
  • 网络peacekeeping operations;pko
  1. 中国参与联合国维和行动的类型及地域分析

    China in United Nations Peacekeeping Operations : Operational Types and Regions

  2. 第四章对联合国维和行动的展望。

    The chapter four will provide prospects of United Nations peacekeeping operations .

  3. 维和行动本身的特点决定了预先制订计划很困难。

    Peacekeeping , by its nature , makes pre-planning difficult

  4. 对总统说来,局势同样难料。假如维和行动出了岔子,他就会显得无能。

    For the President , the calculations are equally difficult . If the peacekeeping operation goes wrong he risks appearing weak .

  5. 联合国维和行动为和平而生,为和平而存,成为维护世界和平与安全的重要途径。维和行动给冲突地区带去信心,让当地民众看到希望。

    UN peacekeeping missions were created for maintaining peace . And as an important means of upholding world peace and security , they now bring confidence and hope to the people in conflict zones .

  6. 在联合国安理会(UNsecuritycouncil)批准将达尔富尔维和行动过渡给联合国部队的投票中,中国选择了弃权,主要原因是中国需要从苏丹购买石油。

    China abstained in a UN Security Council vote authorising the transition to a UN force in Darfur , primarily because it buys oil from Sudan .

  7. 应用MMPI评估维和行动官兵心理状况

    Psychological State Assessment on the Peacekeeping Officers and Soldiers with MMPI

  8. 中国于1990年首次参加维和行动。

    China undertook its first UN peacekeeping operation back in 1990 .

  9. 但是新世纪的联合国维持和平行动表现出了与传统维和行动不同的新特点。

    But the new PKO is different from the traditional PKO .

  10. 联合国维和行动评析

    Comment on and Analysis of Keeping-peace Action of the United Nations

  11. 与传统维和行动相比,它增加了许多新任务,如监督或组织选举、排雷等。

    Comparing to traditional one , it increases many new tasks .

  12. 联合国维和行动的经费与装备保障

    On expenses and equipment support in UN peace & keeping operations

  13. 中国警察参与联合国维和行动风险分析

    The Risk Assessment on Participation of Chinese Police in United Nations Missions

  14. 维和行动的预算付诸大会表决。

    The General Assembly votes on the operation 's budget .

  15. 报告承诺,德国将更积极参与欧洲和国际维和行动。

    It promises greater German participation in European and international peacekeeping missions .

  16. 英国陆军参与了维和行动。

    The British army has been involved in peacekeeping operations .

  17. 所有维和行动都只能是临时措施。

    All the peace-keeping operations are only temporary measures .

  18. 法国国防部部长莫兰说,欧盟在波斯尼亚的四年维和行动是成功的。

    French Defense Minister Herve Morin called the four-year-old peacekeeping operation a success .

  19. 冷战后联合国维和行动发展评析

    On the Development of United Nations Peacekeeping Operations in the Post-Cold War Era

  20. 冷战前只有少数几个区域组织实施过维和行动。

    Only a few regional organizations implemented peacekeeping operations before the Cold War .

  21. 维和行动中武装冲突法的适用

    The Application of Armed Conflict Law towards Peacekeeping Operations

  22. 首先评估了维和行动和不干预的意义。

    It first evaluates the meaning of the concepts of peacekeeping and non-intervention .

  23. 维和行动中的当地译员是一个特殊群体,在维和任务中具有重要作用。

    Local interpreters are a particular group of personnel in peace-keeping mission areas .

  24. 受到众多批评的联合国索马里维和行动。

    The much criticized UN peacekeeping mission to somalia .

  25. 维和行动在国际战略中的利益价值

    The Interests and Values of the Peace Keeping Operation in the International Strategy

  26. 现在,中国是联合国维和行动的第二大出资国。

    Today , China is the second-largest financial contributor to the UN peacekeeping budget .

  27. 中国将继续积极参加联合国维和行动。

    Chinese combat troops'can join UN peacekeeping ' .

  28. 更糟的是,维和行动缺乏基础的装备。

    Worse , the mission lacks basic equipment .

  29. 参与联合国维和行动须遵守维和三原则。

    China 's participation should abide by the three principles of UN peacekeeping operations .

  30. 1988年以后的联合国维和行动被称为第二代维和行动。

    The UN peacekeeping operations after 1988 was called the second generation peacekeeping operations .