
  • 网络sina;Sina.com;sina.com.cn;sina corp
  1. 准直必须能够在现场进行校核。新浪网对此进行了全程的视频直播。

    Collimation must be capable of being checked in the field . Sina brings on complete live video report .

  2. 但新浪网的一则新闻称,一位匿名人士表示宝宝很有可能是女孩。

    A story on sina . com , however , quoted an anonymous source as saying the baby would be a girl .

  3. 2005年据新浪网的调查表明,EF当选为排名前列的语言培训品牌。

    EF was elected as one of the top language training brand by Sina in2005 .

  4. 新浪网报道,在法国戛纳举行的国际秋季电视节(Mipcom)影展上,《甄嬛传》电视剧和电视电影的英文版受到许多海外知名电视台的喜爱,得到许多媒体的关注,并且多家电视台表达其购买意愿。

    The English version of Empresses in the Palace , both drama and TV movie , was favored by many well-known overseas television stations in Mipcom in France , receiving strong attention from various media and achieving purchase intention with many television stations , Sina news reported on Monday .

  5. 新浪网为何要调查人们对小孩子在街头小便的看法呢?

    Why is Sina polling people about children urinating in the first place ?

  6. 新浪网财经专版也予以报道。

    The Sina Net finance and economics all rights reserved also gives to report .

  7. 网络应用程序的安全性浅议&由新浪网的漏洞引出的思考

    On the Safety of Application Programs in Networks

  8. 这里借我在新浪网的博客平台,表达我的典怀。

    Here taking advantage of me in Sina Net 's blog platform , expresses my Fondly remembering .

  9. 新浪网运营部技术总监王涂勇说出双方合作的意图。

    The intent that sina net carries king of battalion headquarters CTO besmears brave speaks bilateral collaboration .

  10. 你可以在新浪网的育儿网站上看信息资料。很好的。

    You can be in the Yo of sina net information data views on the website . Very good .

  11. 一家新闻门户新浪网发布的文章称,许多分析人士怀疑广东政府对这些数据动过手脚。

    An article published by Sina . com , a news portal , said many analysts were wondering whetherGuangdong had massaged its figures .

  12. 新浪网一最新调查显示,参与调查的6810名网民中,45%的参与者表示从该书中得到了职业指针。

    According to a recent Sina.com survey , 45 percent of the 6810 netizens polled said they have drawn career pointers from the novel .

  13. 该项由门户网站新浪网及复旦大学联合开展的报告,于上周二在北京召开的新浪未来媒体峰会上发布。

    The report conducted by web portal sina.com and Fudan University , was released last Tuesday at the Sina Future Media Summit in Beijing .

  14. 上个月,我是新浪网(Sina.com)一个摄影比赛的评委,有超过2000名专业摄影师参与。

    Last month , I was a jury member of a Sina.com photography contest , which had the participation of more than 2000 professional photographers .

  15. 新浪网消息,英国伦敦大学玛丽女王学院一项研究表明,对于男性来讲,失恋次数越多,心态反而更健康。

    A study from Queen Mary University of London showed that the more failure in love , the healthier mentality men have , Sina reported .

  16. 新浪网感到最头疼的事情,就是它如何把名人博客转化为商业利益。

    What is still getting the top Sina execs scratching their heads is how they can turn the celebs ' blogs into some commercial profits .

  17. 据《新民晚报》报道,由新浪网发起的一份在线调查显示,有73.3%的中国学生渴望能体验一次间隔年。

    According to Xinmin Evening News , an online survey conducted by Sina.com indicated that 73.3 percent of Chinese students say that they long to experience a gap year .

  18. 在新浪网后来的一次采访中,汪远表示自己只是把美国情景喜剧中的叙事节奏、经典的故事脉络和笑料当做参考。

    Later , in an interview with Sina . com , Wang said he has used American sitcoms ' narrative rhythms , classic story arcs and jokes as a reference .

