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  • 网络Hejin;hejin city
  1. 大禹首先凿开龙门(今运城河津市),分洪下泄

    First of all , scuttling Yu Lung ( this yuncheng Hejin ) , flood discharge .

  2. 河津市移动营业生产大楼地基处理

    Foundation treatment of Hejin mobile business building

  3. 根据河津市具体情况,建立适合河津市的水资源承载力SD系统模型。

    According to the situation of Hejin city , Hejin WRCC SD model is established .

  4. 河津市2656名公共场所饮食服务从业人员HBsAg检测分析

    Detection of HBsAg Among the Staff of Public Service and Restaurant in Hejin City

  5. 河津市百户农民当前种植结构的调查报告

    Findings Report on Present Plant Structure of Hejin Peasant Households

  6. 河津市旅游开发战略及产品策划

    Strategy and Product Layout of Tourism Development in Hejin City

  7. 城市综合性公园中的生态风景林营造&以河津市九龙公园为例

    Constructing of Ecological Landscape Forests in Urban Comprehensive Parks

  8. 河津市广播电视大楼地基处理

    Foundation disposition of the Hejin city broadcast television building

  9. 河津市水资源供需平衡的趋势预测及其对策研究

    Forcast of Water Supply & Water Demand and It 's Policy in Hejin City

  10. 河津市旅游资源独特而丰富,但是旅游业并未启动。

    There are many individual tourism resources in Hejin City , but now tourism industry does not start to operate .

  11. 山西河津市黄河滩涂灰鹤越冬数量调查位于郑州市北郊黄河95滩地的地下水源工程共钻井46眼,日开采水量100000m3。

    Investigations on Wintering Population of the Common Crane Grus grus in Yellow River Beach of Hejin , Shanxi Province The Yellow river beach underground water engineering is situated in the north suburban of Zheng Zhou , it will drilling 46 wells .

  12. 根据河津市经济、社会、环境现状,通过改变决策变量的值,设计了三种模拟方案,针对节水型城市及河津市十一五规划的要求,确定方案中各决策变量指标取值。

    According Hejin economic and environmental situation , through changing the value of decision-making variables , three different simulation scenarios are designed . According the requirement of economized type city and " the eleventh five years " plan , the value of the decision-making variables are decided .

  13. 针对旅游发展现状和相邻区域的比较,河津市应实施旅游意识提升战略、环境优先战略、产业联动战略、河滩一体化战略和区域竞合战略。

    Based on the developing situation and the comparison with neighboring region , Hejin City should carry out the strategy of promoting tourism awareness , that of environment development priory , that of industries interaction , that of integrating river and waterfront and that of regions competition and cooperation .