
  • Start from the heart;【电影】Reign Over Me
  1. 中国移动说:沟通从心开始。

    China Mobile says : Communication comes from our hearts .

  2. 企业服务理念:沟通从心开始。

    Corporate Service Philosophy : Reaching out from the heart .

  3. 从心开始,关爱地球,关爱生命!

    Starting from the heart , love the earth , care for life !

  4. 服务,从心开始。

    Service begins from the mind .

  5. 沟通从心开始。

    Communicate from the Heart .

  6. 语言不过是一种交流得工具!愿你我得交流从心开始!

    Langlish is a tool for exchange ! And I hope the exchange of us is from the bottom heart !

  7. 中国移动面向市场积极开发新业务,提出沟通从心开始,努力改善服务质量。

    China Mobile has been vigorously developing new market-oriented services and striving to improve service quality , following the motto of " communication with customers from the heart " .

  8. 一个人的进步从生惭愧心开始。

    One 's progress is started by feeling shame .

  9. 从印心那天开始,我发现自己在其他方面也有改变。

    Since my initiation , I have noticed that my life has changed in other ways as well .