
chánɡ ɡuī wǔ qì
  • conventional weapons
常规武器 [cháng guī wǔ qì]
  • [conventional arms (weapons)] 不属于大规模杀伤破坏性武器(如核武器)范围内的各种武器。常规武器的弹药的装填物是烈性炸药或燃烧剂。包括枪、炮、火箭等射击武器,炸弹武器、地雷武器、纵火武器、鱼雷武器和现代仍使用的部分冷兵器

  1. 我要再次重申,我们的常规武器是一流的。

    I want to reiterate that our conventional weapons are superior .

  2. 各代表签署了协议以减少欧洲的常规武器装备。

    Delegates signed a treaty to reduce the armouries of conventional weapons in Europe .

  3. 不幸的是,非常规武器已经带来难以收拾的局面。

    As for unconventional weapons , the genie is unfortunately already out of the bottle .

  4. 英国仍须保持核武器和常规武器的生产能力,以应对各种潜在威胁。

    Britain must still keep the nuclear and conventional capacity to deal with all conceivable threats .

  5. 我们必须通过控制核武器、化学武器和常规武器的数量来减少战争的危险。

    We must reduce the danger of war by controlling nuclear , chemical and conventional arms .

  6. 这些是常规武器。

    These weapons are conventional .

  7. 上下限之间的巨大差距反映出,双方在已用于携带常规武器或已封存的美国四艘三叉戟潜艇、整个美国B-1轰炸机和数十架B-52轰炸机问题上,仍存在分歧。

    That wide gap reflects continued division over four U.S. Trident submarines , the entire U.S. B-1 bomber fleet and dozens of B-52s that have been either converted to release conventional weapons use or mothballed .

  8. 同时,这也是至少自1950年(SIPRI数据追踪的最早年份)以来英国首次不在全球五大常规武器出口国之列。

    Also , it is the first time the UK has not been one of the top five conventional arms exporters since at least 1950 , the earliest year covered by Sipri data .

  9. 但是起爆系统较大的体积制约了其在常规武器系统上的应用,因此,起爆系统小型化研究成为EFIs的主要研究方向,其关键技术之一是提高起爆系统的能量利用效率。

    However , it would be difficult to apply for conventional weapon systems because of the big volume to initiation system . So . the main way of investigation is miniaturization of initiation system . and improving the energy efficiency has been a key technology of miniaturization .

  10. 常规武器装备研制程序的不足与改进

    Deficiency and Improvement on the Common Development Process of Weapon Materiel

  11. 声明要求朝鲜不要再进一步发射火箭,呼吁所有联合国成员全面履行2006年10月对朝鲜实施的常规武器、核以及弹道导弹部件禁运。

    The document demands North Korea conduct no further rocket launches .

  12. 关于某些常规武器使用问题政府专家会议

    Conference of Government Experts on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons

  13. 那么地雷与其他常规武器有何不同呢?

    How is the landrnine different from any other conventional weapon ?

  14. 计算机病毒武器:网络中心战的常规武器

    Computer Virus Weapon : A Conventional Weapon in Network Centric Warfare

  15. 常规武器爆炸作用下地震动的试验研究

    Test and Study on ground shock caused by conventional weapon explosion

  16. 现在,常规武器对这东西已经没有作用

    Now , conventional weapons have no effect on this thing ,

  17. 常规武器作用下地空导弹阵地目标毁伤分析

    Target Damage Analysis of Surface to Air Missile Bastion Under Conventional Weapons

  18. 他们认为有核武器是防止遭常规武器进攻的保障。

    They regard nuclear weapons as an insurance policy against conventional attack .

  19. 打击和预防常规武器非法贩运方案

    Programme for Combating and Preventing Illicit Trafficking in Conventional Arms

  20. 常规武器不在能将铁桶击飞。

    Regular weapons can no longer blow up barrels .

  21. 这项拟议中的条约并不会禁止常规武器交易。

    The proposed treaty would not to ban the sale of conventional arms .

  22. 联合国常规武器登记册政府专家组;

    Group of Governmental Experts on the United Nations Register of conventional arms ;

  23. 凶手用的不是常规武器。

    Our shooter didn 't use a conventional weapon .

  24. 某些常规武器公约缔约国审议会议

    Review Conference of the States Parties to the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons

  25. 关于常规武器转让和不扩散核生化武器的宣言;

    Declaration on conventional arms transfers and NBC non-proliferation ;

  26. 常规武器爆炸产生的破片及其破坏效应

    Fragment and its destroy effect produced by conventional weapon

  27. 中国对常规武器转让一贯坚持以下原则。

    China consistently adheres to a series of principles on conventional weapons transfers .

  28. 联合国中部非洲常规武器登记册讨论会

    Seminar on the United Nations Arms Register on Conventional Arms for Central Africa

  29. 用核武器取代常规武器。

    The replacement of conventional weapons by nuclear weapons .

  30. 请先讲常规武器吧。

    Please talk about the conventional ones first .