
  • 网络pwc;pricewaterhousecoopers;PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP;Price Waterhouse Coopers;PwCC
  1. 由瑞银与普华永道联合编撰的亿万富豪报告显示,在亚洲几乎每三日诞生一位亿万富豪,多数来自中国。2015年,中国的亿万富豪财富增长了5.4%。

    Led by China , Asia is creating a billionaire every three days , and China 's billionaires wealth rose by 5.4 percent in 2015 , according to a report released by international investment bank UBS and global accounting1 firm PwC .

  2. 普华永道合伙人大卫•布朗(DavidBrown)指出:对于在华私人股本来说,这还不是最有成效的6个月。

    This has not exactly been a banner six months for private equity in China , ' ' says David Brown , partner at PwC .

  3. 普华永道会计师事务所已经查明损失源于贷方对按揭财产估值过高。

    Price Waterhouse have traced the losses to lenders ' inflated assessments of mortgaged property .

  4. 3日,普华永道在一份报告中指出,中国2015年私募股权投资创历史新高,不少投资者在科技领域寻求高增长投资机会。

    China 's private equity1 investment surged to a record high last year as investors2 pursued high-growth opportunities in technology , PricewaterhouseCoopers said in a report yesterday .

  5. 普华永道作上述评论时,英国金融服务管理局(FinancialServicesAuthority)正在推动一系列有争议的流动性提议,将要求英国子公司持有更多资产。

    The comments come as the UK Financial Services Authority is pushing a series of contentious liquidity proposals that would involve UK subsidiaries doing just that .

  6. 但是,这份普华永道新发表的报告中勾勒的“绿色增长”(GreenGrowthPlus)政策,将会让二氧化碳稳定在一定程度上,许多科学家表示这一程度会减少危险的全球变暖带来的威胁。

    But the'Green Growth Plus'policy outlined in the report could stabilise carbon dioxide at levels many scientists say could reduce the risk of dangerous global warming .

  7. 23岁的古纳尔•优素福(GunalYoussouf)是TeachFirst人,她加入了普华永道(PwC)英国分公司的管理咨询毕业生项目。

    Gunal Youssouf , 23 , is a Teach Firster who has joined the UK arm of PwC 's management consultancy graduate scheme .

  8. 2001年承接GSK调查工作的普华永道团队中就有韩飞龙(PeterHumphrey)。

    One member of the PwC team in 2001 was Peter Humphrey .

  9. 4月份,澳洲工业集团&普华永道(TheAustralianIndustryGroup-PwC)制造业指数从3月份的50.5大幅上升至59.8。

    The Australian Industry Group-PwC performance of manufacturing index rose sharply to 59.8 from 50.5 in March .

  10. 根据《瑞银/普华永道2015年亿万富翁报告》(UBS/PwC2015BillionaireReport),1980年之前,绝大多数富豪居住在美国和欧洲,其中有少数白手起家的企业家。

    The overwhelming majority of billionaires lived in the US and Europe until 1980 , with a minority of entrepreneurs creating their own wealth , according to the UBS / PwC 2015 Billionaire Report .

  11. 普华永道和克兰菲尔德管理学院(CranfieldSchoolofManagement)2005年和2006年的研究显示,外派员工的薪资是本国的3到4倍。

    Research in 2005 and 2006 by PwC and Cranfield School of Management showed staff on secondment can cost three to four times their home country salaries .

  12. 专业服务机构普华永道(pwc)昨日发表了上述预测。

    The forecast was issued yesterday by PwC , the professional services firm .

  13. 这种强调新兴市场的现象,在普华永道(pwc)薪酬总监提姆莱特(timwright)那里得到了佐证。

    This emphasis on emerging markets is backed up by Tim Wright , remuneration director at PwC .

  14. 今年上半年,市况仍将不稳定,但下半年市场情绪将出现回升。普华永道审计合伙人孙宝源(RichardSun)表示。

    The first half of this year will still be unstable , but sentiment should rebound in the second half , said Richard Sun , assurance partner .

  15. 根据普华永道(PwC)的数据,数字广告支出在过去10年中翻了10倍。

    Digital advertising spending has grown 10-fold in the past decade , according to PwC data .

  16. 当年腐败怀疑浮出水面时,GSK曾委托普华永道(PwC)进行调查。

    GSK asked PwC to investigate the case at the time the corruption suspicions emerged .

  17. 普华永道(pwc)最近的一项研究发现,全世界近一半的家族企业没有继承人方面的规划。

    A recent PwC study found that nearly half of family businesses worldwide had no succession plan .

  18. 伊斯特布鲁克会计师出身,说话低声细语,他是离开普华永道(PWC)加入麦当劳的财务部门的。

    Easterbrook is a softly spoken accountant who initially joined the finance department of McDonald 's from PWC .

  19. 米歇尔•李是纽约市普华永道会计师事务所(PwC)的税务合伙人。

    Michelle Lee , a tax partner at PwC in New York City , has a bucket list .

  20. 2004:普华永道不良资产投资者调查报告&中国NPL市场外国投资团体战略、倾向与期望的一次调查

    PwC : China NPL Investor Survey 2004

  21. 普华永道(PwC)估计,每投入1美元,就会获得平均4美元的经济收益。

    PwC estimates that for every $ 1 invested , there is an average $ 4 of economic gain .

  22. 普华永道(pwc)一项调查显示,今年上半年,涉及外资收购方的中国收购案减少了35%。

    A PwC survey showed a 35 per cent first-half drop in Chinese takeovers that involved a foreign buyer .

  23. 苹果是最热门的实习公司,其人气领先于德勤、美泰(Mattel)和普华永道(PwC)。

    The most popular place for an internship was Apple , ahead of Deloitte , Mattel and PwC .

  24. 2001年,GSK迅速聘请了普华永道进行调查,这与它对最近这场丑闻的反应形成了鲜明对比。

    The rapid move to hire PwC in 2001 contrasts with its response to the latest scandal .

  25. 除了安永、普华永道、梦工厂、微软公司、谷歌和Facebook,LinkedIn目前已经创建了他们自己的项目,名为孵化器。

    Aside from EY , PwC , DreamWorks , Microsoft , Google and Facebook , LinkedIn has now created their own program called [ in ] cubator .

  26. 普华永道(PwC)最近的一份报告突显出该行业发展的速度,报告确定全球有200家无人机制造商。

    A recent report by PwC highlighted the speed at which the industry is developing , identifying 200 drone manufacturers globally .

  27. 咨询公司普华永道(PwC)预计,今年中国内地交易所将超越香港,吸引逾250亿美元的国内企业上市交易。

    Consultancy PwC expects China to trump Hong Kong this year by securing more than $ 25bn worth of mainland listings .

  28. 来宝集团已针对这些指控开展了辩护,并已委托普华永道(PwC)审核其长期大宗商品交易的会计行为。

    Noble has defended itself against the accusations , and had PwC review how it accounted for its long-term commodity deals .

  29. 在普华永道的课程中,西蒙斯学院(SimmonsCollege)的教授、网络与辅导专家史黛西•布莱克•比尔德讲述了在她职业早期的一则轶事。

    In the Pricewaterhouse Coopers course , Stacey blake-beard , a professor at Simmons College and an expert on networks and mentoring , tells an anecdote from early in her own career .

  30. 普华永道(pwc)近期一份报告称,在中国市场运营的多数基金管理公司均预期,外国基金管理公司会退出该市场。

    And the majority of companies operating in China expect foreign departures from the industry , according to a recent PwC report .