
Observation and study of the co molecular lines towards IRAS 05437-0001 and IRAS 05351 + 3549
Bandpass and Gain Calibrations for tbe VLBI Observation of A Molecular Line
Conjunction with a 4m millimeter wave radio telescope in Australia , this acousto-optic spectrograph has detected some CO molecular lines with variant shapes from the southern dark clouds .
The progress and current situation of observations and studies about the spectra of celestial H2O molecule since it was discovered in 1968 are reviewed in this paper .
Using IOS method and modified Buckingham potential model , We have calculated the broadening half-widths of H2O spectrum lines by Ar and CO2 at high temperature .
Successful Observation of Molecular Radio Spectral Lines by Digital Autocorrelation Spectrometer
The method of flatting the baseline curvature of molecule radio spectrum
A 512-channel digital autocorrelation spectrometer for interstellar molecular line observation
Molecular Spectra in Massive Star Forming Regions
Molecular Spectral Diagnosis of Star Forming Regions
Frequency Stabilization of External Cavity Laser Diode by Using 1 . 5 μ m C2H2 Absorption Line
Measurement of broadening coefficients of water vapor molecules near 1.517 μ m with continuous-wave cavity ring down spectroscopy
Astrophysical methods and recent proceeding on the researches of CO rotation lines
The main goal of this paper is giving a review towards astrophysical methods and recent proceeding on the research works which base on observing CO rotational lines .
Research progress on astro - radio spectra of atoms , ions and molecules
The dependence of molecular ionic spectral intensity on the pressure of mother molecules in velocity modulation spectroscopy was experimentally and theoretically studied . A new diagnosis of some plasma parameters , e.g. electric field , electron temperature and ionized coefficient , was proposed and carried out .
Derivative spectroscopy , FM ( Frequency Modulation Spectroscopy ) and MTS ( Modulation Transfer Spectroscopy ) are often adopted to control the laser frequency with high precision and stabilization .
Analysis and Calculation of Hyperfine Lines of Iodine Molecule
The results of theoretical calculations show that the nanostructure of metallic adsorption surface would cause the changes of the IR spectrum properties , which lead to abnormal IR effects ( AIREs ) .
At room temperature and pressure and in the infrared absorption band , the intensive overlaps of measured gas absorption lines due to pressure broadening lead to the resolution of the measured PAS signal as a puzzle of the spectral data processing .
Due to low amplitude fluctuation and excellent frequency and amplitude modulation capability , diode lasers have been excellent light sources for investigating absorption spectra of atoms and molecules especially in the wavelength region of the near infrared , which coincides with most atomic and molecular transitions .
All these levels are in red line-shifts with the increase of atomic density ( the increase of temperature ) or foreign buffer-gas ( Ar ) pressure , but with different shift rate within 100 MHz / τ .