
xīng lì kù róng
  • utilizable capacity
兴利库容[xīng lì kù róng]
  1. 年调节水库兴利库容模糊聚类推求方法初探

    Preliminary Study on Fuzzy Classification Method to Determine Yearly-Reservoir 's Active Storage

  2. 用状态转移概率矩阵计算水库兴利库容的探讨可用库容问题的研究

    Discussion about Calculating Effective Capacity of a Reservoir with Stale Transfer Probability Matrix

  3. 推求水库兴利库容的一种改进方法

    An Improving Method of Planning of Reservoir Storage Capacity

  4. 同时,坝基截渗后可以减少水库渗漏量,增加兴利库容。

    At the same time , after the cut-off can reduce reservoir leakage , increasing irrigation storage .

  5. 不同林地类型土壤水库的库容组成,均表现为兴利库容>死库容>防洪库容。

    Capacities of forest soil reservoir in different forest lands follow the rule , storage capacity > dead capacity > flood control capacity .

  6. 兴利库容分别为326.87、332.21和309.94mm,分别是裸露地的1.23、1.25、1.17倍;

    Storage capacity in them was 326.87 , 332.21 and 309.94 ? mm , 1.23 , 1.25 and 1.17 times as high as that in the CK respectively ;

  7. 利用VISUALLISP开发的水库兴利调节程序,在AutoCAD环境下实现了兴利库容和调节流量的快速计算,为水库兴利调节提供了一种方便、快捷的新途径。

    A program in Visual Lisp for reservoir profiting regulation is developed . Based on the AutoCAD environment , a computing program for profiting reservoir capacity and flux regulation is implemented , consequently provides a new and quick calculation way of profiting regulation .

  8. 本文从水库兴利调节计算的基本方程出发,通过对水库面积~库容曲线局部线性化,推导出一种推求水库兴利库容的改进方法。

    Based on the reservoir of mass balance equation , an improving method of planning of reservoir storage capacity is developed , through locally linearizing the curve of the reservoir area-storage volume relationship .