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  • 网络jinci temple;Jin Temple;Jin Memorial Temple
晋祠 [jìn cí]
  • [Jin Memorial Hall] 中国春秋时代晋国(公元前11世纪)开国君主唐叔虞的祠堂。位于山西省太原市西南悬瓮山下。创建于北魏以前。晋祠建筑以圣母殿为主体,还有献殿、钟鼓楼、金人台、关帝庙、难老泉、唐槐、周柏等历史文物与自然风景。其中,建于宋天圣年间(公元1023-1032)的圣母殿、殿前柱上的木雕盘龙以及鱼沼飞梁合称为我国古建筑中的三绝。全国重点文物保护单位

  1. 笔者还对明清时期山西晋中地区典型戏台&晋祠水镜台的酬神演剧活动进行了实地考察及调研,力求展现山西戏曲活动在民间的现状。

    The author makes field survey on the thank-god drama activities on the Jin Temple " Water Mirror Stage " & a typical stage in the central Shanxi area during the Ming and Qing dynasties , and strives to show the status quo of Shanxi folk operas .

  2. 晋祠敬老院建筑的构成与设计构思

    Building Composition & Design Conception of Jinci Old Folks ' Home

  3. 晋祠路复线雨水工程解析

    The Analysis for Rain Project of the Jinci Road Multiple Tract

  4. 鄂尔多斯盆地东缘晋祠组晋祠砂岩沉积特征

    Sedimentary character of Jinci sandstone in the Jinci formation East Ordos Basin

  5. 晋祠五株古侧柏复壮保护措施分析

    Analysis of Rejuvenation and Protection Measures for Five Ancient Oriental Arborvitaes in Jinci

  6. 晋祠灌区循环用水系统的形成和特点

    Formation of Water & Circulating Use System and its Characteristics in Jinci Irrigation District

  7. 晋祠高架桥预应力砼现浇箱梁施工的质量控制

    The Quality Control of Jinci Viaduct Prestress Concrete Box Beam Cast in Situ Construction

  8. 另外,还论证了滕县煤田晋祠组的存在。

    The existence of Jinci Formation in Tengxian coalfield is confirmed in this paper .

  9. 晋祠宾馆&山西钓鱼台

    Jinci Hotel : A Bright Pearl of Shanxi

  10. 晋祠泉域地下水开采决策的风险分析

    Analysis of Risk Decision Making for Groundwater Exploitation within Jinci Spring Area , Shanxi Province

  11. 河东煤田北段晋祠砂岩及其与下伏地层的接触关系

    The Contact Between Jinci Sandstone and Underlying Strata at the Northern Part of Hedong Coalfield

  12. 晋祠园内有数十棵千年老树。圣母殿旁的龙柏就有三千年。

    There are tens of huge trees over thousands of years old within the garden .

  13. 晋祠泉泉水的断流给当地的生态环境经济带来了巨大的损失。

    The cutoff of flow is a huge damage for the native ecological environment and economy .

  14. 城市立交桥快速施工组织管理及关键技术措施&晋祠宾馆立交桥工程案例分析

    Management and Key Technology Of Rapid Construction of Cross-Bridge in City-Case Analysis of Jinci Hotel Cross-Bridge

  15. 晋祠:三晋文化的大门

    The culture door of Shanxi

  16. 太原西山煤矿带压开采对晋祠泉水影响的研究

    Studying the influence of mining under safe water pressureof aquifer in Taiyuan Xishan Mines on Jinci Spring

  17. 生产晋祠大米的稻田,是晋祠难老泉水浇地,含有多种矿物质。

    Jinci production of paddy rice is difficult Jinci old Stephen irrigated , with a variety of minerals .

  18. 晋祠大米产于太原晋祠乡一带,是山西大米中的优质品种。

    Jinci Jinci rice produced in the rural area of Taiyuan , Shanxi is China 's high-quality rice varieties .

