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  • 网络YAN;yan state
  1. 到了燕国后,他真正看到了燕国的城池、土地祠、先辈的房子和坟墓,已经没有多少伤感的心情了。

    When he finally arrived in the state of Yan and truly saw the cities and temples and his ancestors ' house and tombs , he had only very few sentimental4 feelings left .

  2. 过晋国时,同行的人指着晋国的城池和土地庙,骗他说这就是燕国的城池和土地庙,他的脸色顿时显得凄怆悲凉,并不停地浩然长叹。

    Passing the state of Jin , the people who went along with him pointed1 to the cities and shrines2 and cheated him by telling him those were the cities and temples of the state of Yan . Upon hearing this , he became gloomy3 and sad and kept sighing .

  3. 雁、燕国俗语义比较

    A Comparison Between Goose and Swallow in Terms of National Cultural Semantics

  4. 燕国货币合金成分研究

    A study of alloy ingredients in currency of Yan state

  5. 荆轲有一位燕国的好朋友。

    Jing Ke had a bosom friend in the state .

  6. 带着一颗失败的心去攻打燕国吗?

    We can defeat Yan with our dispirited troops ?

  7. 同时,朝廷的部队还受到了新立的大燕国内部不满声音的帮助。

    Meanwhile the imperial forces were helped by internal dissent in the newly-formed dynasty .

  8. 从考古发现看西周燕国殷遗民之社会状况

    On social Position of the Yin Survivals of Yan State in Western Zhou Dynasty

  9. 在燕国之后,北京何时开始成为五朝的古都?

    When did Beijing begin to be the capital of the five dynasties after Yan kingdom ?

  10. 战国时代,燕国在这里设置过郡一级的地方政府。

    In the Warring States period , Yan State once had its county government in this area .

  11. 反而连自己在燕国时如何走路也忘得干干净净。

    On the contrary , he even forgot completely how he walked in the State of Yan .

  12. 公元前228年,秦国的军队占领了其中一个国家。接着又准备入侵另一个叫燕国的国家。

    In 228 BC , the Qin army captured a country and prepared to attack another country named Yan .

  13. 燕国的太子丹就派了一名叫荆轲的勇士前往秦国刺杀秦王。

    So the prince Dan of Yan sent a brave man called Jing Ke to assassinate the King of Qin .

  14. 午夜,沉睡中的燕国士兵被即墨城里刺耳的噪声惊醒。

    In the midnight , the citizens within the city struck up a cacophony of noise that startled the sleeping Yan troops .

  15. 到了邯郸,他觉得赵国确实比燕国安定。

    Upon arrival at Handan , he felt that the State of Zhao was indeed more stable than the State of Yan .

  16. 燕国有个青年听说赵国比燕国强大,

    A young man in the State of Yan heard that the State of Zhao was more powerful than the State of Yan ,

  17. 在春秋战国时期(公元前770年-公元前221年)燕国就在北京地区建立都城,名称叫“蓟”。

    In the Spring and Autumn period ( 770 years BC-221 BC ), Yan Dynasty established the capital called " thistle " in Beijing .

  18. 这些暴怒的动物冲进燕国的营地,用牛角上的尖刀和尾巴上的“火炬”杀死了众多惊慌失措的燕国士兵。

    The enraged animals ran madly about the Yan camp killing stunned troops with their horns and setting fire to tents with their tails .

  19. 西汉末年王莽在北京地区建立了大燕国,北京的别称“燕京”由此而来。

    At the end of Western Han Dynasty , Wang Mang established a large Yan in Beijing , for which Beijing has another name for " Yenching " .

  20. 早在公元前11世纪的西周,北京就已经是燕国的国都,但几乎没有留下宫廷音乐的记载。

    Early in the 11th century BC in the Western Zhou Dynasty , Beijing was already the capital of Yan , but left almost no records of court music .

  21. 献县历史悠久,夏商时期属冀州,春秋时属燕国,战国时属燕、赵、秦。

    Xian county has a long history , Xia and Shang period are Jizhou , is Yan State during the Spring and Autumn Warring States Period , an Yan , Zhao and Qin .

  22. 虽然后来齐将田单收复了失地,但齐国与燕国长达35年的战争耗尽了两国的精力,削弱与秦抗衡的力量。

    Later , Qi 's general Tian Dan recovered the lost territory , but the war between Qi and Yan , lasting 35 years , exhausted the energy and weakened their strength in confrontation with Qin .

  23. 燕国国君燕昭王即位后不久,去拜访贤士郭魄先生,向他请教如何治国图强,为先王报仇,为国雪耻。

    Shortly after King Zhao of the State of Yan came to the throne , he went to visit Guo Kui , an able and virtuous scholar , and asked for his advice on how to govern the state and make it strong , and how to avenge his father and wipe off the shame of the state .

  24. 公元前314年,齐乘燕内乱,出兵伐燕,50余日,就攻取燕国全境。

    In 314 B. C. , taking advantage of the internal disorder of Yan , Qi attacked Yan and conquered it in fifty days .