottom in Xingkai Lake

  13. 兴凯湖湿地是东北亚最大的候鸟迁徙通道,也是迄今为止中国惟一的一个国际性自然保护区。

    Khanka wetland is the biggest passage in northeast Asia for bird migration .

  14. 兴凯湖浮游植物多样性及群落结构研究

    Biodiversity and Community of Phytoplankton in Xingkai Lake

  15. 兴凯湖自然保护区的兽类资源

    Mammalian Resources in The Xingkai Lake Natural Reserve

  16. 目的:调查黑龙江省兴凯湖鼠的种类及生态习性。

    Objective : To investigate species and ecological habits of rodents in Xingkai Lakes .

  17. 兴凯湖主要经济鱼类年龄结构与物种多样性研究

    Research on Age Structure and Species Diversity of Major Economic Fish in Xingkai Lake

  18. 野生兴凯湖翘嘴鲌钙和磷含量比一般常见养殖鱼类高。

    The calcium and phosphorus content of wild fish are higher than the common ones .

  19. 浅谈关于恢复兴凯湖湖岗植被

    Discussion on Recovering Vegetation around Xingkai Lake

  20. 兴凯湖地区东方白鹳迁徙动态及其停歇地环境条件研究

    Research on the Migration Trends of Oriental White Stork and Environmental Factors of Parking Area

  21. 兴凯湖梅花鹿血液蛋白多态性及其与产茸性状的相关分析

    Correlation Analysis of Blood Protein Polymorphism and Antler Traits of Sika Deer in Xingkai Lake Farm

  22. 兴凯湖保护区社会政策环境指标处于临界范围的边缘。

    Social policy and environmental indicators of Xingkai Lake reserve in the critical range of edge .

  23. 兴凯湖自然保护区丹顶鹤生态生物学初步研究

    A preliminary study on Ecological biology of the red crowned cranes in the Xingkai Lake Natural Protected Area

  24. 研究结果表明:兴凯湖翘嘴鲌的胚胎发育时序和特征符合鲌亚科鱼类胚胎发育的一般规律。

    The results showed , that the characteristics of embryonic development consistent with the general rules of the subfamily Culter .

  25. 中国兴凯湖北岸平原晚全新世花粉记录及泥炭沼泽形成

    Pollen Record and Forming Process of the Peatland in Late Holocene in the North Bank of the Xingkai Lake , China

  26. 对兴凯湖保护区规划建设、湿地生物多样性保护、资源的可持续利用,以及建立国际自然保护区等方面都将具有一定的实际指导意义。

    The conclusions will give the guidance for building regulation , biodiversity conservation of wetlands , sustainable utilization of resources , construction of international nature reserve .

  27. 鱼类区系调查中,经鉴定,兴凯湖共有鱼类41种,隶属于6目11科35属,其中鲤形目鲤科鱼类最多,占全部种类的65.85%,是兴凯湖鱼类组成的主体。

    A total of 41 species were found , belonging to 6 orders , 11 families 35 genera , of which Cypriniformes Cyprinidae were largest , accounting for 65.85 % , which were the main categories of fish fauna composition in Xingkai Lake .

  28. 本文通过对兴凯湖湿地自然保护区生态质量的评价研究以为保护区的保护管理提供一些参考依据。

    This paper can provide some references for the protection and management of this area based on the ecological quality evaluation of the Xingkai Wetland Nature Reserve . First , this paper conducted the review about the current evaluation of relevant domestic and foreign research in detail .