
  • 网络artificial diet;artificial feed;artificial food
  1. 第15天仔鱼全长(9.10~11.3)mm摄食人工饲料。

    On the 15th day the length of larvae was 9.10-11.3 mm and began to intake artificial feed .

  2. 中华鲟幼鱼饵料生物及人工饲料的蛋白质和脂肪酸营养价值评价

    Evaluation of protein and fatty acid nutritive value in 3 preys and artificial feed of juvenile Acipenser sinensis

  3. 壮蚕人工饲料的适宜pH值范围是4.4~4.7;

    The appropriate pH ranges of artificial diet reared grown silkworms is 4.4 ~ 4.7 ;

  4. 饲料对CAT活力有一定影响,人工饲料育蚕CAT活力略大于桑叶育的;

    Artificial diet could also affect CAT activity as compared with that fed on mulberry leaves .

  5. 人工饲料育家蚕/杆状病毒表达猪瘟病毒囊膜糖蛋白E2基因

    The expression of classical swine fever virus 's glycoprotein E_2 gene in silkworm rearing with artificial diet and baculovirus expression system

  6. 人工饲料蛋白质含量与桑蚕(Bombyxmori)对氨基酸的吸收

    Dietary Protein Level and Absorption of Amino Acids by Silkworm , Bombyx mori

  7. 人工饲料育不同饲育方式,也会对CV值产生显著影响。

    There is notable influence on the CV value of the different rearing method with artificial diet .

  8. 以黄豆、大麦、酵母粉为主成分,配以维生素C、胆固醇、氯化胆碱、琼脂、苯甲酸钠和乙酸配制成的人工饲料,可以满足甜菜夜蛾正常生长发育需要。

    An artificial diet consisted of soybean flour , barley , brewers yeast , vitamin C , cholesterol , choline chloride , agar , sodium benzoate and acetic acid , can support the development of Spodoptera exigua .

  9. 人工饲料和活饵喂养的印度对虾(Penaeusindicus)幼体的存活与生长

    The Survival and Growth of Penaeus indicus Larvae Fed on Artificial and Live Foods

  10. 结果用猪粪饲养的蝇蛆其体内所含的微量元素(Ca、Fe、Cu、Zn、Se)高于用人工饲料饲养的蝇蛆(P<0.05);

    Results The contents of trace elements ( Ca , Fe , Cu , Zn , Se ) of the larvae bred with pig manure were higher than those with man-made fodder ( P < 0.05 ) .

  11. 取食人工饲料的雌虫中,脂肪体RNA含量及其转译活性均极低,转译产物中不存在卵黄原蛋白多肽。

    In adult females feeding on artificial diet , not only the content , but also the translational activity of fat body RNA were very low . No Vg polypeptides could be detected in the translation product .

  12. 适于人工饲料育和BmNPV-Bm表达系统的蚕品种(品系)筛选研究

    Studies on Silkworm Varieties for Artificial Diet Rearing and BmNPV-Bm Expressive System

  13. 在27±1℃,自然明暗比条件下,用大豆、小麦、酵母粉为主要原料配成的人工饲料饲养甜菜夜蛾,幼虫发育历期为10~14d;

    At 27 ± 1 ℃ and under natural light , the beet armyworm was fed on the artificial diet composed mainly of bean , wheat and yeast .

  14. 取食天然饲料与人工饲料的大蜡螟Galleriamellonella的生长发育差异比较

    Compares of growth and development of the greater wax moth Galleria mellonella reared on natural diets and an artificial diet

  15. 人工饲料组成对BmNPV-Bm表达系统外源基因表达活性的影响

    Effects of Nutrition Component of Artificial Diet on the Foreign Gene Expression Level of BmNPV-Bm Expression Vector System

  16. 筛选出一种适合微红梢斑螟幼虫的人工饲料,主要成分为:松枝粉、干酪素、麦胚、大豆粉、蔗糖、葡萄糖、氯化胆碱和Vc等。

    An artificial diet specifically suitable for larvae of D. rubella was developed , which was made of pine branch powder , casein , wheat germ , soybean flour , cane sugar , glucose , choline chloride , vitamin C , and so on . 3 .

  17. 本论文对烟青虫(HelicoverpaassultaGuenée)的一种实用半人工饲料进行了研究;

    An artificial diet for mass rearing the oriental tobacco budworm Helicoverpa assulta ( Guen é e ) was formulated in the laboratory compared with natural diet , the mature leaves from tobacco plants .

  18. 用人工饲料饲养幼虫,组建生命表,研究饲料蛋白质含量对棉铃虫Heliothisarmigera种群生长的影响。

    The life tables of the cotton bollworm , Heliothis armigera , reared on the artificial diets with different protein levels were constructed in order to investigate the effect of dietary pro-tein content on population growth .

  19. 对386个家蚕保存品种进行无桑人工饲料的摄食性调查,蚁蚕48h摄食率平均为174%,最高为8398%。

    Feeding on artifical diet without mulberry for 386 silkworm preserved races were investigated . The results were as follows : The average feeding ratio of newly hatched silkworm is 1.74 % within 48 hours , and the highest is 83.98 % .

  20. 三个广食性杂交组合中以54A×杂A对颗粒人工饲料的适应性最好。

    As for the adaptability to pellet artificial diet in the three euryphagous cross combinations , 54A × zaA was the best one .

  21. 结果:桑叶育家蚕CV值比人工饲料育小,生长发育整齐度好,但人工饲料育蚕改喂桑叶后,CV值变小。

    The re - sults show : The CV values of silkworm rearing with mulberry leaf are smaller than that of artificial diet , the uniformity of growth and de - velopment is better , but the CV values are getting smaller after the diet turned into mulberry leaf .

  22. 含3%棉酚或单宁酸的人工饲料,饲喂4龄幼虫48h后,可引起幼虫近似消化率减小和食物转化率增大,但食物利用率无显著变化。

    As the 4th instar larvae were fed for 48h with synthetic diet contained 3 % of gossypol or tannic acid , their approximate digestibility decreased and the conversion efficiency of digested food increased , while the conversion efficiency of ingested food was nearly constant .

  23. 用麦胚人工饲料饲养甘蓝夜蛾幼虫,饲料添毒接种生产甘蓝夜蛾核型多角体病毒(MbNPV,东北农学院分离的菌株)。

    Larvae of Mamestra brassicae were reared on a wheat germ diet , which was inoculated with the virus to produce nuclear polyhedral virus ( MbNPV ) .

  24. 中国野桑蚕人工饲料育研究

    The Research of Chinese Bombyx mandarina Moore Fed with Artificial Diet

  25. 甘蓝夜蛾人工饲料的研究

    Study on the artificial diets for cabbage armyworm , Mamestra brassicae

  26. 家蚕人工饲料摄食性遗传模式研究

    Studies on inheritance model of artificial diet eating habit of silkworm

  27. 稚蚕人工饲料育关键饲育技术研究

    The Key Techniques of Rearing Young Silkworm s with Artificial Diet

  28. 人工饲料摄食性家蚕品种育种方法研究

    Study on the breeding of silkworm suitable for artificial diet rearing

  29. 桑蚕低成本人工饲料蚕品种的适应性试验

    Test the Adaptability of Rearing Silkworm Hybrids with Low Cost Artificial Diet

  30. 人工饲料育不同激素添食对饲料效率的影响

    Effect of Different Hormones Added in Artificial Diet on the Diet Efficiency