
rén kǒu jī shù
  • population base
  1. 首先,我国人口基数大,劳动力资源并非稀缺。

    First of all , with our large population base , labor resources are not scarce .

  2. 由于我国庞大的人口基数,人口仍然是中国电力需求的重要影响因素。

    Because of our country 's huge population base , population remains the important influence factor of China 's electricity demand .

  3. “如果易建联上榜我们知道会发生什么事情,毕竟中国的人口基数在那里摆着,”小K教练说。

    " I think we all know what would have happened had he been on the ballot , based on population numbers ," Bucks coach Larry Krystkowiak said .

  4. 印度和中国不适应日韩的经济模式。因为我们的人均GDP仍然很低,而且我们的人口基数很大。

    India and China cannot afford the economic model practiced in Japan and South Korea simply because our per capita GDP is still too low and we have a large population .

  5. 我国作为发展中国家,人口基数大,老龄人群增加速度快,这就决定了骨质疏松症,尤其是绝经后骨质疏松(Postmenopausalosteoporosis,PMOP)已成为我国严重的公众健康问题。

    As China is the developing country with great number of population , especially the aged group increasing fast , osteoporosis and postmenopausal osteoporosis ( PMOP ) especially are serious public health problem .

  6. 标准人口基数〔选举〕法布里-珀罗标准具选模

    Population quota [ election ] mode selection by Fabry Perot etalon

  7. 巨大的人口基数和地区差异,造就了社会丰富的复杂性。

    A huge population and regional differences created a rich social diversity .

  8. 随着人口基数不断增长,未来社会将不可避免的进入丧葬高峰。

    With the increase of population , the society will inevitably enter funeral peak .

  9. 然而在我国各地区人口基数不同的情况下,采用直接死亡率进行比较会带来很大的误差。

    However , this method will bring much error because of the difference of the population basis .

  10. 我国己进入标准的老龄化社会,庞大的老年人口基数使得高龄化发展趋势愈加显著。

    China has entered the aging society standards , the huge elderly population makes even more significant aging trend .

  11. 从本文的分析可以看出:陕西省农村人口基数大,虽然劳动力素质在不断提高,但整体水平还是比较低。

    The overall level is still low , although the quality of the labor force is continuing to improve .

  12. 人口基数大,又使人口增长速率在短时期内难以大幅度下降。

    The large basic population courses that the speed of population increasing is hard to drop down rapidly in short time .

  13. 除了人口基数大之外,赶超战略是我国总量性失业和结构性失业的最主要原因。

    The most important factor contributing to overall unemployment and structural unemployment , in addition to large population , is catching-up strategy .

  14. 由于我国人口基数大,卫生设施落后,使得庞大的老年人口无法获得充足的医疗资源。

    China had a large population base and sanitation was backward , making a large elderly population unable to obtain adequate medical resources .

  15. 农民群体是我国人口基数最大的群体,也是相对弱势的社会群体,具有分散性和广泛性的特点。

    Groups of farmers are the largest group of our population base is relatively disadvantaged social groups , with the dispersion and extensive features .

  16. 我国是一个农业人国,农村人口基数大,贫困人口多。

    Our country is a large agriculture nation with a large rural population base as well as a large amount of the poverty-stricken population .

  17. 影响中国可持续发展的因素有二:一是人口基数大,数量增长快,人口素质低;

    Chinese sustainable development is mainly restricted by two factors : ( 1 ) large population , fast population growth , and low population quality .

  18. 我国人口基数大,老年人数目庞大,针对老年人的行为研究及产品设计在总量和专项上仍相对欠缺。

    In China , there is a large number of elderly people , the research of their behavior and related product design is still lacking .

  19. 人口基数、不断增长的家庭消费开支、技术以及政策,将长期驱动行业增长,预计到2013年市场规模将翻一倍。

    Population base , growing household consumption expenditure , technology and policy , long-term industry growth drivers , market size in2013 is expected to double .

  20. 盖洛普称,如此之多的肥胖人口基数,如若心理健康水平相应降低,对整个社会会来带生产能力降低,健康成本增加等诸多问题。

    With so many people obese , their decreased emotional well-being could prove costly in terms of productivity and health care costs , Gallup says .

  21. 这一数据最强劲的增长源来自于发展中国家,因为这些国家的人口基数增长很快,但一些家庭又不想要那么多孩子。

    The rise in numbers is mostly seen in the developing world - driven in part by population growth and by a desire for smaller families .

  22. 目前,我国已经步入了老龄化的社会,由于人口基数过大,未来老年人口将持续增长。

    At present , China has entered the aging society . The population base is too large , So future elderly population will continue to grow .

  23. 而我国农村人口基数大,增长速度快,耕地后备资源不足,人地矛盾日益突出。

    However the rapid growth of rural population base and insufficient reserve cultivated land resources have made it more and more prominent between people and land .

  24. 我国人口基数大,中低收入群体规模也比较庞大,住房问题日益突出。

    As our population base is large and the scale of middle and low-income groups is huge , the housing problem is becoming more and more serious .

  25. 河北省是一个农业大省,农业人口基数大,农村老年人口数量多,面临的老龄化问题严重。

    Hebei is a big agricultural province , agricultural population base being large , large number of rural elderly population , problems of aging facing being serious .

  26. 基于我国人口基数大、区域经济发展不平衡的现实情况,导致了我国刑事案件多发的特征。

    Because of the current situation in China such as large population base and the regional economic development unbalanced leading the criminal cases to a high level .

  27. 然而这些接受专业武术教育的群体相对于整个中国武术高等教育的发展人口基数来说,其所占的比重还是微不足道的。

    However , these groups receiving martial arts education just take up a small part as opposed to the developing population base of Chinese martial arts higher education .

  28. 从中国受教育人口基数大,城乡、区域发展不平衡等特性来看,教育投入对发展教育事业起着至关重要的作用。

    From the large population in China , the characteristics of urban and rural imbalance development , education investment on education plays an important role in the development .

  29. 青岛虽然人口基数较大,但是高尔夫球人口仍不多,大约只有几千人;且专业的高球人才缺乏。

    Although Qindao possesses a large population base , its local golf population is as scarce as a few thousands ; also , golf professionals are needed desperately .

  30. 导致这一结果的主要社会文化因素有:赫哲族人口基数少,且居住分散;

    The social cultural factors leading to this result lies in as follows : the cardinal number of Hezhe population is small , and their residential quarters are scattered ;