
  1. 大萧条还带来了仇外情绪和威权主义。

    The Depression led also to xenophobia and authoritarianism .

  2. 在这个全球化的世界里,种族主义和仇外情绪是不应存在的。

    There should be no place for racism and xenophobia in this globalized world .

  3. 但上述消息出现时,正值私人股本公司高管担心美国仇外情绪日益高涨,其交易可能成为政治皮球。

    But the news comes as executives at private equity firms worry about what they see as rising US xenophobia and how their deals can become political footballs .

  4. 然而,该报告也提到极右派包装反犹太及仇外情绪的宣传愈趋专业,在社群网络更是日益活跃。

    But it added the far right was becoming very professional at producing online propaganda of an anti-Semitic and xenophobic ( 4 ) nature and was increasingly active in online social networking .