
  • 网络Voluntary Organization;Voluntary Sector
  1. 而这些问题的研究,对于分析我国草根志愿组织的生存现状与未来发展趋向具有一定的理论意义与现实意义。

    And the study of these problems in our analysis of the survival of grass-roots voluntary organization with the status quo and future development trend of a certain theoretical and practical significance .

  2. 较为现实的发展路径应是建立在一种街道不断开放志愿组织参与社区治理的环境和志愿组织逐渐强化其自我组织功能和自我维持功能基础上的平等合作关系。

    The realistic path is that the sub-district continues to open up the environment to let the voluntary organization participate in the community governance , at the same time , the voluntary organization gradually strengthens its self-organizing and self-maintenance functions .

  3. 这些专业学校大多由志愿组织建立。

    Most of these specialized schools are provided by voluntary organizations .

  4. 一些当地机构和志愿组织也为残疾人开设了一些工场。

    Some local authorities and voluntary organizations also run workshops for disabled people

  5. 受害者的需要主要是通过志愿组织予以满足的。

    It has been largely through the voluntary sector that the needs of victims have been met .

  6. 其中,草根志愿组织也已开始崭露头角。

    Thereinto , the grass-roots voluntary organizations have begun the fore .

  7. 志愿组织风险管理就属于这样的领域。

    The risk management of voluntary organizations belongs to this situation .

  8. 因此,改进慈善团体和志愿组织的管理方式至关重要。

    Improving how charities and voluntary groups are managed is therefore critical .

  9. 据其他志愿组织说,新招募成员的人数急剧上升。

    Other voluntary organizations reported sharp rises in recruiting .

  10. 可能的话,尽量选择和你的专业有关的志愿组织。

    Choose an organization that 's related to your profession , if possible .

  11. 这是志愿组织兴起的时期。

    These are boom times for voluntary organizations .

  12. 志愿组织网络小组活动。

    Volunteer to run group networking events .

  13. 有志愿组织牵头清除倾倒在富士山附近的垃圾。

    Volunteer groups have led the effort to remove the trash dumped near Mount Fuji .

  14. 目前对高校学生志愿组织这一概念的界定还存在很大的争议。

    Students present the definition of the concept of voluntary organizations , there is considerable controversy .

  15. 其中,由农民工自发组建的草根志愿组织尤为引人注目。

    Grass-roots voluntary organizations , which spontaneously established by migrant workers is particularly aroused people 's attention .

  16. 医院已呼吁各种志愿组织帮助为新的手术室募集资金。

    The hospital has asked various voluntary organizations to help raise money for the new operation room .

  17. 你放弃了多少晚上休息的时间,去做食品库的志愿者或是志愿组织校园募捐。

    the evenings you gave up to volunteer at a food bank or organize a campus fundraiser .

  18. 警察、社工、志愿组织责无旁贷,但不能仅此而已。

    Police , social workers , the voluntary organizations all must do respond . But that is not enough .

  19. 无论是合作还是制衡,在政府和志愿组织关系模式的设计中有一基本的前提,即双方地位的独立平等。

    Whether cooperation or balances , there is a basic premise that the separate and equal status of both parties .

  20. 加入志愿组织成为高校学生参与和谐社会建设的重要方式。

    To join in voluntary organizations becomes the most important way for college student to participate in harmonious society builds .

  21. 随着政府功能的收缩、社会捐赠和参与意识的增强,为志愿组织的发展提供了前所未有的大好机遇。

    With the shrink of government functions and the increase of consciousness to donate and participate , voluntary organizations achieve unprecedented opportunities to develop .

  22. 然而,基于与西方社会不同的国情背景和志愿组织不同的成熟程度,我国的志愿失灵发生的机理和表象呈现着一定的中国特色。

    However , based on different social circumstances , the mechanism and the appearance of voluntary failure in china has showed certain " Chinese characteristics " .

  23. 十分之一的地方市/区政府被要求给慈善和志愿组织更多资金,这些机构由于经济衰退陷入危机。

    One in10 councils has been asked to give emergency grants to charities and voluntary organisations , which are in trouble because of the economic slowdown .

  24. 坚持品牌化的特色发展道路,是社区志愿组织提高整体服务品质与服务能力,促进自身持续发展的必由之路。

    Specific development path with brand is the only way for community voluntary organizations to improve the overall service quality and ability and to promote self-sustainable development .

  25. 但是,从社会学角度对草根志愿组织的特征、社会资源整合情况及其面临的制度空间的研究还不多。

    However , the sociological perspective of the characteristics of grass-roots voluntary organizations , social resources and the integration of the system with space research is few .

  26. 在对问卷调查结果研究分析的基础上,提出了几点赛会志愿组织管理模式改革与完善的对策建议。

    Based on the result of the survey , the author raised a number of Games-time Volunteers organization and management measures and proposals for reform and improvement .

  27. 美国的公共健康志愿组织在发动志愿者、组织的运作和深入社区等方面给我们很多有益的启示。

    American voluntary health organization had provided us some experiences , such as the role of volunteers , the operation of the organization and the community health action .

  28. 很多人已经拥有了领导经验——不是通过在老牌机构中的晋升,而是通过领导自下而上的运动和志愿组织、或是打造自己的初创公司。

    Many are already gaining leadership experience , not through promotion at established institutions but by running bottom-up movements and voluntary groups , or by shaping their own start-ups .

  29. 目前,志愿组织及其志愿者还是一个新鲜事物,高校志愿组织志愿者管理的理论和实践研究都才刚刚起步。

    At present , voluntary organizations and volunteers is still a novelty . Volunteer management theory and practice of studies in the college volunteer organizations have only just beginning .

  30. 志愿组织内部、组织与组织之问、组织与社会之间关系的复杂性和困难性,是志愿组织在学界受到高度关注的重要原因。

    An important reason of attention from educational circles to voluntary organizations is the complexity and difficulty of relationship between these organizations and the society , and relationship among voluntary organizations .