
  • 网络News Corp;news corporation;News Group;NWS;NewsCorporation
  1. 谷歌(Google)、沃尔玛(Wal-Mart)、新闻集团(NewsCorp),还有切萨皮克能源(ChesapeakeEnergy)。

    Google , Wal-Mart , News Corp , Chesapeake energy .

  2. 上周一,野村证券研究部(NomuraEquityResearch)的分析师迈克尔•内桑森对新闻集团进行了一番解体分析,颇为有趣。

    Michael Nathanson , an analyst at Nomura equity research , ran an interesting breakup analysis of News Corp on Monday .

  3. 新闻集团的总部设在悉尼。

    News Corporation was headquartered in Sydney .

  4. 事实就是如此,鲁伯特•默多克的新闻集团(NewsCorps.)

    Make no mistake about it , Rupert Murdoch 's News Corps .

  5. 新闻集团的thedaily报也是同样的商业模式。

    This is the same subscription service that news corps the daily uses .

  6. 任职公司:新闻集团(NewsCorp.,《财富》500强)

    Company : News Corp. ( nwsa , Fortune 500 )

  7. 福克斯电视台和《华尔街日报》都是新闻集团(NewsCorp.)旗下资产。

    Fox , like The Wall Street Journal , is owned by News Corp.

  8. 微软VS新闻集团,谁是最可能的竞购者?

    Microsoft VS News Corporation , who is the better choice ?

  9. 新闻集团(NewsCorp。)旗下小报《世界新闻报》(NewsoftheWorld)被控窃听语音信箱的丑闻促使英国政府出面承诺说,将对引发争议的报道策略展开新的调查。

    A scandal at News Corp. 's tabloid News of the World over alleged voice-mail interceptions prompted promises of new U.

  10. 近期,新闻集团(NewsCorp.)电话窃听丑闻所引发的媒体大战还在继续上演。

    The media frenzy over the News Corp. phone-hacking scandal has been a thing to behold .

  11. 对投资者来说,他将新闻集团(newscorporation)的经营传给子女已经变得可以接受,甚至颇具吸引力了。

    It has become plausible , even tempting to investors , for him to cede the running of News Corporation to his children .

  12. 新闻集团(NewsCorp)于去年11月斥资3.6亿美元收购了总部位于布鲁克林的教育技术供应商WirelessGeneration90%股权。

    News Corp ( NWS ) purchased a 90 % stake in Brooklyn-based wireless generation for $ 360 million last November .

  13. 家族价值观尽管存在缺陷,却造就了新闻集团(NewsCorp)。快进快出也有损于经理人的忠诚度。

    Family values , albeit flawed , built News Corp. Easy exit also undermines managers ' loyalty .

  14. 在此之前一个月,新闻集团公布了一份范围广泛的星空卫视亚洲集团(StarAsian)的改组计划。

    News of Feer 's closure came a month after News Corp unveiled a wide-ranging shake-up of its Star Asian television group .

  15. 时代变化的一个标志是英厄尔斯为21世纪福克斯(21stCenturyFox)和新闻集团(NewsCorp)总部设计的世贸中心二号大楼(TwoWorldTradeCenter)。

    One symbol of changing times is Two World Trade Center , Mr Ingels " design for 21st Century Fox and News Corp 's headquarters .

  16. 直到今年4月份,新闻集团报业公司及其母公司新闻国际(newsinternational)一直坚称电话窃听是某一“流氓记者”的单干行为。

    Until April of this year , NGN and news international , its parent , had maintained that phone hacking was conducted by a lone " rogue reporter " .

  17. 新闻集团(NewsCorp,眼下已分拆为一家出版公司和福克斯)最优秀的品质在于创新精神。

    The best quality of News Corp , now split into a publishing company and Fox , is entrepreneurialism .

  18. 如果CEO默多克能放弃他的董事会席位,或许新闻集团可以成立一个真正独立的董事会。

    Perhaps if CEO Murdoch gave up his board seat , a truly independent board could be installed .

  19. 切宁于2009年离开新闻集团,之后成立了切宁集团(CherninGroup)。

    Chernin left News Corp. in 2009 .

  20. 新闻集团(newscorp)因电话窃听丑闻面临的压力正不断增大,在三个大洲均遭遇了新的法律与政治挑战。

    Pressure on News Corp over its phone hacking scandal is rising on three continents with fresh legal and political challenges .

  21. 但对于新闻集团(NewsCorp.)的投资者来说就不是这么回事了。

    For investors in his News Corp. ( NWS ) , it has not worked nearly as well as it should have .

  22. 新闻集团(NewsCorp.)旗下的一系列网站2月份频频遭受类似的攻击,包括了、福克斯新闻网(以及。

    Similar attacks occurred across a series of News Corp. - owned sites in February , including , and .

  23. 与以往一样,人们的目光全都聚焦在泳池内,澳大利亚新闻集团(NewsCorpAustralia)的米克·卡罗尔(MickCarroll)说。

    As usual , it 's all about the pool , saidMick Carroll of News Corp Australia .

  24. 这份由新闻集团的主席和CEO签名的道歉信,标题上简单的写着对不起。

    The apology letter , signed from News Corp 's Chairman and CEO , is headlined simply : We are sorry .

  25. 新闻集团(NewsCorp.)前任董事长彼得•谢尔尼认为,西克雷斯特终将成为一位国际巨星。

    Peter Chernin , the former president of News Corp. ( nwsa ) , thinks Seacrest is positioned to become an international star .

  26. 董事会成员在新闻集团旗下意大利卫星电视业务SkyItalia的办公室碰头。

    Board members met at the offices of News Corp. 's Italian satellite-TV business , Sky Italia .

  27. MySpace为新闻集团(NewsCorp.)旗下子公司,新闻集团还拥有《华尔街日报》出版商道琼斯公司(DowJones&Co.)。

    MySpace is a unit of News Corp. , which also owns Wall Street Journal publisher Dow Jones & Co.

  28. 这其中,默多克新闻集团(newscorporation)在短短半个世纪的时间里就由澳大利亚的一家地方性报纸发展成为全球顶尖的传媒集团。

    As one of them , the Murdoch News Corporation has developed from a local newspaper of Australia to one of the top global media corporation within only half a century .

  29. 默多克的新闻集团(NewsCorp)估计,一位偶尔浏览者每年带来的边际收入少于0.1便士。

    Mr Murdoch 's News Corp estimates that the marginal revenue from an occasional browser is less than one tenth of a penny a year .

  30. 周四的进展没有直接涉及新闻集团。拥有《华尔街日报》(TheWallStreetJournal)和一系列英国报刊的新闻集团是默多克帝国的另一半。

    Thursday 's developments do not directly concern News Corp. , the other half of the Murdoch empire , which owns The Wall Street Journal and a portfolio of British newspapers .