  19. 传播学视角下的财经股评博客现状初探&以新浪网2008年十大炒股博客为例

    A Preliminary Research on the Status Quo of Stock Comments Blog Under the Communication Study & Taking ' 2008 Top Ten Stock Comments Blog ' of Sina as an Example

  20. 我深感的前方的道路很遥远,万事开头难,酷客不会轻易放弃,除非新浪网倒闭!

    I am in front of the road very far away , everything is hard in the beginning , cool-off will not easily give up , unless the closure of Sina Net !

  21. 新浪网6月份的一份调查显示,参与调查的5000名网民中有37.5%的人认为“剩女”嫁不出去的主要原因是过度理想化,总期待找到像白马王子一样的完美男人。

    According to a June survey by Sina.com , 37.5 percent of the nearly 5000 netizens queried consider " looking for a perfect man " the main obstacle that keeps young women single 。

  22. 回家本想发点照片,发现新浪网照片发不上去了,不知道是我的操作问题还是网站的问题,回头再发吧!

    I planed to send some picture originally , I found I could not finish iton the internet . I did not know what was the matter with me orsina , send it next day !

  23. 网信办表示,新浪网、网易网、财经网、腾讯网、今日头条网等不少有影响力的新闻门户网站已因违规运营新闻而被罚款或处罚。

    A number of heavyweight news portals , including sina.com.cn , 163.com , caijing.com.cn , qq.com and toutiao.com were either fined or disciplined for running news that broke the rules , according to the office .

  24. 新浪网6月份的一份调查显示,参与调查的5000名网民中有37.5%的人认为剩女嫁不出去的主要原因是过度理想化,总期待找到像白马王子一样的完美男人。

    According to a June survey by Sina . com , 37.5 percent of the nearly 5,000 netizens queried consider " looking for a perfect man " the main obstacle that keeps young women single .

  25. 新浪网仍然将徐静蕾列为受欢迎度仅次于韩寒的博客作者,当她更新时,新写的博客总会吸引大量浏览量。她现在的博客主要是为了宣传她的电影和杂志。

    But Sina.com still lists her as the second most popular blogger after Mr. Han , and when she writes , mostly to promote her film and magazine , the posts command heavy online traffic .

  26. 据新浪网报道,校内很多同学都证实了此事,表示两人相互认识有一段时间了。这位女老师更是为此次的求婚准备了很长的时间。

    According to Sina , students at the university confirmed that the two have known each other for quite a while and that it took a long time for the professor to execute her proposal .

  27. 来自新浪网的知情人士透露,宝宝可能要到五六月份才能降生;尽管如此,球迷们已经开始纷纷预测宝宝的身高了。

    Although sources of sina . com , one of China ` s largest portals , said the baby would not be born until May or June , fans have already made predictions on its eventual height .

  28. 一些中国人在新浪网或中国网上,可以找到显示她笑得图片和日本电视节目的视频。

    Chinese speaking users can search the sina dot com or www ( . ) china ( . ) com websites for the picture , taken of Japanese TV news program and uploaded by someone , showing her laughing .

  29. 据门户网站新浪网报道,其他不同寻常的企业名称还包括“小龙虾”和“老板娘”。此外,还有一家杭州的私人股权投资公司的名字是“锅里有米”。

    Others include " Little Lobster " and " Landlady , " and , according to web portal Sina.com , a private equity company in Hangzhou calls itself " Guoliyoumi " ( I have rice in my bowl . )

  30. 中国门户网站新浪网(sina.com)上的一篇报道透露,央行将向中国五大银行注入5000亿元人民币(合810亿美元)流动性,期限为3个月(中国人民银行拒绝证实此事——编者注)。

    A report on sina.com , a Chinese portal , leaked news of the central bank 's move to inject Rmb500bn ( $ 81bn ) into the top five Chinese banks . The liquidity will be available for three months .