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chóu yuàn
  • hatred;enmity;hostility;bad blood
仇怨 [chóu yuàn]
  • [hatred] 仇视憎恨

仇怨[chóu yuàn]
  1. hardfeelings就表示由于发生了某些事情产生了芥蒂,结下了仇怨。那一次吵架让我们关系紧张了一阵,但是我们后来还是解决了。过真正有意义的人生吧。

    hard feelings refers to anger between people because of something that has happened The argument caused a lot of hard feelings , but finally we got over it .

  2. 产生这种现象的原因从继承纠纷到夫妻仇怨各不相同。

    Reasons for this ranged from inheritance disputes to hostility between spouses .

  3. 哈维尔和叛军有一段仇怨。

    Javier had a bad history with the rebels .

  4. 不是为了约束你们之间的仇怨。

    Not to validate the malice between you .

  5. 凶手们来自另一敌对村落。两个村庄因为水源和放牧问题而结下仇怨。

    The killers were from a rival tribe disputing access to nearby water and pasture .

  6. 抛却国际体育赛事中引发不尽仇怨的铮铮铁例(譬如一九三六年奥运会),按常理推之亦不足信。

    Even if one didn 't know from concrete examples ( the1936 Olympic Games , for instance ) that international sporting contests lead to orgies of hatred , one could deduce it from general principles .