
jué yì cǎo àn
  • draft resolution
  1. 那项提案包含在决议草案中。

    The proposal has been embodied in a draft resolution

  2. 这种表述比所提决议草案中的说法要弱很多。

    This is a far weaker formulation than is in the draft resolution which is being proposed .

  3. 与其修改决议草案,不如予以撤回。

    We would rather withdraw the draft resolution than amend it .

  4. 起草委员会将负责起草提交大会讨论的决议草案。

    The Drafting Committee will be in charge of working out a draft resolution to be submitted to the Conference for deliberation .

  5. 他们商定一项决议草案。

    They agreed on a draft resolution .

  6. 巨大的压力不可避免的会压向CMS。实际上,二月份CMS的决议草案一出台,CT结肠成像的支持者们就快速被动员起来了。

    Powerful pressure will inevitably be applied to the CMS . Indeed , after the agency published its draft decision in February , proponents of CT colonography , in a now-familiar pattern , quickly mobilized .

  7. 她说,如果俄罗斯寻求的、旨在结束叙利亚暴力局面的一项联合国新决议草案没有强制的有效措施的话,决议草案将毫无意义,因为叙利亚总统阿萨德(Basharal-Assad)将对此视若无睹。

    A new United Nations resolution sought by Russia and aimed at ending the violence in Syria would be pointless if it had ' no teeth , ' as Syrian President Bashar al-Assad would ignore it , she said .

  8. 号文件内决议草案所涉行政和经费问题

    Administrative and financial implications of the draft resolution contained in document

  9. 把修正后的决议草案全文交付表决

    Put the draft resolution as amended to the vote as a whole

  10. 目前还不清楚这项决议草案的具体内容。

    Details of the draft resolution were not immediately available .

  11. 他对决议草案提出建议性的修改意见。

    He submitted constructive amendments to the draft resolution .

  12. 两项决议草案将上交总理事会通过。

    Both draft decisions will now go to the General Council for adoption .

  13. 我提议选出一个委员会来拟订一项决议草案。

    I move that we elect a committee to work out a draft resolution .

  14. 如果被投票通过,那么决议草案就成为正式决议。

    If passed by the committee , the draft resolution will become a resolution .

  15. 会上没有外交官对朝方的决议草案发表评论。

    No diplomats commented on the draft resolution .

  16. 美国上周向拥有15个成员国的安理会提交了该决议草案。

    The United States ed that draft resolution to the 15-member council last week .

  17. 决议草案内的要求;

    Request contained in the draft resolution ;

  18. 日本外相麻生太郎对美国国会正在考虑的一份决议草案表示谴责。

    Japan 's Foreign Minister Taro Aso has denounced a draft resolution being considered by U.

  19. 决议草案要求解散驻扎在朝鲜的联合国军。

    The draft resolution called for the dissolution of the United Nations command in Korea .

  20. 经常在组成国家集团及写作工作文件和决议草案的时候采用。

    Frequently used to sort countries into blocs and to write working papers and draft resolutions .

  21. 友好修正案是原决议草案全部起草国均赞成的对决议草案内容的改动。

    A friendly amendment is a change to the draft resolution that all sponsors agree with .

  22. 他说,希望阿拉伯各国最新出台的这份决议草案不会遭到美方的反对。

    He said he hopes there will be no U.S. objection to the latest Arab draft .

  23. 三分之二多数一般用于决议草案与指令草案的表决。

    This is usually used when the committee is voting on draft resolutions or draft directives .

  24. 在各位面前有一份气候变化决议草案,它明确定义了世卫组织的责任。

    You have before you a draft resolution on climate change which gives WHO some clear responsibilities .

  25. 中国外交官上周近乎愤怒地否认有关美中就决议草案达成一致的说法。

    Chinese diplomats last week rejected almost angrily suggestions of a US-China deal on a draft resolution .

  26. 草稿他们设法在大选前把这项决议草案匆匆通过。

    draft n. eg. They are trying to rush through the draft resolution before the general election .

  27. 我们声明反对那些与侵略者勾结在一起的成员国提出的决议草案。

    We declared against the draft resolution put forward by the member states in collusion with the aggressor .

  28. 她还表示,美国将把决议草案提交安理会全体15个成员国。

    She added the US would proceed to circulate this draft to all 15 members of the Security Council .

  29. 决议草案又清楚地告诉我们:骄傲一定会使党的团结受到损害,使革命事业受到损害。

    The resolution also tells us clearly that conceit can definitely harm Party unity and the cause of revolution .

  30. 决议草案要求对伊朗实施制裁,惩罚伊朗从事核项目及拒绝中止浓缩铀活动的行为。

    Security Council resolution that would impose sanctions on Iran for its nuclear program and refusal to suspend enrichment activities .