- depersonalization

Job burnout of teachers is a syndrome of emotion , depersonalization , and reduced personal accomplishment .
The results show that there are three factors in CMBI named exhaustion , depersonalization , and reduced personal accomplishment .
The Cronbach alpha coefficients of the whole scale and 3 subscales were 0.869 9 , 0.88 , 0.69 and 0.77 respectively .
There were significant relationship between depersonalization and age , sex and education of employees .
Job burnout can be manifested in the following 3 aspects : emotional exhaustion , depersonalization and diminished personal accomplishment .
The occurring of nurses ' emotional exhaustion promotes the occurring of depersonalization , The lack of personal accomplishment occurs separately .
Low personal accomplishment of burnout has negative effects on the relationship performance , positive teaching performance , research performance and the whole performance .
The results revealed that exhaustion > 25 , depersonalization > 11 and reduced personal accomplishment > 16 can be used as the cut-off of the job burnout .
Job burnout is mainly expressed as Emotional exhaustion , Depersonalization and Reduced personal accomplishment , which will partly affect personal psychological state and behavioral effect of the work .
There is an individual difference in the nurses ' emotional exhaustion dimension , depersonalization dimension , whereas , there is no individual difference in lack of personal accomplishment dimension .
Job burnout is " a psychological syndrome of emotional exhaustion , depersonalization , and reduced personal accomplishment that can occur among individuals who work with other people in some capacity " .
The long and enormous work demand for nurses affects emotional exhaustion directly , their work demand affects depersonalization through emotional exhaustion indirectly , and the work demand has a negative effect on depersonalization ;
Factor analysis showed that there were three main factors , which determined 32.16 % of the total variance and respectively represented absorption and imaginative involvement , amnestic dissociation as well as the experiences of depersonalization and derealization respectively .
The depersonalization dimension of burnout is negatively related to the research performance and relationship performance . Low personal accomplishment is positively related to the relationship performance , research performance , teaching performance and the overall performance . 3 .
In the depersonalization score , gender , getting on with students , whether he / she likes teaching , job prospect , grant stress , asking for help from parents in face of problems were the predictive factors . 2 .
The lack of external resources ( including social support , job control and rewards ) affects depersonalization directly , while the lack of internal resources ( including decision participation and task variety ) affects the lack of personal accomplishment directly ;
Comparison of job burnout , social support situation of the different state of economic burden : Doctors who undertake heavy economic burden experience significantly different on EE , DP , total scores of social support scale and objective support compared with less economic burden . 5 .
The self-efficacy of college counselors is significantly correlated with work performance and the correlation is positive . There is also a significant correlation between job burnout and work performance . The depersonalization and sense of personal achievement have a strong impact to the work performance . 4 .
According to the results of the questionnaire , the English teachers in vocational high school have higher scores on the two dimensions : exhaustion and depersonalization ; meanwhile they have lower scores on the dimension of low satisfaction . They have high degree of job burnout as a whole .