
  1. 建立人力资源价值评估体系的思考

    Thinking on Establishing the Value Appraisal System of Human Resources

  2. 信息经济时代知识型人力资源价值评估研究

    Research on the Evaluation of Knowledgeable Human Resources Value in Information Economy Ero

  3. 高校教师人力资源价值评估,是深入激发教师工作积极性并充分挖掘教师智力资源的重要手段。

    The assessment on human resource value of teachers of college is great importance .

  4. 人力资源价值评估是人力资本投资理论的核心。

    The core of the theory of human capital investment is manpower resources value assessing .

  5. 人力资源价值评估方法探析

    Discussion on Evaluation Method of Human Resources

  6. 知识经济下人力资源价值评估方法探讨

    Discussion on the evaluating method about the value of manpower resources in the knowledge economy times

  7. 人力资源价值评估是市场经济发展的客观需要,是防止企业资产流失的必要手段。

    Value appraisal of human resource is an objective requirement of market economy as well as a necessary means to avoid loss of assets of enterprises .

  8. 期望通过人力资源价值评估体系及评估机制的确定,形成以能力和业绩为导向的人力资源管理机制。

    Through the determination of the value appraisal system of human resources and the assessment mechanism , we can form a management mechanism of human resources directed by ability and performance .

  9. 在货币性的评估方法中,目标管理法比较简单易行,收益现值法比较科学严谨,是进行人力资源价值评估的理想选择。

    Among the monetary methods , the target management method is relatively simple and widely used , but scientifically , the income current value method is much better than it and rational choice for companies .

  10. 新经济带来一个新课题,即人力资源价值的评估。

    New economy brings new problem of human resources evaluation .

  11. 人力资源价值的评估方法,一般有货币性评估方法和非货币性评估方法。

    Though there are many methods to evaluate human resources'value , they can be divided into two kinds : monetary method and non-monetary method .

  12. 有见识的公司将人力资源包括在公司价值评估中。

    Enlightened companies include its human resources in their estimation of the firm 's worth .

  13. 其次,介绍了人力资源价值及相关理论和人力资源价值评估模型。

    Secondly , I introduce basic theory of human resource and the evaluation model of human resource value .

  14. 随着改革开放和对外交流的日益深入,人力资源的流动越来越频繁,对人力资源价值进行评估提出了更高的要求,这对我国新兴的资产评估业来说也是一个新的课题。

    With the reform and open policy , flows of human resource become more and more frequently , which rises a higher request for the evaluation to human resources . It is also a new subject for the ascending assets valuation industry of our country to evaluate human resources .

  15. 因为人力资源所创造的价值实际上包括补偿价值和新增价值两个部分,所以本文将二者之和作为人力资源价值计量的公式,这样有利于企业对人力资源的价值评估。

    Because the value which is brought by human resource contains compensated value and surplus value , the measurement of human resource value should add these two parts together . This can help enterprise assess the human resource value more accurately .