
  • 网络Judicial Protection
  1. TRIPS协议下我国知识产权司法保护的新机制探究

    The Research of the New System of Judicial Protection about Our Country 's Intellectual Property under the TRIPS Agreement

  2. TRIPS协议对知识产权司法保护的内容作了具体的规定,这些规定是我国实行知识产权司法保护的标准和依据。

    The TRIPS protocol has specific provisions on the judicial protection of intellectual property rights , which is the standard and basis for our country to implement the judicial protection of intellectual property rights .

  3. 日本法务大臣千叶景子(keikochiba)在中国处决赤野光信之前表示,处决毒贩比日本可能的判刑更为严厉,并对中国的司法保护提出质疑。

    Speaking ahead of the execution , Keiko Chiba , justice minister in Japan , said execution for a drugs offence was a harsher sentence than would be possible in Japan and questioned Chinese judicial protections .

  4. 论我国民事权利司法保护的疏失

    Defects and Omissions in Judicial Protection of Civil Rights in China

  5. 论知识产权国际保护中的司法保护

    On the Judicatory Protection in International Protection of Intellectual Property Right

  6. 浅论未成年教养人员司法保护中的几个问题

    Several Issues in the Judicial Protection of Minors Undergoing Reform-through-labour

  7. 而在中国,司法保护还没准备好。

    In China that judicial protection is not yet ready .

  8. 从立法视野看我国跨载体复制的司法保护

    Looking at Chinese Judicature Protection of Transforming Carrier Duplication from Legislative Angle

  9. 加强对新闻舆论监督的司法保护

    Strengthen the Judicial Protection for the Supervision by the Media

  10. 论刑事诉讼中未成年人司法保护的不足

    On the Lack of Judicial Protection of the Minors in Criminal Lawsuits

  11. 司法保护主要是强调对诉讼权利和法院审判权的正确行使;

    Mostly , emphasizing exertion procedure right and jurisdiction well to avoid abusingthem ;

  12. 笔者给出了两种途径:司法保护和行政保护。

    Author provides two ways : protecting by law & protecting by administration .

  13. 论我国公司股东权的司法保护

    On the Justice Protection of Stockholder ′ s Rights

  14. 对少年犯司法保护应确立的几个理念

    A Few Ideas Established on Juvenile Delinquents Judicial Protection

  15. 再次是完善司法保护。

    Again , is to improve the judicial protection .

  16. 论社会保障权的司法保护

    On Judicial Remedies for the Rights to Social Security

  17. 论民事诉权的司法保护

    About the Judicial Protection of the Civil Lawsuit Right

  18. 试论学生权利及其司法保护

    Discussion on the Student 's Rights and Judicial Protection

  19. 当商业秘密遭到非法侵害后,其拥有者可寻求司法保护。

    When commercial secrets are illegally infringed , their owners can seek legal protections .

  20. 各国都有公益司法保护制度,公益诉讼是为保护社会公共利益的诉讼。

    Judicial protection system of public good in every country protects social public interests .

  21. 劳动权的司法保护若干问题探析

    On Protection of Justicial Procedure of Labor Rights

  22. 瑞士法的监护制度分为监护,辅佐和司法保护三类。

    The guardianship institution in " Switzerland Civil Law Code " is classified by guardianship .

  23. 商业秘密的民事司法保护

    The Civil Judicial Protection of Trade Secrets

  24. 运用案例分析研究方法,分析了奥林匹克标志的司法保护实践。

    This article analyzed the judicial protection of Olympic insignia used the case study method .

  25. 未成年人犯罪的司法保护

    The Judicial Protection of Juvenile Crime

  26. 美国奥林匹克标志司法保护典型案例评析及其借鉴意义

    Studies on Typical Cases on Intellectual Property of Olympic Insignia in USA and Its Implications to China

  27. 民事诉讼中农村弱势当事人合法权益的司法保护

    The Judicatory Protect in The Civil Actions of the Rights and Interests of Peasants in Feebleness Circumstances

  28. 再次,通过对我国其他省份的企业知识产权司法保护措施进行比较、借鉴。

    Thirdly , compare the intellectual property right judicial protection measures with other provinces in our country .

  29. 时至今天,我国的未成年人司法保护工作已逐步走向法制的轨道,并取得了一定的成绩。

    Protection of minors has been gradually moving towards the legal system , and achieved remarkable results .

  30. 1984年最早出台了行政保护与司法保护并存的双轨制。

    First introduced in 1984 , administrative protection and judicial protection of co-existence of " dual track " .