
xīnɡ xué
  • establish schools;set up schools
兴学 [xīng xué]
  • [establish schools;construct schools] 兴办学校,振兴教育

  • 捐资兴学

  1. 王令以儒学为立身之本,特别重视自身道德修养,追求以儒道兴学,以儒术治国。

    Wang made the conduct of the Confucianism , especially paid attention to his own morality . He seeks to set up schools of Confucianism and to conduct people with Confucianism .

  2. 第一部分:“崇宁兴学”的历史背景和社会条件。

    This movement has deep and complicated historical background and social terms .

  3. 地方士子也依家族、村庙兴学设教。

    Local Scholars also set schools in the family or the village temple .

  4. 筚路蓝缕,磨血兴学&近代湖南教育家群体简介

    Spare No Pains for Private Education-Educationists-Group in Modern Hunan

  5. 发展是高校治教兴学的第一要务

    Developing : the First Important Task of Teaching Supervising and Learning Promotion in Colleges and Universities

  6. 清末僧教育会与寺院兴学的兴起

    On the Buddhist Educational Societies and rising of schools initiated by temples in the Late Qing Dynasty

  7. 其次阐明了“崇宁兴学”的三个直接的社会条件。

    Then three direct social terms are explained for " Setting up Schools During Chongning Period " .

  8. 泉州侨乡捐资兴学的历史考察与现实作用研究

    Study on the History and Practical Effect of Education Donation of the Hometown of Overseas in Quanzhou

  9. 深入研究和弘扬大学捐赠文化,正确倡导捐赠兴学对大学的发展有深远的意义。

    The research on the culture of donation to universities is significant for the development of universities .

  10. 又过了一年,乔结婚,住在马姑妈的房子里,并在此兴学。

    Within the next year , Jo was married , living in aunt march 's house and running a school .

  11. 由于缺乏兴办新式教育的经验,近代中国兴学观念、学制系统乃至一些具体措施,都来自对西方国家的模仿;

    The ideals and systems of modern Chinese education came from the developed countries because of lacking experience of running new schools .

  12. 通过考证,明确了梁诚首倡以庚款兴学方式实现美国退还多余部分庚款的历史事实,阐释了梁诚在这一历史事件中的重要作用。

    This paper investigates the historical facts of the issue , and expounds on Liang Cheng 's important role in this historical event .

  13. 范仲淹庆历兴学掀开了宋代三次大规模兴学的序幕。

    There are three big-scale education innovations in Song Dynasty respectively , namely Qingli Education Innovations , Xining Education Innovations and Chongning Education Innovations .

  14. 宋代三次兴学,不仅是宋代文化教育史上的盛事,而且也是我国整个古代文化教育史上的盛事。

    The three education innovations are not only primary events in culture history in Song Dynasty , but primary events in China ancient history .

  15. 1901年,清政府迫于形势颁布兴学诏书,提出兴学育才为急需之务。

    In 1901 , the Qing Government was forced by the situation promulgated the Decree of establish schools to meet the need of nurturing talents .

  16. 拨地兴学曾是中美两国历史上用于解决地方教育经费紧缺的重大举措,对发展两国教育起过巨大作用,是中华民族优秀的教育传统之一,在国外也取得了成功。

    Abstract The land-grant education played important roles in covering the shortage of local education funds in the history of China and the United States .

  17. 但在中唐时期,主要是代宗大历年间,在该地区却出现了“崇儒兴学”的活跃景象。

    But in the Mid-Tang period , mainly in Dai Zong period , an active scene of " Worshiping Confucianism and vitalizing education " came into being .

  18. 不仅如此,他们还通过立报馆、办学堂、兴学会等方式把教育救国从理论转变为实践。

    In addition , they made the theory of saving nation by education into practice by means of establishing newspaper offices , setting up schools and encouraging institute .

  19. 在清末推广新式学堂的兴学活动中,清政府对于地方乡镇制定了利用地方公款兴办地方学堂的方针。

    In the popularization of new schools at the end of Qing dynasty , central government set a policy that local fund could be used for local education .

  20. 壬戌学制及其课程标准的制定、庚款用于兴学和国语教育的推行,都离不开全国教育会联合会的努力。

    Its efforts brought about foundation of Rexu education system and relevant curriculum standards , the Boxer Indemnity Remission for education and the promotion of mandarin as educational language .

  21. 由此,选取了民国时期两部重要的慈善法&《监督慈善团体法》和《捐资兴学褒奖条例》进行个案研究。

    Thus , we choose two important philanthropy laws as the case study , namely The Law on Supervising Charitable Organizations and The Ordinance on Award for the Donation to Education .

  22. 本文着重从陈嘉庚所处时代华侨与祖国关系的角度,分析其兴学动机、目标、功绩及影响。

    From the perspective of the relationship between Chinese overseas then and their motherland , the paper analyzes Tan Ka-kee 's motive , goal , achievements and influence fro running schools .

  23. 教育救国:陈嘉庚倾资兴学的思想动机振动片倾角对超声波电机性能的影响

    Develop Education to Save China : Tan Kah-kee s Main Objective for Setting Up Schools ; The Influence of the Oblique Angles of Vibrating Reeds on the Characteristics of the Ultrasonic Motor

  24. 改革开放之后,侨乡当地经济实力提升,促发了当地企业或个人捐资兴学力量的形成。

    After the reform and opening , the strength of the education donation of the local enterprise and people come into being because of the economy development in the hometown of overseas .

  25. 我国的民办教育发展、高校后勤社会化改革、近三年高校扩招以及相应的社会筹资兴学等实践,见证了高等教育服务市场的客观存在。

    The development of nongovernmental education , the socializing reform of university logistic service , the expending of university and the cor - responding practice of society raised funds in setting up schools etc.

  26. 计算机模拟材料计算与设计是随着计算机技术的发展和对新材料的开发和更新的要求日益增加而形成的一门新兴学科方向。

    The computing and designing of computer analogue materials has developed into a new branch of learning with the development of computer techniques , and the increasing demand of developing and renewing new materials .

  27. 陈嘉庚、林文庆等华侨在异域与本土倾资兴学、办学数十年,逐步形成富有远见的教育观和颇具特色的办学理念。

    In modern times , Tan Kah Kee and Lim Boon Keng and other overseas Chinese funding schools for decades at abroad and home , and gradually form a far-sighted view of education and distinctive educational philosophy .

  28. 宏观因素主要有自然、政治、经济、文化等条件,微观因素主要有地方官的兴学热情及个别人物或学校的示范效应等方面。

    The macroscopic factors include mainly nature , politics , economy , culture etc. The microscopic factors include mostly the zest of building schools of the local government officials , the models of the individual figures or schools .

  29. 近代商人之所以慷慨捐资兴学是由于四个主要方面的原因:救亡图存的时代使命感、正心修身的伦理关怀、追求新知的知识力量、以及积极鼓励的社会环境等。

    The reason for the modern businessmen investing education include a sense of responsibility to save the whole nation , a concern ethics achievement , a power to pursue the latest knowledge and an idea of creating an encouraging social environment .

  30. 北宋统治者制定的教育政策,其内容主要包括重视儒学教育、任用名师讲学、发展专科教育、实施兴学改革、倡导家庭教育等。

    The rulers of the Northern Song established education policy , which mainly including the importance of Confucian education ; appointment of famous teachers to teach ; the development of specialist education ; the implementation of schooling reforms ; family education advocacy .