
sī fǎ ɡōnɡ zuò rén yuán
  • Judicial staff;judicial personnel
  1. 囿于理论研究水平和司法工作人员身份,笔者提出的一些观点可能比较幼稚,甚至带有一些先入为主的观念。

    Instead of the theory research level and judicial personnel identity , the author puts forward some points of view may be naive , even with some of the first concept .

  2. 司法工作人员认为,犯罪前的行为表现、犯罪性质、犯罪中的表现、犯罪后的态度和犯罪嫌疑人的特殊生理状况等影响社会危险性的认定。

    Judicial personnel thinks , before the crime , the nature of the crime , the crime behavior in the show , after the crime suspect and the attitude of special physiological status and influence social risk identification .

  3. 司法工作人员渎职犯罪的检察监督

    Procuratorial Supervision of the Crimes of Malfeasance Committed by Judicial Functionary

  4. 本罪的主体为司法工作人员。

    The subject of OECT is judicial officer .

  5. 司法工作人员犯前两款罪的,从重处罚

    Any judicial personnel committing the crimes as stated in the previous two paragraphs is to be severely punished

  6. 以暴力、威胁或者其他方法阻碍司法工作人员执行职务的;

    Using violence , threats or other means to hinder judicial officers or personnel from performing their duties ;

  7. 司法工作人员与无身份者共同实施真正身份犯的共犯成立类型

    On Types of Accomplices in Special Status Crimes Committed Jointly by Judicial Officers and the Offenders without Special Status

  8. 司法工作人员作为司法权力的执行者,代表着社会的公平正义。

    Judicial officer who , as the implementation of judicial power , on behalf of the social fairness and justice .

  9. 徇私枉法罪是典型的司法工作人员渎职犯罪。

    The crime of bending the law for self-seeding is the judicial staff malfeasance of ceremony punishment commit a crime .

  10. 司法工作人员职务犯罪作为一种社会现象,古今中外都普遍存在。

    Judicial staff duty crime as a social phenomenon , are prevalent at all times in the East and the western countries .

  11. 《公约》对公民权利的规定,不少内容同司法工作人员的职务有关。

    Quite a lot of content of the provisions concerning civil rights in the Convention are related to the judicial personnel 's duties .

  12. 司法工作人员在办理此类需通过再生证据找出线索的案件必须区别于普通案件的侦查,形成特殊的侦查意识,并且掌握好时机,及时准确的收集。

    Judicature workers should distinguish the cases that need regenerate evidence from the common ones , and form the detection consciousness and collect effectively .

  13. 在刑事法学的语境中,司法工作人员、犯罪嫌疑人等概念应当统一。

    In the context of criminology , the concepts of staff members of criminal judicature and the suspect should be understood on the same level .

  14. 刑事证明标准是刑事诉讼证据理论体系中的核心问题,更是每一个刑事司法工作人员不得不思考的问题。

    The criminal testification is the core of criminal procedural evidence theory system , still a question that should be thought carefully by every criminal judiciary .

  15. 刑讯逼供罪,是为了遏制审讯过程中司法工作人员采用暴力手段逼取口供的行为而设置的罪名。

    Extort confessions by torture crime is a charge that is in order to curb judicial staff use violence to get oral confession in the interrogate process .

  16. 本法所称司法工作人员,是指有侦查、检察、审判、监管职责的工作人员。

    The term " judicial personnel " in this law refers to personnel engaged in the functions of investigating , prosecuting , adjudicating , supervising and controlling offenders .

  17. 有效遏制司法工作人员渎职犯罪的发生和蔓延,必须采用规制、监督、引导和惩治等多种手段和方式,对其进行综合防治。

    To effectively curb the occurrence and spread of crime of dereliction of duty , must conduct integrated control by means and methods of regulation , supervision , guidance and punishment .

  18. 其中,司法工作人员的认定应当采取公务论的观点,即指依法享有侦查、检察、审判、监管职责的工作人员,不论其是否具有国家工作人员身份。

    The judicial staff identity standards are official business , as who have the legitimate duty to investigation , prosecution , adjudication , regulatory no matter he is or not a national staff .

