
  • 网络Xingxian County;Xing County;Xing Comt;Xing Condado;Xing Grafschaft
  1. 兴县矿区综采工作面的矿压观测

    Mine Pressure Observation of System Mechanization Mining Face in Mining Area of Xing County

  2. 抗战时期张闻天之晋陕农村调查简述&兼述新发现的晋西北兴县农村调查原始资料

    On Zhang Wen-tian 's Rural Survey of Jin-shan in 1942 & An Concurrent Introduction to the Newly-found Data on Rural Survey in Xing County of Northwest Shanxi

  3. 山西兴县奥陶系碳酸盐岩岩溶储层特征

    Characteristics of Ordovician carbonate karst reservoir in xingxian , Shanxi

  4. 山西兴县铝土岩的地球化学特征

    Geochemical characteristics of bauxite in xingxian , Shanxi Province

  5. 抓住机遇高点起步实施科技兴鄂科技兴县规划的一种定量分析方法

    A Quantitative Analysis Method ForThe Planning of Flourishing Counties By Science and Technology

  6. 治水兴县,兴水富民,兴水强县是四川省古蔺县的战略措施之一。新的历史阶段湖北科教兴农的对策思路

    Countermeasure and Thinking of Hubei Prosper the Agriculture with Science and Education in New Historical Stage

  7. 实施科技兴县战略促进经济快速发展

    Promoting the Speedy Development of Economy by Practising the Strategy of Vitalizing the County through Science & Technology

  8. 研究文化产业政策,因地制宜制定有利于发展民族文化产业的产业政策,实施民族文化兴县;

    To study and formulate suitable policies which is benefit to develop the county by relying on ethnic culture ;

  9. 燕山&喜山期大幅度的抬升剥蚀使气藏被破坏形成了麻江古油藏。山西兴县奥陶系碳酸盐岩岩溶储层特征

    Reservoir bed are karsts carbonate rock of Ordovician Honghuayuan . CHARACTERISTICS OF ORDOVICIAN CARBONATE KARST RESERVOIR IN XINGXIAN , SHANXI

  10. 站在世纪之巅看潜山&关于旅游特色经济兴县强县的思考

    Look at Qianshan at the Beginning of the Century & Thought of Vigorously Developing and Strengthening Qianshan County 's Economy Characteristic of Tourism

  11. 用优势包装项目,用项目凸显产业是衡阳县实施“项目兴县”战略的得意之作。

    With the advantages of packaging projects , with project highlights the industry is the Hengyang County , the implementation of " Project Xingxian " strategy editing software .

  12. 发展边疆民族地区的文化产业,实施民族文化兴县是我县面临的一个重大的理论和实践课题。

    How to develop culture industry in border areas , to implement the strategy of developing the county by relying on ethnic culture , is an important theoretical and practical research topic .

  13. 本文以莆田县科技兴县规划为背景介绍科技兴县规划的一种定量分析方法,特别是索洛方程的应用。

    Based on the project of flourishing putian county by science and technology , we present a quantitative analysis method for the planning of flourishing counties emphasised on an application of solow equation .