
  • 网络Jinzhong;jinzhong city
  1. 晋中市2000年3月27日大风天气过程分析

    The analysis of gale weather process On March 27th , 2000 in Jinzhong

  2. 其次探讨了晋中市农业旅游现状及农业旅游发展类型。

    Then the present situation and the types of the Jinzhong agricultural tourism development are probed .

  3. 零学杂费时代农村小学资源配置的几点思考&以山西省晋中市x村的个案研究为例

    Reflections on Optimizing Rural Primary School Resources : A Case Study of Jinzhong City

  4. 晋中市消耗臭氧层物质(ODS)的调查

    A Survey on Ozone Depleting Substances ( ODS ) in Jinzhong City

  5. 对山西省晋中市榆次区近10年(1991年~2000年)大气中SO2污染物浓度进行监测,所得数据用方差分析进行分析。

    The concentration of SO_2 pollution in the air in Yuci District , Jinzhong , Shanxi from 1991 to 2000 was monitored continuously , and the monitored date were analyzed by using analysis of variance .

  6. 方法:选自2000年以来山西省晋中市二院门诊及住院病人1208例,经胃镜及14C-尿素酶呼气试验(14C-UBT)检查,H。

    Methods : All 1208 out-patients and in-patients chosen from the Second Hospital of Jinzhong in Shanxi since 2000 were examined by gastroscope and ~ ( 14 ) C-Urease Breathing out Test ( ~ ( 14 ) C-UBT ) .

  7. 晋中市地域开发模式及发展对策浅析

    The Regional Development Pattern and the Development Policy of Jin zhong

  8. 晋中市人工防雹减灾系统研究

    Study of Hail Suppression and Reducing Disaster System in Jinzhong City

  9. 晋中市持久性有机污染物污染状况调查

    Survey on sources of the persistent organic pollutants in Jinzhong city

  10. 晋中市水资源现状及可持续利用对策

    Actuality and Countermeasures for Sustainable Utilization of Water Resources in Jinzhong City

  11. 这种气候变化特点会对晋中市玉米生产产生多方面的影响。

    These changes made impacts on Maize production more complicated .

  12. 晋中市未来住宅层数发展策略

    Planning of the number of housing stories in Jinzhong city

  13. 晋中市电视天气预报图标语音自动制作系统浅析

    Automatic Icon Voice Production System of Jinzhong Television Weather Forecast

  14. 山西省晋中市2008年主要污染物减排情况分析

    Analysis of Emission Reduction Situation of Main Pollutants in Jinzhong City in 2008

  15. 晋中市区域生态经济发展研究

    Study on Regional Ecological Economic Development in Jinzhong City

  16. 晋中市中小学课间活动存在的问题及其对策

    Problems and Its Strategies for Break-time Activities in Primary and Middle Schools in Jinzhong

  17. 晋中市道路运输产业发展之我见

    The Discussion on Transportation Industrial Development in Jinzhong

  18. 山西省晋中市榆次区碘缺乏病健康教育调查

    Health Education of Iodine Deficiency Disorders in Yuci District , Jinzhong City , Shanxi Province

  19. 晋中市茄子黄萎病为害症状及病原与生物学特性研究

    A Study on the Disease Symptom and the Biological Characteristics of Verticillium wilt of Eggplant

  20. 晋中市林木种质资源与综合开发利用

    Investigation on Status Quo of Timber Species Resource of Jinzhong City and Comprehensive Exploration and Utilization

  21. 晋中市分县气象要素短期预报系统研究

    The Study of Short - range Meteorological Elements Forecast System for Every County in Jinzhong City

  22. 晋中市部分蔬菜中重金属含量及其健康风险

    Contents of Heavy Metals in Some Vegetables and Their Potential Risks to Human Health in Jinzhong City

  23. 2007年晋中市榆次区部分农民结核病防治知识知晓情况调查

    Investigation on Tuberculosis Control and Prevention Knowledge in Farmers in Yuci District , Jinzhong City in 2007

  24. 首先分析了晋中市农业旅游发展的基础条件及资源背景。

    First of all , the fundamental conditions and resource background of Jinzhong agricultural tourism development are discussed .

  25. 晋中市近40年气候变化特征及其对玉米生产的影响

    Characteristics of Climate Change and Its Impacts on Maize Production in Jinzhong City in the Last 40 Years

  26. 调查结果为本研究在分析晋中市小学开展毽球运动的影响因素方面提供了可靠的现实依据。

    The interview results provide reliable and realistic basis for the studying " the influence factors of Jinzhong primary school carrying out the shuttlecock " .

  27. 晋中市是山西省主要农区,稳步提高农民收入是发展农业和农村经济的出发点和归宿。

    Jinzhong is the main agricultural region of Shaanxi province . Increasing the farmers ' income is the final purpose of developing agriculture and rural economy .

  28. 在各试点县、市中,晋中市的农村社会保障制度改革与推行的成效最为引人注目。

    In the pilot counties , cities , Jinzhong City , the rural social security system reform and the effectiveness of the implementation of the most spectacular .

  29. 雨水高效利用在生态建设中的作用&以山西省晋中市寿阳县为例

    The Functions of the High-effect Utilization of the Rainwater in the Ecological Construction & Taking Shouyang County of Jinzhong City , Shanxi Province , as the Example

  30. 运用数理统计方法,对晋中市1961-2000年实测气温和降水资料进行分析。

    Based on the observed data from 1961 to 2000 in Jinzhong City , Shanxi Province , the temperature and precipitation were analyzed by using regression and correlation methods .