
rén lì
  • human resources;manpower;labour power;manual labour
人力 [rén lì]
  • (1) [manpower]∶ [一个国家、社会或工业] 可动用的劳动力;可动员的人员

  • 人力资源

  • (2) [labour power]∶人的劳力;人的力量

  • 爱惜人力物力

人力[rén lì]
  1. 可用的健壮人力没有军官预计的那么多。

    The available pool of healthy manpower was not as large as military officials had expected

  2. 他们人力不够。

    They haven 't enough manpower .

  3. 这个报告研究了公司内部的人力分配问题。

    The report studies the organization of labour within the company .

  4. 医生们尽了人力所及的最大努力。

    The doctors did all that was humanly possible .

  5. 解决这一纠纷应当是人力所能及的事。

    It should not be beyond the wit of man to resolve this dispute .

  6. 大量的人力被动员去排干受涝的土地。

    Vast numbers of people have been mobilised to drain flooded land

  7. 为了证明他是个骗子已投入了相当多的人力和财力。

    Considerable resources have been devoted to proving him a liar

  8. 有见识的公司将人力资源包括在公司价值评估中。

    Enlightened companies include its human resources in their estimation of the firm 's worth .

  9. 这种研究目前是否有大量的人力和资金投入?

    Is there a lot of effort and money going into this sort of research ?

  10. 我正试着编一个电子制表软件,以把目前所有靠人力完成的工作交由计算机完成。

    I 'm trying to make a spreadsheet up to computerize everything that 's done by hand at the moment

  11. 计算得这么快是人力无法做到的。

    It 's not humanly possible to count so quickly .

  12. 她的美丽超出了人力所能描绘的限度。

    Her beauty surpasses all description .

  13. 发言人力图把他的观点灌输给听众,然而听众却不感兴趣。

    The speaker tried to drill in his point but the crowd was not interested .

  14. 过早的退休即便有优厚的退休金也会导致挫伤和浪费人力。

    Premature retirement even with a golden handshake can well lead to extensive frustration and waste of scarce human resources .

  15. 在卫生领域的总人力中,经过训练的流行病学家所占比例很小,但这个比例是稳定地增长着。

    It is possible that a description of the methods of epidemiology may stimulate the use of these techniques by a wider range of individuals .

  16. 随着年龄增长,你不断遭受经济冲击,对人力资本的冲击,当你一天天长大,你一天天遭受冲击。

    As each year goes by , you accumulate economic shocks , shocks to your human capital , shocks to what you own as you get older .

  17. 在这种经济模式下,拥有雇主或客户所重视的人力资本特征(例如,能力和抱负)的个人,预计在就业市场上供不应求。

    In such economies , individuals who possess the human capital characteristics that employers or clients value ( e.g. , competence and ambition ) are expected to be in high demand and short supply on the job market .

  18. 此外,对于有关软件评分优于人力评分的研究,他也持强烈的批评态度。

    He has also been highly critical of studies claiming that the software compares well to human graders .

  19. 挑战在于,这需要人力评分,所以成本更大,而且耗费时间也更长。

    " The challenge is that this requires human graders , and so they cost a lot more and they take a lot more time . "

  20. 但是,德勤最新发布的一项名为¨全球人力资本趋势”的研究报告表明,团队合作的热潮已经达到新的高度。这项研究调查了来自130多个国家的7000多名管理者。

    But a new report by Deloitte , " Global Human Capital Trends " , based on a survey of more than 7,000 executives in over 130 countries , suggests that the fashion for teamwork has reached a new high .

  21. 人力资源和社会保障部部长尹蔚民

    Yin Weimin , minister of human resources and social security

  22. 而今天,重建工作取决于树干、人力和脚手架。

    Today , it 's measured in tree trunks , manpower , scaffolding .

  23. 薪酬管理在人力资源管理活动中占据重要的地位。

    Emolument management occupies a significant part in HR .

  24. 工业技术人力资源开发网

    HRD Network for Industrial Technology IAP

  25. 人力资源开发工作组

    Human Resources Development Working Group

  26. 你可以问人力资源代表或主管任何问题,具体问谁取决于你所在的单位。

    Depending on your organization , you can ask the Human Resources representative or your supervisor1 any questions .

  27. 案例正文真实地记录了埃美公司的人力资源管理体系和合并过程中出现的问题

    The body text veraciously recorded EM company ? s HR management systemand problems raised from the merger .

  28. 好像是面试官在同我交谈之后,他就去辞职了,然后人力资源代表问我在面试时发生了什么。

    Seems that after he talked to me , he went and resigned , and the HR rep asked what happened in our interview .

  29. 意识到自己闷爆的员工可能也不愿向直线管理人员或人力反映。

    Workers who realise they 're experiencing boreout may also be reluctant to flag it up as an issue to line managers or human resources .

  30. 该委员会的一份报告指出,富裕家庭会帮孩子积累人力市场看重的一些技能,同时还会利用自己的社交网络帮孩子落实实习或者工作机会。

    A report from the commission said wealthier families helped their children accumulate skills valued by the labour market and they also used social networks to secure internships and employment .