  19. 龙山道教石窟位于山西省太原市西南的龙山山巅,紧邻天龙山和晋祠景区。

    Longshan Taoist grotto located in Taiyuan , Shanxi Province , southwest of Longshan Mountain , near Tianlong Mountain and Jinci scenic .

  20. 不同发展阶段旅游地居民感知与态度比较研究&以山西晋祠旅游区和武乡红色旅游区为例

    A Comparative Study on Residents ' Perception and Attitude of Tourist Destination at Different Stage & A Case of Jinci and Wuxiang in Shanxi Province

  21. 随着山西省其他景区的开发,晋祠的旅游发展受到了挑战,其文物保护任务也越来越艰巨。

    With the development of other scenic spots in Shanxi province , the tourism of Jinci is challenged , and the conservation task is more difficult .

  22. 为了实现晋祠早日复流,节流是今后最重要的管理措施,同时应该注意晋祠泉的水质保护问题。

    Water saving is the most important countermeasures for the Jinci spring 's recovery , and its water quality should be protected at the same time .

  23. 建国初成立晋祠博物馆,对这组珍贵的历史遗存加以保护,并开始了对晋祠景区的旅游开发。

    Jinci museum was established in early 50s of 20th century , protecting this group of precious historical relics , and began the tourism development of Jinci scenic spot .

  24. 初步报道晋祠泉水所形成的地面水体中的硅藻种类,共有138个分类单位,其中有8个是我国新记录。

    The present paper is a preliminary report on Diatoms of surface water from spring in Jin Ci area , there are 138 taxa , among which there are 8 species to be recorded for the first time in China .

  25. 而晋祠最使艺术家向往和青睐的,则是圣母殿内的彩塑。祠内有周代大柏,千年不息的难老泉,北宋年间建造的圣母殿,以及金代建造的献殿。

    With its great cypress tree dating from the Zhou Dynasty , the Never Old Spring that has run for thousands of years , the Goddess Hall built in the Northern Song Dynasty and the Xian Temple constructed in the Jin Dynasty .

  26. 在此基础上,提出了提高晋祠旅游竞争力的3点建议:注重市场细分,树立鲜明形象,构建精品旅游。

    , and based on these , puts forward three suggestions for increasing the competitive power of Jinci scenic spot , which include laying stress on the market subdivision , establishing the strikingly image , and constructing the fine product of tourism .

  27. 晋祠泉泉水断流的主要因素是人类活动,其中人工取水是造成其断流的主要因素,降雨量的减少等自然因素变化对其断流具有一定的影响,但不是主要因素。

    The main reason for the cutoff of the Jinci Springs is anthropogenic activities , especially for pumping , while the natural factors such as decreasing of precipitation have some influences on the cutoff , but it is not the main factor .

  28. 但相比五台山、平遥古城、大同云冈石窟、乔家大院等山西的其他景区,目前晋祠的旅游业发展仍旧逊色,旅游形象也没有得到显著提升。

    But compared to the ancient city of Pingyao , Yungang Grottoes of Datong , Mount of Wutai , Qiao Family Courtyard of Qixian and other scenic spots of Shanxi province , the current tourism development of Jinci is still inferior to them .

  29. 研究晋祠泉域复流工作,需要首先分析泉域内地层结构的稳定性,然后在分析区域水文地质条件的基础之上再研究区域内地下水水位与降雨量、泉水流量的相关性与变动性。

    Researching the reflow of the Jinci Springs , it needs analyzing stability of stratum structure in the spring area , then research the relativity and mobility of groundwater table with precipitation and spring flow , based on the understanding of regional hydrogeological condition .

  30. 晋祠景区是太原最具特色的旅游区,有着从西周到明清的历史遗存,是我国现存年代最久远、古典式的园林宗祠建筑,历史悠久,文化内涵极为丰富。

    Jinci scenic spot is the most unique tourist area of Taiyuan , and it owns many history remains from the Western Zhou Dynasty to the Qing . It is extant and the earliest classical lineage and garden buildings of China , with Long history and rich cultural connotation .