
  • 网络acquiring company;acquiring firm;Buyout Firm;MBO
  1. 通常情况下,被收购公司的资产会被作为收购公司所借贷款的抵押物且其周转资金也会被用于还贷。

    Most often , the target company 's assets serve as security for the loans taken out by the acquiring firm , which repays the loans out of cash flow of the acquired company .

  2. 并购引起了收购公司和目标公司股价的变化,因而引起了收购公司和目标公司股东财富的变化。

    MA led to the change of stock price of acquiring company and target company , so it changed shareholders ' wealth of acquiring firm and target firm .

  3. 该公司试图找到一家收购公司,但进展甚微。

    The company was making little progress in trying to find a suitor

  4. 2005年和2006年,百仕通是最活跃的私人股本收购公司之一,但在2006年9月牵头投资集团收购飞思卡尔半导体(FreescaleSemiconductor)后,该公司开始变得谨慎。

    Blackstone was among the most active private equity buyers in 2005 and 2006 but grew cautious after leading the investment group that bought Freescale Semiconductor in September 2006 .

  5. 3月初,国际大型收购公司之一普罗维登斯投资(providenceequitypartners)向其投资者宣布,其驻香港的董事总经理童小(seantong)将从公司离职,转而创立一个专注中国的私人股本投资平台。

    At the beginning of March , Providence equity partners , one of the large international buy-out firms , sent a note to investors to announce that Sean Tong , one of its Hong Kong-based managing directors , was leaving the firm to launch a China-focused private equity investment platform .

  6. 一旦所有权掌握在收购公司手中,被投资的公司就可能会进行结构重组,或是通过补强型收购来实现扩张。

    Once under its ownership , the company could be restructured or expanded with bolt-on acquisitions .

  7. 此举表明,杠杆收购公司目前已意识到,信贷紧缩持续的时间可能长于先前的预期。

    The moves show that leveraged buy-out firms are realising the credit squeeze may last longer than first expected .

  8. 大型收购公司有各种各样的理由,使它们希望在收购大型企业时避开竞争激烈的公开拍卖。

    Large buy-out firms have all kinds of reasons to want to avoid hotly contested auctions for big companies .

  9. 罗姆尼和其合伙人在美国各地收购公司,收购过程往往让这些公司背负上债务。

    Romney and his partners bought companies across the United States , often loading them up with debt in the process .

  10. 被收购公司董事会、独立董事应当对解决方案是否切实可行发表意见。

    The board of directors and independent directors of the acquired company shall express opinions concerning the feasibility of the resolutions .

  11. 他们将罗姆尼描绘成掠夺性资本家,为了寻求快速利润而收购公司并大肆裁员。

    They painted him as a predatory capitalist who bought companies and laid people off in search of a quick profit .

  12. 如果你是首席执行官,在你休假的时候有人出价收购公司,你可能必须去处理一些事情。

    If you are chief executive and a takeover bid lands in your absence , you may need to do something .

  13. 国外的实证研究结果表明,独立董事在并购中能给收购公司的股东创造财富。

    In abroad , many analysis and researches show that the bidding firm shareholders ' wealth will be enhanced by the independent directors .

  14. 如果被收购公司的公平市价低于对该公司的收购价格,会出现什么情况?

    What happens if the fair market value of the assets of an acquired company is less than the purchase price of the company ?

  15. 当时,当企业狩猎者和杠杆收购公司开始撼动美国公司自满的管理层时,固步自封现象很普遍。

    At that time , when corporate raiders and leveraged buy-out firms started to shake up complacent managements at US companies , entrenchment was rife .

  16. 在12种私人股本投资机构中,大型收购公司位列末尾,认为今年投资大型收购公司具有吸引力的投资者不到五分之一。

    Large buy-outs ranked bottom of 12 types of private equity , with less than a fifth of investors considering them an attractive investment this year .

  17. 收购公司可以协助买方,提供所需的融资,或者就收购完成后如何重组或分割收购目标提供建议。

    Buyout firms can assist an acquirer by providing needed financing or advice on how a target could be restructured or carved up after a deal closes .

