
  1. 智能教学系统(IntelligentTutoringSystem,ITS),作为人工智能学科的重要研究应用领域,是21世纪人类社会数字化教育的必然发展方向,迄今研究逾30年。

    As an important research and application area of artificial intelligence ( AI ), intelligent tutoring system ( ITS ) is the natural direction for human digital education in 21st century .

  2. 人工智能学科的发展

    A Summary of the Development of Artificial Intelligence

  3. 图模型是人工智能学科表示、处理不确定知识的重要方法。

    Graphical models are important methods for uncertain knowledge representation and reasoning in Artificial Intelligence .

  4. 变分推理应用变分迭代计算出随机变量的近似期望值,是现代人工智能学科一种重要的近似概率推理方法。

    Variational inference is an important deterministic approximate inference method , which computes the approximate expectation of random variables through variational iterations .

  5. 计算机博弈是博弈领域长期的奋斗目标,也是人工智能学科极具挑战性的研究课题之一。

    Computer Game is the aim of game fields for long , and is the one of the challenging topics in artificial intelligence research .

  6. 摘要农业专家系统是运用人工智能学科中的专家系统技术,结合农业特点发展起来的一项高新技术。

    The agriculture expert system is a high technique , which embraces the techniques of expert system of artificial intelligence and the agricultural character .

  7. 目标检测、识别和跟踪是模式识别与人工智能学科中一个非常重要的应用领域,也是机器视觉的主要部分。

    Object detection , recognition and tracking are very important contents for Pattern Recognition and Intelligent System , and it is also a main part of Machine Vision .

  8. 随着计算机技术、控制论、传感技术、人工智能等学科的发展与应用,机器人技术发生了翻天覆地的变化。

    Robot technology has changed dramatically with the development of computer , cybernetics , sensor , artificial intelligence .

  9. 识别过程涉及数字图像处理、模式识别、机器视觉和人工智能等学科领域。

    The recognition process relates to the science of digital image processing , pattern recognition , machine vision and artificial intelligence .

  10. 智能制造技术是制造技术、自动化技术、系统工程与人工智能等学科互相渗透、互相交织而形成的一门综合技术。

    The intelligent manufacturing technology is a synthetical science in which it involves the manufacturing , automation , system engineering and artificial intelligence .

  11. 随着计算机科学、传感器技术、人工智能等学科的发展和制造水平的不断提高,移动机器人日益向着自主化的方向发展。

    With the development of computer science , sensor technology , artificial intelligence and the improvement of manufacture level , the robotics increasingly tends toward automation .

  12. 机器视觉是一门综合学科,是数字图像处理、人工智能等学科的最新发展。

    Machine vision is an interdisciplinary research . It is a mixture of the recent developments of digital image processing , artificial intelligence and other subjects .

  13. 专家系统是一门新兴的计算机人工智能实用学科,它能够应用专家的知识和思维方式去解决实际问题。

    Expert system is a growing practical subject of computer artificial wisdom , it can applyintellectual faculties and thought manner of experts to solve actual problems .

  14. 机器人技术是一门交叉学科,它涉及到电子学、力学、机械学、生物学、系统工程、计算机、人工智能等学科知识。

    Robot technology is a cross-discipline subject . It involves electronics , mechanics , mechanics , biology , systems engineering , computers , artificial intelligence and other disciplines of knowledge .

  15. 基于视频监控的人群行为分析,作为计算机视觉、模式识别和人工智能等学科的交叉研究领域,是当前智能视频监控技术研究的热点。

    As the interdisciplinary of Computer Vision , Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence , visual surveillance based crowd behavior analysis is currently a highly focused research area of intelligent visual surveillance technology .

  16. 数据挖掘是集合了计算机统计学、数据库、人工智能等学科的内容,从大型的数据库或大型数据仓库中提取潜在的价值的信息的技术。

    Data mining is a collection of computer statistics , databases , artificial intelligence and other disciplines , content , from large database or data warehouse extract large potential value of information technology .

