
rén ɡōnɡ yǔ yán
  • artificial language
  1. 一种由世界语修改和简化了的人工语言。

    An artificial language that is a revision and simplification of Esperanto .

  2. 在不同语言使用者之间进行交易的一种人工语言。

    An artificial language used for trade between speakers of different languages .

  3. 研究出版物中存在的编辑人工语言现象。

    The paper goes into artificial editing language phenomenon in publications .

  4. 人工语言中预先定义的词。

    One of the predefined words of an artificial language .

  5. 一种普遍基于罗马语的人工语言。

    An artificial language based on words common to the Romance languages .

  6. 传统图书馆将走向消亡吗论自然语言的优势与人工语言的消亡

    On the Advantages of Nature Language and the Fading Away of the Artificial Language

  7. 网络环境下人工语言与自然语言的融合研究

    Research on the Fusion of Artificial Language and Natural Language in the Network Environment

  8. 为表达算法设计的一种人工语言。

    An artificial language designed to express algorithms .

  9. 一种基于拉丁语的人工语言。

    An artificial language based on Latin .

  10. 民航无线电陆空通话,简称陆空通话,是以英语为基础的半人工语言。

    The language for radiotelephony communication in civil aviation is a semi-artificial language based on English .

  11. 就自然语言符号及人工语言符号在信息传播中所产生的若干影响问题进行了讨论。

    This paper discusses some influence given by natural linguistic signs and artificial signs on information transmission .

  12. 尽可能的基于所有欧洲语言产生的人工语言。

    An artificial language based as far as possible on words common to all the European languages .

  13. 提高期刊论文关键词索引质量&自然语言与人工语言的结合

    On Enhancing the Quality of Keyword Index of Periodicals & Using Natural Language in Combination with Artificial Language as Keywords

  14. 不论在哪种情况下,语法规则的声明都类似于解析人工语言的语法声明。

    In either case , a grammar is declared in a manner similar to those created to parse artificial languages .

  15. 国际语在1924年与1951年之间发展起来的一种人工语言,以罗曼诸语言为基础,旨在促进科学家之间进行国际交流。

    An artificial language developed between1924and1951 , based mainly on the romance languages and intended as a medium of international communication among scientists .

  16. 一种被应用为国际语的辅助语言的人工语言;一般基于单词。

    An artificial language proposed for use as an auxiliary international language ; based on words common to English and the Romance language .

  17. 但刻画这三条规律的人工语言表达式具有特殊性,在不同的思维科学中应用不同的表达式去刻画。

    But the artificial language expression formula which portrays these three laws has particularity , apply different expression formulae in different thinking science to portray .

  18. 为了提高关键词索引质量,采用自然语言与人工语言结合的后控制词表来提高期刊论文关键词标引质量。

    In order to enhance the quality of keyword index , we can use post-controlled vocabulary , a combination of both natural and artificial languages .

  19. 阐述了图形语言、符号语言、计算机语言等人工语言是科技论文语言的明显特征;

    Artificial languages , such as graph language , symbol language and computer language are distinct feactures of the language of scientific and technical thesis .

  20. 只有自然语言同人工语言相结合,才能编制出高质量的网络信息分类法。参考文献35。

    The author also thinks that only by the integration of natural and artificial languages , can we draft a high quality classification system of network information.35 refs .

  21. 论述网络环境下采用自然语言是必然趋势,然而自然语言并不会成为网络环境下的唯一检索语言,自然语言和人工语言相结合才是发展的方向。

    This paper discusses that using of natural language is the inevitable trend under the network environment , but natural language will not be the only retrieval language .

  22. 在蒙太格语法以前,逻辑语形学与逻辑语义学研究只限于逻辑人工语言的范围,逻辑语用学则基本处于空白。

    Before Montague Grammar , The language shape of logic is studied and studies the range only limited to the artificial language of logic with logic semantics , the logic Pragmatics is basically a blank .

  23. 他先后建立了人工语言哲学和自然语言哲学。意义图式说和语言游戏论就是这两种语言哲学的基本方法。

    Attributing philosophy to linguistic analysis or criticism , Wittgenstein constructs the philosophy of artificial language and then of natural language , the basic methods of which are known as the theory of meaning - picture and language-game .

  24. 拉塞尔认为,当机器人承担起更加复杂的任务时,就有必要将我们的道德规范翻译成人工智能语言。

    Russell argues that as robots take on more complicated tasks , it 's necessary to translate our morals into AI language .

  25. 系统用TurboProlog人工智能语言实现。

    The system is implemented in Turbo PROLOG artificial intelligence language .

  26. 目前,PROLOG已成为一种通用的人工智能语言。

    At Present , PROLOG has become a general AI Language .

  27. 这款耳机使用IBM公司的人工智能语言软件Watson,能在三至五秒的时间里翻译出语句。

    The device translates sentences in three to five seconds using IBM 's artificial intelligence language software , Watson .

  28. TurboProlog语言,是一种特别适用于开发专家系统的人工智能语言。

    Turbo Prolog is a artificial intelligent language that is specially suitable to explore ex - pert systems .

  29. 该系统采用PROLOG人工智能语言设计,使用窗口和菜单技术,用纯中文提示和输出。

    The system adopts PROLOG language and windows and menu technique , uses Chinese presentative and output .

  30. IBM-PC机在人工智能语言TurboProlog管理下,构成了提取触觉传感器物体形状信息和对有限几种物体形状进行识别的专家系统。

    The expert system implemented by IBM-PC microcomputer in Turbo-Prolog can distinguish the shape of bodies based on the date from the tactile sensor .