
hé mǎ
  • hippo;Hippopotamus;Hippopotamus amphibius;river horse
河马 [hé mǎ]
  • [hippopotamus;hippo] 属于偶蹄目的一些大型食草类,脚有四趾,主要是水栖的哺乳动物,有特别大的头和嘴,光滑无毛的特别厚的皮肤,短的四肢;尤指属于河马属( Hippopotamus )的动物(如 H.amphibius ),过去曾到处出现在非洲大多数河流中,除象以外是现存的最庞大的四足兽,有很长的犬齿和门齿,可充优质象牙用

河马[hé mǎ]
  1. 鸟儿的歌声使河马十分嫉妒,以至于他脑子里一片空白。

    The songs of the bird filled the hippo with so much envythat he couldn 't think of anything else .

  2. 最后,河马下定决心要从河里出来,爬上树,开始唱歌。

    Finally , the hippo made up his mind that he would come out of the river , climb the tree , and start singing .

  3. 狗喜欢在泥水洼里扑腾,河马则喜欢在其中打滚撒欢儿。

    Dogs love splashing in mud and hippos wallow in it .

  4. 在仅剩的几个水坑里,河马根本无法没入水中。

    Hippos are unable to submerge in the few remaining water holes

  5. 可惜,河马也不会唱歌。

    Unfortunately , hippos can 't sing , either .

  6. 鳄鱼和河马生活在它的水域里。

    Crocodiles and hippos live in its waters .

  7. 从前,一只河马住在一棵大树旁的河里。

    Once upon a time , a hippolived in a river next to a big tree .

  8. 然而,当河马试图爬上树时,很明显,他并没有翅膀可以飞起来,也没有爪子便于爬树。

    However , when he tried to climb the tree , it was very clear that the hippo didn 't have wings , nor claws to climb with .

  9. 他嘴里传来了可怕的声音,当其他动物听到时,他们都围过来取笑河马。

    All that came from his mouth were terrible noises , and when the other animals heard this , they all came around to make fun of the hippo .

  10. 这条河里有很多河马

    Hippopotamuses teem in this river .

  11. 当我们拿鲸的DNA与其他生物比对时,我们惊奇的发现,鲸鱼竟然是河马的后代!

    And when we compared some whale DNA with DNA from some other species , we got quite a surprise . The DNA suggests that whales are descendants of the hippopotamus . Yes , the hippopotamus !

  12. 已有一个小孩的罗博乌斯基则找到了一个非常特别的参照点:《饥饿的河马》(HungryHungryHippos)游戏!

    Wroblewski , father of a small child , has found a unique reference point : the Hungry Hungry Hippos game !

  13. 这些iPhone上自带的绘文字里有鸟,一共七只,有几只非常萌,但没有河马,没有母羊。

    The set of emojis that came with my iPhone have birds , seven of them , some very cute , but no hippos and no ewes .

  14. 马来西亚KualaLumpur的国家动物园中河马妈妈Chombi带着12天大的小河马一起游泳。

    A12-day-old hippopotamus swims next to its mother , Chombi , at Malaysia 's National Zoo in Kuala Lumpur .

  15. 人类正在以不可抗拒的力量,持续破坏着那些亿万年演化而成的生物系统,这些力量可以总结为HIPPO,原意是河马。

    The human juggernaut is permanently eroding Earth 's ancient biosphere by a combination of forces that can be summarized by the acronym HIPPO , the animal hippo .

  16. 但我没法再现桑德拉·博因顿(SandraBoynton)经典贺卡上的画谜:河马,小鸟,两只母羊。

    But I couldn 't replicate the rebus of the classic Sandra Boynton greeting card : Hippo , Birdie , Two Ewes .

  17. 肯定不是因为这个国家缺少坏脾气的河马和斑马。

    Certainly not because the country lacked bad-tempered hippos and zebras .

  18. 她画了一幅河马穿紧身衣的图片。

    She had drawn a picture of a hippo wearing tights .

  19. 血清葡萄糖-6-磷酸异构酶与自身免疫性疾病相关性研究三河马6-磷酸葡萄糖脱氢酶及葡萄糖磷酸异构酶的多态性

    The investigation of relationship between serum glucose-6-phosphate isomerase and autoimmune disease

  20. 小河马还没名字呢。

    The baby hippopotamus has not yet been given a name .

  21. 孩子们喜欢看河马在泥中打滚。

    The children enjoyed watching the hippopotamus wallowing in the mud .

  22. 河马是非洲最危险的动物之一。

    Hippos are one of the most dangerous animals in Africa .

  23. 没多久每只河马都有鱼群尾随其后

    Soon each hippo is trailed by a shoal of fish ,

  24. 一头河马在加蓬的海岸附近冲浪。

    A hippopotamus surfs the waves off the coast of Gabon .

  25. 当河马来到水潭的某个地方

    When the hippos reach one particular spot in the pool ,

  26. 时序进入旱季后有很多母河马来投靠它

    Since the drought many more females have joined his herd .

  27. 他现在就像得了疝气的河马一样生气。

    He 's as mad as a hippo with a hernia .

  28. 是对你和我来讲对河马来讲怎样算正常?

    For you and me . What 's normal for a hippopotamus ?

  29. 看那只在河里溅水的河马。

    Look at the hippo splashing about in the river .

  30. 伊夫琳:你知道河马有时会杀人吗?

    Evelyn : Did you know hippos sometimes kill people ?