- 名crystalline rocks

A quantitative method for calculating modes of rock-forming minerals in crystalline rocks
Garnets of crystalline rocks in the Himalayas
Similar high-pressure metamorphic rocks which overprinted by the re-melting of crust and migmatization younger than 10 Ma ;
A main focus of the review is to elucidate the emplacement history of the high-grade Greater Himalayan Crystalline Complex ( GHC ) that occupies the core of the orogen .
Evolution of mineral under interaction of water and crystalline rock
Genetic type and stability evaluation of the slope in Huangling crystalline rock zone
Study on hydration swelling of crystalline rocks
Assessment for Stability of slope in Area of Crystalline Rock at the Three Gorge Dam
This strike will generally follow the structural trend of the crystalline rocks in the area .
Characteristics of saprolites formed from crystalline rock and clasolite in humid climatic regions and their development process
The Precambrian crystalline rock series in the Yadong area is previously called " the Nyalam Group " .
The influences of crack shape and saturation degree on the effective thermal conductivity of low-porosity crystallized rocks were particularly discussed .
It implies that the reflection seismic survey is a available strategy investigating the structure in the Sulu ultra-high pressure metamorphosed terrace .
The Qinling Group is lithologically composed of four closely related but different rock sequences , gneiss , amphibolite , metadolerite and marble .
Various deviation surveying , preventing and controlling systems used for continental scientific drilling and deep hole drilling in crystalline rock are collected and summed .
The main part of the Foping metamorphic crystalline rock series possibly formed in the Paleoproterozoic , with an age of - 2 000 Ma .
The minerals are usually no more than 4 to 6 for the common igneous rocks , depending on the independent chemical components of the rocks .
Compared the metamorphism and magmatic activity with the high Himalayan crystalline rocks , the north Himalayan metamorphic-granite belt bears strong similarities with the high Himalayan belt .
The crustal components in the region include : late Archean crystallization basement , middle-late Proterozoic fold series and Paleozoic cover of upper Sinian to Permian stratigraphic system .
The crystalline rock series distributed in the Higher Himalaya belt is divided again , and the Yadong Group-complex is newly established in the low part of the series .
After a short drop of about 100 feet , Angel Falls drops 2648 feet off of a flat-topped plateau known as Auyan-Tepui ( " Devil 's Mountain " ) .
The results of these experiments show that velocities of the felsic crystalline rocks are obviously lower than that of the basic rocks and no visible relationship with metamorphic phase .
Among such features may be synclines and anticlines , geological faults , salt domes , undulations of the crystalline bedrock under a cover of moraine , ore bodies , clay deposits and so on .
During the performance of the Chinese scientific drilling we obtain full cores and well-logging data , providing a good opportunity to build up a correct velocity model for time-depth transfer of the seismic data .
The data as-resolved are bases for classifying crystalline rocks and industrial rocks , for improving preprocessing techniques of mineral raw materials , and also for thermodynamic analysis of materials processes at high temperatures to approach chemical equilibrium in silicate systems .
Deformation experiments at room temperature have shown that crystalline rocks with low porosities , such as granites , diorites , gneisses and metabasites , will swell when they are saturated with water , and will shrink when dried out . The effect is reproducible .
According to the hydrogeologic conditions , the water permeability and accumulation in the area with crystalline and sedimentary rocks and the major faults , there is less possibility for occurrence of tectonic earthquake of Ms ≥ 4 . 0 in the Changjiang Three-Gorge Reservoir area .
The results show that for the bulk crystalline quartzite , sintered at 1 450 ℃ for 3 h after 1 350 ℃ for 72 h , the 70 % of quartz transforms into micro-crystalline cristobalite .
Mainly rock mass in the system of Devonian phyllite , slate and phyllite folder crystalline limestone .
Calculation on the general distribution coefficient of the fractional crystallization magma series by the relationship of abundance