  17. 计算诗学是计算语言学的一个研究领域,计算诗学的研究不仅可以给计算机科学领域增添诗情画意,而且还有助于推动诗学、计算语言学、人工智能等学科的发展。

    Computational Poetry is one of the research area of computational linguistics . The research will not only help for the field of Computer Science , but also for poetics , computational linguistics , artificial intelligence .

  18. 机器人作为电子学、机械学、计算机技术、人工智能等学科的典型应用被广泛地用来作为高校实践课与第二课堂的典型载体。

    Robot is used widely as the typical carrier of practice lesson and the-second-class in high school , because it is the typical application of such subject as electronics , mechanics , computer technology and artificial intelligence .

  19. 视觉生理学、视觉心理学,特别是计算机技术、数字图像处理、计算机图形学、人工智能等学科的发展,使得利用计算机模拟人类双眼的视觉成为了可能。

    As the development of visual physiology , psychology of vision , especially computer technology , digital image processing , computer graphics , artificial intelligence and other subjects , simulation of human binocular vision using computers becomes possible .

  20. 故障诊断作为一门新型技术,结合了现代控制理论、可靠性理论、数理统计、模糊集理论、信息处理、模式识别、人工智能等学科理论,是保证化工生产安全的重要技术之一。

    As a new technology , fault diagnosis technology is combined with the modern control theory , reliability theory , mathematical statistics , fuzzy theory , information processing , pattern recognition , artificial intelligence theory and so on .

  21. 视频跟踪是近年来新兴的一个研究方向,它融合了计算机视觉,模式识别,人工智能等学科的技术,在安全监控,智能交通,视频压缩与检索等方面有广阔的应用前景。

    Visual tracking is a new arising research task in recent years , which integrates technologies of computer vision , pattern recognition , artificial intelligence and so on . It has a lot of potential applications in security surveillance , intelligent traffic system , video compression and index , etc.

  22. 多智能体系统是分布式人工智能的主要学科之一。

    Multi-agent system is an important subject of DAI .

  23. 它集计算机科学、微电子学、通信技术和人工智能等多学科于一体,是目前嵌入式领域中应用相当广泛的一门技术。

    It spans many subjects and technology including computer science , microelectronics , communication technology and artificial intelligence .

  24. 随着数字图像处理和人工智能两门学科的不断发展,模式识别已经有了长足的进步。

    With the persistent development of Digit Image Processing and Artificial Intelligence , Pattern Recognition has made great progress .

  25. 语篇理解已成为心理语言学、认知科学和人工智能等多学科的热点研究领域。

    As a favored study field of psycholinguistics , cognitive sciences and artificial intelligence , much about discourse comprehension remains unexplored .

  26. 视频目标的跟踪融合了计算机视觉,模式识别,人工智能等多学科的技术,在社会的各个领域都有十分重要的意义。

    Video tracking integrates technologies of computer vision , pattern recognition , artificial intelligence and so on . It is important for military and civilian .

  27. 车牌识别技术涉及到计算机视觉技术、数字图像处理、模式识别和人工智能等多门学科的知识。

    License plate recognition technology involves the knowledge of computer vision technology , digital image processing , pattern recognition , artificial intelligence , and so on .

  28. 飞机容冰飞行控制问题的研究内容涵盖流体力学、飞行动力学、参数辨识、飞行控制、人工智能等多学科,是属于多学科交叉研究领域。

    The study of aircraft ice tolerant flight control includes fluid mechanics , flight dynamics , parameter identification , flight control , artificial intelligence and so on .

  29. 工业机器人是集机械、电子、控制、计算机、传感器、人工智能等多学科先进技术于一体的现代制造业重要的自动化装备,其技术附加值很高,应用范围很广。

    Industrial robot is a very important automatic equipment in the modern industry which has integrate mechanics , electronics , control theory , computer science and artificial intelligence .

  30. 基于内容图象检索是计算机视觉、模式识别、数据库管理系统、人工智能及其它学科相结合的产物。

    As an interdisciplinary field , content-based image retrieval combines the efforts of computer vision , pattern recognition , database management sysytem , artificial intelligence , etc , together .