
  1. 先秦吴都城市建设考

    A Textual Research into the Construction of the Capital City of Pre-Qin Wu State

  2. 在大多数发展中国家,超过一半的GDP都来自城市,因此它们的经济未来将取决于不断膨胀的城市人口的生产力。

    With more than half of their GDP coming from cities , the economic future of most developing countries will be determined by the productivity of these burgeoning urban populations .

  3. 当前中国,正处于城市化加速发展时期,在加入WTO之后更加融入全球经济一体化的浪潮中,并且市场化改革的领域进一步拓宽,这些都是城市经营理念在中国迅速传播的时代背景。

    China is experiencing the accelerating urbanization and China further melts into the tide of globalization after joining WTO , accordingly China is widening the field of market-oriented reformation , and these factors are the background of urban management spread in China .

  4. Gajraj说,由于大多数兽医都位于城市地区,显然有必要改善农村地区的牲畜健康。

    Gajraj says there 's a clear need to improve animal health in rural areas as most veterinarians are located in urban areas .

  5. C/N比、种子发芽试验和圆形滤纸层析3种方法的试验结果都说明城市生活垃圾经40d堆制,基本达到了腐熟堆肥的要求。

    The results of seed germinating ratio , C / N and paper chromatography all showed that the compost of municipal garbage showed in maturity after 40 days composting .

  6. 开放绿地CA值、AREA-SD值、CAI-MN值、AI值都仅次于城市周边绿地,破碎度略高,形状也较接近矩形,但是斑块周边最复杂,边缘效应最强。

    The CA , AREA-SD , CAI-MN and AI of the open green space are all inferior to the city peripheral green space , the degree of fragmentation is slightly high , shape also close rectangle , but patch peripheral is most complex , the edge effect is strongest .

  7. 农村居民都向往城市的生活。

    People in rural areas longed for life in the city .

  8. 然而,威尼斯并不都是城市和拥挤的街道。

    However , Venice isn 't all cities and crowded streets .

  9. 这些都与城市土地可持续利用研究差距甚远。

    They are far from the urban land sustainable use .

  10. 但在一些被称为夜生活之都的城市,情况也不是那么乐观。

    But things are not much better for those supposed nightlife capitals .

  11. 可是,农民做梦都想到城市扎堆。

    Nevertheless , farmers still dream of clustering at cities .

  12. 综合性商业设施长期以来都是城市景观构成中的重要元素。

    The synthetical commerce architecture has been an important component for urban landscape .

  13. 人们都被城市拥挤的警告给吓跑了。

    They scared all off with crowd excess warnings .

  14. 所有这些都与城市的空间格局密切相关。

    All of these are intimately related to the spatial dimension of cities .

  15. 在这个区居住的大部分人都是城市贫民。

    Most residents in this district are urban pauper .

  16. 这两种都与城市有关

    which both have much to do with cities .

  17. 这类电影中的城市空间往往都是城市美景。

    The urban space in those is always the views of the city .

  18. 每天,他都乘城市公交车去上班。

    So the city bus became his chosen method of transportation to work everyday .

  19. 高校周边地区一般都是城市人流量比较大的区域,很多流动摊贩会很自然地聚集到这里。

    Many mobile vendors will naturally gather university surrounding areas where city person is larger .

  20. 都和城市连为一体。

    With city Lian Wei a body .

  21. 他们都住在城市里。

    They live in the city .

  22. 城市水域空间作为一个独特的空间,一直以来都是城市规划与设计的重点和亮点所在。

    Water space is always emphasized in our urban planning and urban design for its unique characters .

  23. 人们都涌向城市是因为在城里可以找到工作和挣钱。

    People are moving to the cities because thats where they can find jobs and earn money .

  24. 国内外大量的研究结果表明,所有城市都存在城市热岛效应。

    It is found from lots of domestic and foreign results that UHI effect exists in all cities .

  25. 最好的工作一般都位于城市中,对于那些生活在城市之外的人来说,最大的困难是住宿问题。

    The biggest barrier for those who live outside the cities where the best jobs are is accommodation .

  26. 城市滨河地区的城市设计,一直以来都是城市设计关注的重要课题之一。

    Urban riverfront urban design , urban design has long been one of the important issues of concern .

  27. 城市交通与人的关系甚为密切,几乎所有的人都从城市交通中受益。

    Most of the people benefit from the urban traffic , which is so close with the human beings .

  28. 就像那些把鸣唱调节成与城市噪音一样的知更鸟和大山雀一样,他们都是城市的幸存者。

    Like the robins and great tits that adjust their songs to city noises , they are urban survivors .

  29. 学术界通常都认为城市化是人口由农村向城市集中的过程。

    It is believed in academic fields that urbanization is a process during which rural population flows into urban area .

  30. 城市空间结构研究一直都是城市地理学的主要研究领域,但其中的城市商业空间结构研究则发展缓慢。

    Urban spatial structure is the major subject in urban geography , of which commerce spatial structure study developed slowly .