  18. 股市投资者抱怨,私人股本基金在收购公司资产的两三年后,以高出许多的价格卖回到股市。

    Stock market investors complain when private equity funds buy corporate assets only to sell them back to the stock market at a far higher price a couple of years later .

  19. 收购公司高管们目前预计,各银行目前仍试图出售出现问题的2000亿美元杠杆收购债务,这可能意味着在未来18-24个月内,银行将削减新的私人股本贷款。

    The $ 200bn of impaired LBO debt that banks are still trying to sell may mean they cut back on new private - equity loans for 18-24 months , buy-out executives now forecast .

  20. 鲁宾斯坦表示,未来10年,由于亚洲和中东地区的财富将呈现爆炸式增长,非美国基金将吸引足够多的投资来挑战美国收购公司的主导地位。

    Mr Rubenstein said non-US funds would attract enough investment over the next decade to challenge the predominance of US buy-out firms because of the explosion of wealth generated in Asia and the Middle East .

  21. 这些中国和印度企业的竞争优势,就是他们有能力廉价采购,纽约一家大型收购公司负责审查亚洲交易的高级董事总经理如是说。

    The competitive advantage of these Chinese and Indian companies is their ability to source cheaply , says the senior managing director at one big New York buy-out firm with responsibility for vetting Asian deals .

  22. 拥有3千万美元资产的人不仅投资各类股票和债券,还会收购公司并投资一些不寻常的债券,如航空租赁基金,使自己的资产增值。

    People who have at least $ 30m in assets invest in stocks and bonds , but they also grow their money by buying companies and investing in unusual securities , such as airline leasing funds .

  23. 收购公司已经多次根据中国市场的现实调整自身模式,因为曾在美国大获成功的公式换一个地方效果并不是特别好。

    Buy-out firms have already had to adapt their model to the reality of the Chinese market several times , because the formula that has worked so successfully in the US does not travel particularly well .

  24. 如果这些资金以美元存款的形式存入位于香港的西方银行,那么,它们随后会被借给对冲基金或私人股本公司,这些机构随后会利用这些资金购买组合资产或收购公司。

    Or if the cash goes into dollar deposits with Western banks in Hong Kong , it is lent on to hedge funds or private equity houses , who then buy portfolio assets or bid for corporations .

  25. 收购公司中有半数预计收益最多下降10%,五分之一预计收入持稳或增长;将近四分之一的银行预计业绩将至少下降30%。

    Half of buy-out houses expect a maximum earnings fall of 10 per cent , with a fifth forecasting steady or rising revenues ; almost a quarter of banks expect earnings falls of at least 30 per cent .

  26. 2008年金融危机爆发之后,莱帕德断言出华尔街即将发生改变:招聘人数将会减少,成交量也会萎缩,而股权投资公司也会长期持有手中的被收购公司。

    As the financial crisis unfolded in 2008 , leopard concluded that Wall Street was going to change : headcounts would shrink , dealmaking would slow , and buyout firms would have to hold on to portfolio companies longer .

  27. 我认为,如果新被收购公司的高管的受限时间很长(也就是说多于18个月),那么,他们应强烈要求在收购公司中担任更高的职务。

    I believe if the leaders of a newly acquired company are locked up for a significant period of time ( i.e. greater than 18 months ) , they should strongly advocate for bigger jobs within the acquiring company .

  28. 由于可以获得的借贷资金数额大幅减少,收购公司不愿为新交易支付高价,而卖方仍然希望得到6个月之前可能拿到的金额。

    With their access to vast sums of borrowed money curtailed , buy-out firms are reluctant to pay top price for new deals while sellers are still hoping to get as much as they would have received six months ago .

  29. 但人们远不能确定,与利用廉价债务购买企业、然后在火爆的股市上出售相比,将重点放在其收购公司的经营细节方面,能否帮助收购基金获得同样的回报。

    Yet it is far from certain that focusing on the nitty-gritty of their companies ' business will help buy-out funds to reap the same rewards as loading them up with cheap debt and selling them into buoyant equity markets .

  30. 密尔沃基2月29日消息——罗克韦尔自动化将收购CEDES公司的安全和自动化业务

    MILWAUKEE , Feb. 29 , 2008 ? Rockwell Automation will acquire the Safety and Automation business of CEDES AG .