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  • 网络Divided into;participate;participation;Teilhabe;metecho;metekho
  1. 我想8点20分有一班火车,不过你应该打听清楚。

    I think there 's a train at8:20 but you ought to make certain .

  2. 团队经常根据组分有自然的子边界,或者是大约七人的Scrum团队。

    Often teams have natural sub boundaries based on components , or Scrum teams of seven or so people .

  3. 不同气藏气体组分有明显变化,但所有气藏组分及其同位素特征表明CO2气藏基本为岩浆&地幔来源。

    Although the gas constituents in various gas reservoirs are obviously different from each other , all the constituents in various gas reservoirs and their isotope properties show that the gases in the reservoirs originated from magma-mantle basically .

  4. 本文基于湍流模式理论及Stefan流的概念,提出了多组分有蒸发的湍流模型,用来模拟石油的蒸发规律。

    Based on the theory of turbulence model and the concept of Stefan flux , a turbulence model of multicomponent flow with evaporation is proposed to simulate the oil evaporation process .

  5. 从吸收与荧光光谱的变化,推断在GeO2-Al2O3玻璃中引入BaO,Y2O3组分有利于Bi5+离子的形成。

    It could be deduced from the absorption and emission spectra that the introductions of BaO and Y_2O_3 into GeO_2-Al_2O_3 glass were advantageous to the formation of Bi ~ 5 + in the glass .

  6. 应对方式、负性事件对SCL90总分和焦虑、抑郁等多数因子分有明显贡献;

    Stepwise regression analysis showed that , negative life events , coping style , hospital grade had predictive value for total score of SCL 90 and anxiety , depression etc factorial scores ( P < 0.01 ) .

  7. 下星期三上午10点15分有一班机飞离北京。

    There 's a flight leaving Beijing next Wednesday at10:15a . m.

  8. 模式有很多种,按功能可分有两大类:预测型模式和描述型模式:预测型模式是可以根据数据项的值精确确定某种结果的模式;

    The pattern can be divided into two categories : predictive and descriptive pattern .

  9. 分有服装交易区。

    It has a garment transaction area .

  10. 凝胶的光密度扫描图亦表明不同小麦品种醇溶蛋白组分有显著区别。

    Densltometrie scanning of the gliadin electrophorctograms of8 cultivars also showed distinct qualitative and quantitative characteristics .

  11. 赛艇运动的选手有2人、4人和8人;又分有舵手和无舵手两种。

    Rowing crews have two , four or eight members , with or without a coxswain .

  12. 按钮开关:手操作轻巧灵便,分有绳操纵和无线遥控两种方式。

    Button switch : operation right spirit , a string manipulation and wireless remote control two ways .

  13. 煤的微孔结构和煤层气组成,特别是重烃组分有利于甲烷水合物在煤中的形成;

    The microspore structure and its distribution of coal and CBM compositions , especially the heavy hydrocarbon ;

  14. 字符串的使用十分方便,而且使其对下一个层次的静态分有很高的精确性。

    This use of string analysis takes the ease-of-use and accuracy of static analysis to the next level .

  15. 本文介绍主从两级分有微机监控硫化炉生产系统。

    In this paper , the master-slave two-level distributed microcomputer monitoring system for vulcanized stove production is described .

  16. 这样可以更加合理地区分有侧移和无侧移框架。

    According to these results , the sway frames and frames without sway can be distinguished more rationally .

  17. 男:9点15分有一趟火车,10点45分到。

    Man : There 's a train at nine fifteen which will get you there at ten forty-five .

  18. 6点35分有一班。对结肠癌为35%。

    There 's one at 6 : 35 . In colorectal cancer , 35 percent of the risk is genetic ;

  19. 钻井液振动筛大都为惯性振动筛,按筛箱振动型式分有圆型振动筛、直线型振动筛和椭圆型振动筛。

    Drill fluid shale shakers can be divided into round-type , straight-line-type and elliptical-type shale shakers according to their vibration modes .

  20. 推断其组分有表面活性剂烷基酚聚氧乙烯醚和N-月桂酰肌氨酸钠,在降粘剂固体含量部分中分别占26.6%和19.3%。

    It was deduced that the surfactants in the sample are 26.6 % alkylphenol polyoxyethylene and 19.3 % sodium lauroyl sarcosine .

  21. 对其病机有独辟蹊径,不外风、湿、热三端,抓住要点血分有热。

    The pathogenesis was the wind , moist , and fieber , its main point was fieber in blood aspect diseases .

  22. 小三子和金和尚也像分有了这同样的心情,他们商量另外一件事了。

    Chin Ho-shang and Little San-tse seemed to be infused with similar feelings , though they were discussing something else now .

  23. 利用数学模型分别对9个洪水流量级进行了水库沿程水面线计算分析,每个流量级分有围垦堤和没有围垦堤两个方案。

    Mathematical model is used to calculate and analyze water line in case of 9 kinds of flood flow levels respectively in reservoir .

  24. 褶皱面表面被覆浓密纤毛,分有沟嵴和无沟嵴两部分,界限明显。

    The ridged surface is divided into two parts : one is folded into deep ridges and groove , but the other is no.

  25. 此课程包括一份阅读顺序表(分有学生的心得报告)以及课堂作业和期末专题。

    This course features a chronology of the readings with selected student responses , and the assignments and final projects from the class .

  26. 结果表明,烹调压力和颗粒大小对红小豆中淀粉消化率及淀粉组分有较大影响。

    The results indicated that cooking pressure and particle size remarkably affected the starch digestibility and the starch components in terms of digestion rate .

  27. 第二,对视网膜神经节细胞放电活动时间间隔序列的差分有利于确定性的检测。

    Secondly , the difference operation of the inter-spike interval series makes it easier for determinism detection in the firing activities of retinal ganglion cells .

  28. 魏晋以来,宗法性封建大土地所有制成为当时社会生产的主要形式,大土地的占有者&私家大族,通过控制大量的户口分有了社会的社会控制权,形成一个个相对独立的权力中心。

    Since Wei-Jin Dynasties , feudal patriarchal landowners obtain their division of social control by ruling large numbers of households , forming relatively independent power centers .

  29. 从发芽率和幼苗生长两种实验结果看,卫青对Cd2+最为敏感。双向电泳结果表明,Cd2+处理后3种栽培萝卜幼苗中蛋白质组分有明显变化。

    WQ is the most sensitive to Cd 2 + treatment according to the experiment results which were obtained by testing germination rate and seedling growth in three radish cultivars .

  30. 是周,访华府会布什未久,旋即马不停蹄奔赴中东-此一地供日原油三分有四强。

    This week , shortly after visiting Washington for talks with George Bush , he toured the Middle East , the fount of more than three-quarters of Japan 's oil .