
  1. 她决定起诉雇主非法解雇她。

    She decided to sue her employer for wrongful dismissal .

  2. 司法部长很清楚他决定起诉可能引发的政治后果。

    The Attorney General was aware of the political implications of his decision to prosecute

  3. 在认真考虑了所有相关事实后,他决定起诉她。

    He has decided to prosecute her after careful consideration of all the relevant facts

  4. 于是双方相持不下,B公司决定起诉欠费业主,请问业主应该如何对应?

    So the two sides split , the company decided to prosecute plan B owners , owners should ask how counterpart ?

  5. 所以有些观察家认为大公司对于IV的决定起诉那些公司会有影响力。

    Some observers speculate that the big companies have influence over IV 's decisions about what companies to sue .

  6. 报纸对她的私生活进行污蔑,她决定起诉其犯有诽谤罪。

    She decided to sue for libel after the newspaper smeared her rivate life .

  7. 冯军表示,在惠普和东芝拒绝了爱国者的主张并拒绝谈判后,他决定起诉这两家电脑制造商。

    Mr Feng said that he decided to sue HP and Toshiba after the PC makers rejected Aigo 's claims and refused to negotiate .

  8. 根据中国法律,北京方面必须在2月25日之前决定起诉或释放这些人,他们从去年7月起一直被拘押。

    Under Chinese law , Beijing had until February 25 to indict or release the men , who have been in detention since July .

  9. 但在作出决定起诉,潜在的诉讼当事者必须首先考虑是否损伤之一,法律外墙一种解脱。

    But before making the decision to sue , the potential litigant must first consider whether the injury is one for which the law furnishes a relief .

  10. 我和律师以及本地的劳工委员会谈过,由于我被解雇的情况很不寻常,他们都认为如果我决定起诉这家公司的话,我很可能能够赢得官司,可是我无意卷入旷日持久、成本高昂的诉讼。

    I spoke with both an attorney and the local labor board , and because of the unusual circumstances surrounding my firing , they both think that I could win in court if I decided to sue the company , but I 'm not interested in a long , costly legal battle .

  11. 警方决定不予起诉。

    The police decided not to prosecute .

  12. 由于证据不足,警方已决定不起诉。

    The police have decided not to prosecute because the evidence is not strong enough

  13. 在大陪审团决定不起诉弗格森市和斯塔滕岛杀人案中的警察后,美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马(BarackObama)呼吁展开全国性对话,以重建民众对地方警察力量的信任。

    In the wake of the decisions not to prosecute officers in the Ferguson and Staten Island killings , President Barack Obama has called for a national conversation to rebuild trust in local police forces .

  14. 廉政公署发言人alantse表示,廉署将继续展开调查,然后向律政司副刑事检控专员提交报告,由其最后决定是否起诉。

    Alan TSE , a spokesperson , said the commission would continue with its inquiries before submitting a report to the Deputy public prosecutor , who would have the final say on whether to press charges .

  15. 我们决定不起诉他们,免得惹事生非。

    We decide to give up indicting them for out of trouble .

  16. 他很生气,但是还是决定不起诉你。

    He was very angry , but decided not to press charges .

  17. 我们最后决定不起诉。

    In the end we decided not to press charges .

  18. 航空公司已经告知法国当局,但是检察机关决定不起诉。

    The airline notified the French authorities but prosecutors decided not to press charges .

  19. 周一陪审团决定不起诉杀害迈克尔·布朗的警察,引发了这些抗议事件。

    All this followed Monday 's decision not to indict the police officer who killed Michael Brown .

  20. 他因在街上斗殴而被捕,但警察决定不起诉。

    He was arrested for fighting in the street , but police have decided not to bring charges .

  21. 警方将案件移交给检察官,检察官将决定是否起诉他。

    Police sent their files to a prosecutors and up to them to decide whether to charge him .

  22. 检察官表示,在对这起民事诉讼的进展进行评估后,他们将决定是否起诉苏哈托的另外6家基金会。

    Prosecutors have said they will decide whether to sue the other six foundations after assessing progress of the initial civil suit .

  23. 一旦提起公诉,公诉人可以决定是起诉这个违法事件还是撤消公诉。

    Once charged with a crime , the prosecutor can make the decision whether to prosecute the offense or dismiss the charges .

  24. 如果政府部门决定参与起诉,案件将由政府主导,而告发人则有服从义务。

    If Government proceeds with the action , the suit will be led by it rather than informer and informer has obligation to obey .

  25. 并非所有的违法行为都要被起诉,在决定是否起诉时检察官具有很大的自由裁量权。

    Not every violation of law can be prosecuted , and prosecutors have wide discretion in deciding which to prosecute and which to drop .

  26. 当前,检察机关终止刑事诉讼决定不起诉的权力在理论上、制度上和司法实践中都得到普遍认可。

    Nowadays , the power to terminate criminal procedure and decide not to prosecute by procuratorial organs has been universally recognized in theory , system and judicial practice .

  27. 即使律政司决定不予起诉的个案,都必须获委员会审核和同意,方可终止调查。

    No one can terminate an ICAC investigation without the consent of the committee , including those cases that the Department of justice does not recommend any prosecution .

  28. 由于弗格森大陪审团决定不起诉枪杀黑人青年的白人警察,美国各地爆发激烈的抗议。

    Protests have raged on in the United States over the Ferguson grand jury decision not to indict a white police officer for fatally shooting a black teen .

  29. 日本新闻机构共同通信社说,日本诉讼方基于他并非蓄谋为之而决定不起诉詹先生。

    Japan 's prosecutors chose not to indict Mr Zhan on the grounds that his act was not premeditated , according to Kyodo , the Japanese news agency .

  30. 中国的刑事诉讼法给当地检察机关视社区期望,罪行轻重,当地经济状况决定是否起诉的权力。

    China 's Criminal Procedure Law gives powers to local procuratorate departments to prosecute based on community expectations , the severity of the crime and local economic conditions .