
  1. PerformanceManager使用预订ID从接收的预订信息中提取出需要报告的数据,并把数据存储在数据库中。

    Using the subscription ID , the Performance Manager extracts the data required for reporting from the received subscription information and stores it in a database .

  2. NumberofQApplyagents:为了从接收队列并发应用事务,QApply程序所使用的代理线程的数目。

    Number of Q Apply agents : The number of agent threads that the Q Apply program uses for concurrently applying transactions from the receive queue .

  3. MIMO技术主要是使用空间分集,从接收分集和发送分集两个方面分别讨论几种接收方案和发送方案的性能。

    MIMO is mainly based on space diversity , we discuss the performance of receiver and transmitter from the receive and transmit diversity respectively .

  4. 根据发射端是否能够从接收端获得信道状态信息,MIMO通信系统可分为闭环MIMO及开环MIMO。

    MIMO communication systems can be divided into closed-loop MIMO and open-loop MIMO depending on whether the transmitter can get channel state information from the receiver .

  5. 然后从接收到的TDD信号中减去归一化的FDD信号,从而降低干扰。

    The normalized FDD signal is then subtracted from the received TDD signal to reduce the interference .

  6. 服务请求者将不得不更新他们的关于ArcWeb服务的应用程序以便从接收到的响应中从Point对象取出x、y坐标。

    Service requesters have to update their Address Finder Web Service applications to accept responses that include Point objects to retrieve the x and y coordinates .

  7. 盲源分离(BSS)问题是在缺少先验知识的情况下,从接收到的观测信号中恢复统计独立的源信号。

    The Blind Source Separation ( BSS ) problem consists of recovery sources from the observed signals without adequate a prior knowledge .

  8. 鞍钢新轧钢股份有限公司冷轧厂制造执行系统(MES)覆盖了从接收用户合同到产品发货的整个生产经营活动。

    Manufacturing Execution System of Cold Rolling Plant in Angang New Steel Co Ltd covers the plant-wide production and business activities , from receiving customer 's contracts to delivering products .

  9. 从接收信号的一阶统计量入手,并且在训练序列为PN序列下,利用循环To-eplitz矩阵的特性,得到了信道估计的算法。

    This paper analyzed the firstorder statistics of receive data ′ s sequences and deduced a channel estimation algorithm using the property of circulant Toeplitz matrix when using PN sequences as training sequences .

  10. 在这种情况下将显示为邮件的发件人的人将成为外部邮局主管帐户从接收NDR的收件人。

    In this scenario , the person who appears as the message sender is the external recipient that receives the NDR from the postmaster account .

  11. 采用迈克耳逊干涉仪的光路特点,设计了一个具有正交线偏振光传输的FSO系统,实验数据表明,从接收端得到的两路信号可以彼此分开。

    At the same time , FSO system having vertical linear polarized light was devised applying optical path characteristic of Michelson interferometer . Experimental data show that two signals received by sink could separate one another .

  12. 进而分别从接收效率和性价比等不同的角度对激光通信系统接收孔径选取的参考因素进行了探讨。

    And the referenced factors of ascertaining optimum receiving aperture are discussed .

  13. 如何从接收到的信号恢复出发送信号,涉及到频率分集接收和均衡。

    How to retrieve transmitted signals from received signals concerned with frequency diversity and equalization .

  14. 送货时间大致要从接收到你的付款后的14个工作日。

    Delivery time is generally within 14 business days from when your payment has been received .

  15. 在电话技术中,由于发送信号从接收端反射回来而引起的干扰。

    In telephony , an interference due to reflection of the transmitted signal from the receiving end .

  16. 滤液中的气体部分由真空泵从接收罐的顶部抽出。

    The air portion of the filtrate is extracted from the top of the Receiver by the Vacuum Pump .

  17. 在接收端引入一个简单的门限判决过程,将被压缩的信号从接收信号中识别出来,然后用相应的解压缩过程将被压缩的信号恢复为原始信号。

    A corresponding expanding process is implemented on the receiver after the compressed signals are distinguished from the received signals .

  18. 在现代通信中,如何从接收信号里提取同步信息至关重要,并直接决定通信系统性能指标的好坏。

    How to abstract synchronization signal from received waveform is the key to modern communication and determines the performance of system .

  19. 流程可以从接收活动开始,然后在继续执行其他工作之前,返回响应。

    A process could start with a receive activity , and then return a response before proceeding to do other work .

  20. 认证端从接收的图像中提取水印并恢复版权信息,同时生成新的水印,比较提取的水印和新的水印定位篡改区域。

    The authenticator acquires the copyright information from the received watermarked image and indicates the specific locations that have been malicious manipulations .

  21. 第一种方案实现了载波的自同步,即可以从接收信号直接提取出同步信号,不存在同步误差传播问题,它特别适合于理想信道或信噪比高的信道。

    In the first scheme , the chaotic self-synchronization is realized , i.e. the chaotic carrier can be retrieved directly from received signals .

  22. 其主要原理是从接收信号中计算出不期望的邻道干扰信号,从接收信号中减去它。

    The basic principle is computing the unexpected interfering signals of near channel from the receiving signals , then suppressing the interfering signals .

  23. 为了正确获得符号率信息,文章中采用了基于小波变换的方法从接收信号波形中提取符号周期信息。

    For the purpose of extracting symbol rate information from the received signal waveform , the dissertation utilizes a kind of wavelet transform based algorithm .

  24. 本文在超宽带通信场景下,从接收信号中提取目标特征的信息,根据这些信息对收发设备间不同的障碍物进行识别。

    In this paper , the signal sent by emitter is received and extract target feature from the received signal , then recognize the target .

  25. 利用发生“远近效应”时不同通道间相关峰值的差值判断出强干扰信号,重构强干扰并将其从接收信号中抵消。

    By detecting the interference through the difference of correlation peak value in different channels , the interference can be regenerated and counteracted from the receiving signal .

  26. 首先,利用已知用户数据的初始估计,从接收信号中减去已知用户的影响。

    Using interference cancellation of the known users'signal and subspace tracking for unknown users'signal subspace , the orthogonal projection matrix of the unknown users'signal subspace is obtained .

  27. 在发送端,把信息表示成具有混沌特性的波形或者码流;在接收端,要从接收到的信号中恢复出正确的信息。

    For sender part , we encrypt information as waveforms or streams which have chaotic characteristics ; for receiver part , we decrypt signals and regain correct information .

  28. 在接收端,用一个相应的非动力学系统从接收信号中提取混沌载波并进而恢复信息信号。

    In the receiver , the chaotic carrier is retrieved from the received signal by using a corresponding non dynamical system and then the information signal is recovered .

  29. 接收机的一个重要任务就是在于克服各种非理想因素的干扰下,从接收到的被噪声污染的数据信号中提取同步信息,并进而将数据正确的恢复出来。

    One of the important tasks of the receiver is extracting the synchronous information from the received data which is polluted by noise , and recovering the data exactly .

  30. 定量分析了接收系统三种主要的噪声,并从接收系统出发,研究接收口径和接收视场对探测信噪比的影响。

    Quantitative analysis is done to the three major receiving system noise , and we study how the receiving aperture and receiver field of view affect the detection SNR .