
hé wǎng
  • river network;drainage network;a network of waterways;hydrographic net
河网 [hé wǎng]
  • [a network of waterways] 像网那样纵横交错的许多水道

  • 河网化

河网[hé wǎng]
  1. 该模型既可解决复杂的河网水流计算问题,亦适用于长河段、长时段的较复杂的天然河道水流计算问题。

    This model can not only solve computational problem of hydrographic net , but also can solve computational problem of long watercourse and complex flow in natural river .

  2. 长江中下游大型河网水沙数模的建立与验证

    The establishment and verification of hydrographic net water-sediment numerical model in the middle-and-down-stream areas of the Yangtze River

  3. 这些修葺一新的房屋俯视着静静流淌的运河河网。

    These restored houses overhang a system of quiet canals .

  4. GIS在平原河网水动力模型中的应用

    GIS Based Hydrodynamics Model of Plain River - network

  5. 基于GIS的平原河网非恒定流计算模型

    GIS-based unsteady flow calculation model for plain river networks

  6. GIS支持下的河网密度提取及其在洪水危险性分析中的应用

    GIS-based extraction of drainage network density and it 's application to flood hazard analysis

  7. 基于GIS的河网分形研究

    The research on drainage networks fractal by GIS

  8. 基于DEM流域河网水系的提取研究

    Study of extracting drainage network of watershed from digital elevation model

  9. 基于栅格数字高程模型DEM的河网提取及实现

    Deriving drainage networks and catchment boundaries from Grid Digital Elevation Model

  10. DEM分辨率对数字河网水系提取的影响趋势分析

    Trend Analysis of Digital Drainage Network Extraction Affected by DEM Resolution

  11. O'callaghan和Mark方法是广泛应用的提取流域河网的方法。

    The algorithm for delineation of a drainage network proposed by O ' callaghan and Mark is very widely used .

  12. 河网径流节点及其基于DEM的自动提取

    Stream Runoff Nodes and Their Derivation Based on DEM

  13. 利用DEM提取河网时集水面积阈值的确定

    Determination of River Drainage Area Threshold for Extraction of Drainage Network by DEM

  14. 基于DEM的河网提取方法对比分析

    Comparative Analysis of Methods Deriving Drainage Network Based DEM

  15. 河网自动提取技术中DEM的几种预处理算法及应用

    Comparison and application of several DEM hydrologic preprocessing algorithms for automated drainage network extraction

  16. 基于DEM的流域数字河网提取算法研究格网DEM地形模拟的形态保真度研究

    Research on the Algorithms of the Digital Channel Network Extraction Based on Digital Elevation Model

  17. 最后通过一个温岭地区这个典型的平原河网地区的河道整治规划方案论证GIS在模型中的具体实现。

    At last , one example of GIS 's application in the typical plain area network-Wenling is given in demonstrating the point of this paper .

  18. 河网自动综合中Delaunay三角的应用

    The Application of Delaunay Triangulation in River Net Automatic Generalization

  19. 本文介绍了一种从DEM中提取流域河网水系的实用方法。

    A practical method of extracting drainage network of watershed from DEM is introduced in this paper .

  20. 基于DEM与数字化河道提取流域河网的不同方案比较研究

    A Comparative Study on Different Schemes of Automatic River System Extraction Based on DEM and Vector Channels

  21. 基于DEM的干旱区河网系统模拟尺度影响分析&以柴达木盆地流域为例

    Scale impact on modelling drainage system in arid region based on DEM & A case study of Qaidam Basin , China

  22. 本文应用水箱原理处理流域DEM数据中存在的洼地问题,提出流域河网识别及编码的新方法。

    This method , based on water tank theory , can deal with billabong grids existed in the DEM as follows .

  23. 目的探讨在GIS支持下河网分维数的计算方法以及不同分维的意义。针对特殊的网络分析了纳什均衡的性质;

    Aim Based on the digital elevation model , to find the method of drainage network fractal dimension figured out by GIS and analyze the meaning of different fractal dimensions .

  24. ADCP在太湖流域平原河网地区的应用

    Application of ADCP in Plain Reaches of Tai Lake Area

  25. 河网水力数值模拟中Newton-Raphson法收敛性的证明

    Proof of convergence of Newton-Raphson iterative method in simulating unsteady flow in river networks

  26. 分布式水文模型大多基于DEM(数字高程模型),通过DEM,可以自动提取流域的地貌特征,其中包括流域数字河网的生成。

    Most of distributed hydrological models are based on DEM ( Digital Elevation Model ), by which we can extract drainage network automatically .

  27. GMRES解法在大型河网数值计算中的应用

    Application of GMRES algorithm in numerical computation of large-scale river network

  28. 基于DEM的数字地形分析技术能够提取流域数字河网以及地形地貌等大量的空间分布信息。

    By digital terrain analyses ( DTA ) based on DEM , stream networks and many other spatial characteristics of topography can be extracted .

  29. 水系河网的Horton编码与图形综合研究

    Research on Horton Code and Graphic Generalization of Catchment

  30. 总结了根据流域的数字高程模型(DEM)自动提取河网水系的集水面积方法。

    The widely used method for extracting the watershed channel network from digital elevation model ( DEM ), i.e. the water catchment area method , is presented .