
  • 网络Xing'an County;Xingan County;Xing'an Comt;Xing'an Grafschaft
  1. 结论兴安县的急性弛缓性麻痹(AFP)病例监测系统是敏感的,监测质量符合国家要求。

    Conclusion The case monitoring system in Xing'an county for acute flaccid paralysis ( AFP ), which is in accord with national requirements , is effective and sensitive .

  2. 方法1994~2004年兴安县15岁以下儿童AFP病例报告率在0/10万~5.59/10万之间,年均为2.12/10万。

    Results The report rate of AFP cases among children under 15 years old from 1994 to 2004 in Xing'an county was between 0 / lakh and 5.59 / lakh , with an annual average rate of 2.12/lakh .

  3. LANDSATTM在山区生态环境动态监测中的应用&以广西兴安县为例

    Application of Landsat TM for ecological environment monitor in mountain area : a case study of Xing ′ an County , Guangxi

  4. 目的分析兴安县1994~2004年急性弛缓性麻痹(AFP)病例发病情况和监测系统运转状况。方法对有关资料进行描述流行病学统计分析。

    Objective This analysis was intended to assay the pathogenesis of acute flaccid paralysis ( AFP ) and operation of monitoring system in Xing'an county between 1994 and 2004 . Methods Statistical analysis was made in terms of relevant data utilizing descriptive epidemiological methods .

  5. 广西兴安县斯氏狸殖吸虫的扫描电镜观察

    Scanning electron microscopic observations on Pagumogonimus skrjabini from Xingan county , guangxi

  6. 新型农村合作医疗的实践与思考&基于对广西兴安县大凸村的调研

    Practice and Thinking of New Rural Cooperative Medical Service & Based on the Large Convex Xing'an County , Guangxi Village Research

  7. 建筑形式的六个决定因素&广西省桂林市兴安县秦人街规划及建筑方案设计

    The Six Determinants of Architectural Form planning and design of Qin Ren Street in Xing'an County , Guilin City , Guangxi Province

  8. 目的:探讨广西兴安县人体脑型斯氏狸殖吸虫的超微结构,试图从中了解或寻找某些特性。

    Objective : In order to clearly understand some ultrastructure features of a local strain of Pagumogonimus skrjabini from Xingan County , Guangxi , where the brain infection case of this worm was recorded .

  9. 采用横断面整群抽样和双重筛选逐步回归分析的方法,对广西壮族自治区兴安县城关镇500例4岁以内婴幼儿体格发育与营养状况的影响因素进行了探讨。

    Using the method of cross-sectional cluster sampling and double stepwise regression for multivariate Y , the physical development and nutritional status and their main risk factors on children under the age of four years were studied in Xingan county , Guangxi , China .

  10. 那坡、资源、兴安和融水4县有人体感染病例25人。

    25 cases of human infections were discovered in 4 counties ( Rong-Shui , etc. ) .

  11. 又名陡河、兴安运河,在今广西壮族自治区兴安县境内。灵渠是世界最早的有闸运河。

    ling Qu , located in the current Xing'an County in Southwest China 's Guan-gxi Zhuang Autonomous Region , was the earliest canal with sluice gate in the world .