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sī mǎ
  • Sima;a surname;minister of war in ancient china
司马 [sī mǎ]
  • (1) [minister of war in ancient china]∶古代官名,古代中央政府中掌管军政和军赋的长官。汉大将军、将军、校尉之属官都有司马,专掌兵事。隋唐州府佐吏有司马一人,位在别驾、长史之下,掌兵事,或位置贬谪及闲散官员

  • 座中泣下谁最多,江州司马青衫湿。--唐. 白居易《琵琶行(并序)》

  • (2) [surname]∶姓

司马[sī mǎ]
  1. 司马在汉族姓氏里是复姓。

    S ī m ǎ is a compound surname among Chinese surnames .

  2. Facebook的二把手谢勒尔•桑德伯格(SherylSandberg),比他的年轻的男上司马克•扎克伯格(MarkZuckerberg)更加广受称赞。

    Sheryl Sandberg , the number two at Facebook , is more widely applauded than her young male boss , Mark Zuckerberg .

  3. 阮籍与司马氏集团之关系辨析

    An Analysis on the Relationship Between Ruan Ji and SiMa Phratry

  4. 北魏司马金龙墓屏风漆画研究

    Screen paint-drawings from Sima Jinlong cemetery in the Northern Wei Dynasty

  5. 地质力学测试及其在司马矿的应用

    Geological mechanics testing and its application in Shima coal mine

  6. 司马泵站出水流道改造的试验研究

    Experimental Research on Reforming Outlet Conduit of Sima Pumping Station

  7. 粉末直接压片法制备多司马酯分散片

    Preparation of Dosmalfate Dispersible Tablets by Direct Powder Compression Technique

  8. 钢轨枕在司马矿井永久轨道铺设中的应用

    Application of Steel Rail in Permanent Rail Laying in Si ma Coal Mine

  9. 目的:采用粉末直接压片工艺制备多司马酯分散片。

    Objective : To prepare dosmalfate dispersible tablets by direct powder compression technique .

  10. 对唐昭陵北司马门遗址考古新发现的几点认识

    Some Realizations of the North Sima Gate Site of Tang 's Zhaoling Mausoleum

  11. 他的人生苦闷也正是司马氏残暴统治压制下的结果。

    His depression about life is the result of SiMa 's ferocious ruling .

  12. 大司马雇用了一位专门为他打造宝剑的铁匠。

    The minister of war hired a forger especially to make sword for him .

  13. 目的优化多司马酯胶囊的制备工艺,提高其溶出度。

    Objective To optimize the preparation technology of Dosmalfate Capsules for increasing its dissolution .

  14. 司马集团于1962年创建于瑞士,是从事展览工程的专业公司。

    Syma-expo group was established in Switzerland in1962 and has specialized in exhibition engineering .

  15. 司马氏家族世系的文化内涵考释

    The Cultural Implication of Sima 's Family Genealogy

  16. 但司马景瀚也意识到,扩张过快可能会导致问题产生。

    But Mr. Schwartz also has seen that growing too fast can cause problems .

  17. 汉武帝封禅与司马谈之死

    Emperor Wu Di 's Worship of the Heaven and Earth and Sima Tan 's Death

  18. 一天,右司马在马车里悄悄地问楚王:

    One day , a military official quietly asked King of Chu in the carriage :

  19. 论司马承祯的道教心性之学

    Sima Chengzhen 's Daoist Mind-Nature Theory

  20. 研究结果在司马矿1101工作面的开采试验中得到了验证。

    This result were validated at the mining experiment in Sima Coal Mine 1101 working face .

  21. 咸阳白庙村的历史地位及其与司马氏、班氏的关系

    The Historical Status of Xianyang 's Baimiao Village and its Relationship with Sima and Ban Clans

  22. 三国时代末期,司马家族的地位在魏国变得卓著。

    At the end of the Three Kingdoms Period , Sima family became prominent in the Wei .

  23. 受这些议论的影响,司马氏在禅魏前后进行了三次分封。

    Under the influence of these suggestions , Sima family enfeoffed three times around ascending the throne .

  24. 从魏朝诞生至其灭亡,司马家族共辅佐了魏国五位皇帝中的三位。

    Throughout the Wei period the Sima family assisted three out of five kings of the Wei Kingdom .

  25. 在宋国,有位司马叫桓魋的想杀害他。

    In the state of Song , Huantui , a minister of war , tried to kill him .

  26. 2002年度唐昭陵北司马门遗址发掘简报

    A Brief Report of 2002 's Excavation of the North Sima Gate Site of Tang 's Zhaoling Mausoleum

  27. 司马先生好帅。每天看到他真使上班有意思。

    Mr. sima be so handsome . seeing him every day really make It worth go to work .

  28. 这个时候,司马家族已经将掌控魏国的权力从曹家手中夺取了过来。

    By this time the Sima clan had effectively wrested control of Wei away from the Cao family ;

  29. 司马越府隽异与西晋王朝的历史出口

    Persons of Unusual Talents in Sima Yue 's Office of Commanding Officer and Historical Exit during Western Jin Dynasty

  30. 凝聚剂与絮凝剂在司马矿选煤厂煤泥水处理中的试验研究

    Experimental Study on the Application of Coagulant and Flocculant in the Slime Water Treatment in Sima Coal Separating Plant