  19. 本罪的概念应为:司法工作人员利用职务上的便利,私自非法释放在押的犯罪嫌疑人、被告人或罪犯的行为。

    The concept of such crime should be : the act of the judicial staff by using the convenience of duty to relieve the suspect , the defendant and offender in custody without authorization .

  20. 司法工作人员是国家司法权的具体执行者,他们的活动直接关系到各项法律、法规是否正确、统一实施,关系到依法治国能否实现。

    Judicial staff is the specifically conducted of national judicial power , whose campaign directly concerns every law , regulations correct , unified enforcement , concern whether treat country according to law to realize .

  21. 近几年来大量执行难的案件,困扰着大众和司法工作人员,不少当事人将胜诉的判决书公开拍卖转让,其合法性与合理性受到众人的关注。

    Recent years , the public and judicial staff had been obsessed with the cases of difficult enforcement , so some parties transfer openly the judgement by the auction . The legitimacy and rationality of the public are concerned .

  22. 二是通过加强对社区居民的宣传,以及转变司法工作人员崇尚重刑、迷恋监禁刑的传统思想,来转变对社区矫正的传统观念。

    Second , it is necessary to change the traditional concept of community corrections by strengthening the promotion of community residents and changing the concept of judicial personnel who is obsessed with the heavy penalty and sentence of imprisonment .

  23. 刑讯逼供,是指司法工作人员对犯罪嫌疑人、被告人使用肉刑或者变相肉刑,以获取其供述的一种极恶劣的审讯方法。

    Inquisition by torture , is one extremely bad interrogation method used by some judicial star members , who treat the criminal suspected persons or the accused with corporal punishment or that in disguised form to obtain their declarations .

  24. 自觉运用调解制度,防止民事纠纷的恶化,维护社会的稳定,对于司法工作人员和普通公民都具有重要的意义。

    Therefore , all have important meanings to judicial staff members and ordinary citizens , such as , using the system of mediating consciously , preventing the deterioration of the civil disputation and safeguarding the stability of the society .

  25. 第二百四十七条司法工作人员对犯罪嫌疑人、被告人实行刑讯逼供或者使用暴力逼取证人证言的,处三年以下有期徒刑或者拘役。

    Article 247 Any judicial officer who extorts confession from a criminal suspect or defendant by torture or extorts testimony from a witness by violence shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years or criminal detention .

  26. 然而,由于我国现行刑法对这一罪名的规定不够严密,相关法律概念较为模糊,实践中不断出现新情况等种种原因,学者和司法工作人员在渎职罪主体的认定问题上出现了颇多争议。

    However , due to the current criminal law provisions of this-offense is not tightly , related legal concepts more vague , emerging practice for various reasons , scholars and judicial staff have quite a lot of controversy in identifying the main body of the crime of dereliction .

  27. 从确立量刑建议制度的立法地位、量刑建议配套制度的设立和强化司法工作人员自身素质三个方面提出建议,希望通过这些建议,为我国最终建立量刑建议制度提供现实基础。

    From the establishment of the sentencing suggestion system legislation status , sentencing proposal system set up and strengthen the judicial personnel s quality put forward three proposals , the hope that through these suggestions , for our country set up the system of sentencing suggestion provides realistic basis .

  28. 如书记官、律师助理、基层司法所工作人员、社区法律服务人员。辅助性法律职业教育的重要特征就是实践性。

    An important feature on legal profession of vocational education is practicality .

  29. 笔者认为,这一次又一次的刑事错案与司法机关工作人员在运行权力过程中滥用权力这一行为有必然的联系。

    Writer think , this continuously misjudged case were inevitably connected to abusing the power of workers during the process .

  30. 司法机关工作人员不仅应该以犯罪行为人的主观故意为主要依据,还必须考虑爆炸手段、爆炸结果等客观方面的内容。

    Judicial authority staff should not only regard crime actor 's subjective on purpose , but also consider objective content of explosion means and result of exploding etc.