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dū chá yuàn
  • Department of Supervision
都察院 [dū chá yuàn]
  • [the central conerol organization in Ming,Qing dynasties] 明清时的中央监察机构

  1. 为此,建立了以都察院和六科给事中为中心的监察性质的财政监督体制,并制定和完善了有关的法律、法规。

    Thus , Financial supervision system was established and relevant laws and regulations were enacted and perfected .

  2. 改革的动力和主导权均来自于都察院内部。

    Both impetus and dominance are from " Duchayuan " inside which diverge in many items of reform .

  3. 争论主要涉及三个层面内容,即法理上行政审判权的性质与归属、体制上行政审判机关与行政机关之间是“一元制”还是“二元制”、传统都察院的去留。

    The debate mainly focused on three levels , which included what the nature and relegation of administrative adjudgment authority was in terms of legal principle ;

  4. 它包括的面很广,大体上看,主要有都察院、监察御史、巡按御史和督抚四大监察体系。

    It includes the surface is very broad , looked on the whole , mainly has observe the courtyard , to supervise the censor , the inspector censor and the imperial inspector four big supervision systems .

  5. 有鉴于此,笔者择取明代南京都察院这一司法机构为研究对象,对其机构沿革、设置及职权诸方面作一初步探究,以抛砖引玉。

    Because of this , the author of this thesis take the Censorate of Court of Censors at Nanjing as the object of research , studies its evolution , set of organization and power on the initial stage .