
  • 网络Shanghai Electric Group Company Limited
  1. 上海电气集团股份有限公司(ShanghaiElectricGroup)成为最新一家响应改革效率低下的国企这一号召的中国公司。该公司宣布一项重组,拟接收其国有母公司的资产。

    Shanghai Electric Group became the latest Chinese company to answer the call for reform of inefficient state-owned enterprises as it announced a restructuring that would see it acquire assets from its state parent .

  2. 它是由上海电气集团股份有限公司与德国KSB股份有限公司共同投资组建的,地处上海市临港新城重装备产业区,是上海电气核电产业的重要组成部分。

    It is invested by Shanghai Electric Group Co Ltd and KSB AG , with its location in the Heavy Equipment Base of Shanghai Lingang New City and also it is an important part of SEC nuclear industry .