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cónɡ zǐ
  • nephew
从子 [cóng zǐ]
  • [nephew] 侄子

  • 后还朝,求太监后,得二从子。--崔铣《记王忠肃公翱三事》

  1. Linux具有很大的可伸缩性和灵活性,并且可以从子系统进行扩展。

    Linux is scalable , flexible , and extensible from subsystems such as this .

  2. 从子空间辨识方法角度出发,推导了子空间预测器,并基于子空间预测器对线性二次型高斯最优控制器重新进行了设计,编写C语言程序实现了控制器。

    Secondly , the LQG controller was developed based on subspace predictor derived from subspace identification method , and implemented with C programme .

  3. 在该示例中,应用程序从子文档检索已翻译值并将其写成Java属性文件。

    In this example , the application retrieves the translated values from the subdocuments and writes them as Java properties files .

  4. 连接这个类:单击调色板上的Generalization,然后从子类拖到父类。

    Connect the classes : Click on Generalization on the palette , and then drag from the child class to the parent class .

  5. 从子流形几何的观点出发,得到了关于单位球面中偶维数子流形Mn的一个拓扑球定理。

    A topological sphere theorem from the point of view of submanifold geometry for even-dimensional submanifolds M n in the unit sphere is established .

  6. 以所提出的逻辑流程为基础,论文从子问题中抽象出多UCAV协同任务分配和多UCAV协同路径规划两个关键问题。

    The cooperative UCAVs mission assignment and the path planning problems were extracted from the sub-problems .

  7. 在授粉后第20小时至第30小时用自制的微玻针从子房中部注射0.5~1.5μg外源DNA,以高达12.8%的频率获得抗卡那霉素植株。

    Anti-kanamycin plants were obtained at highest frequency of 12 . 8 % when 0 . 5 ~ 1.5 μ g foreign DNA was injected into the middle of ovary from 20th hour to 30th hour after pollination .

  8. 蚂蚁看上去头部涨了犄角或鹿角,新的孢子从子实体上脱落,会感染上更多的蚂蚁。bitedown一口咬下去hyphan.菌丝grossadj.令人讨厌的fruitingbody子实体

    The ant looks like it has a horn or antlers growing out of its head . New spores rain down from the fruiting body and infect more ants .

  9. OFDM技术应用离散傅里叶变换和其逆变换方法解决了多个互相正交的子载波和从子载波中恢复原信号的问题。

    Discrete Fourier transform and its inverter change are used in the OFDM technology , in order to solve the multiple problem of sub-carrier orthogonal each other and the original signal recovered from sub-carrier .

  10. 在OFDM的认知无线电系统模型基础上,提出基于OFDM的多用户信道分配算法,并且从子载波分配算法和子载波功率分配算法两个角度给出算法实现过程。

    On the basis of the novel system module , a channel allocation algorithm based on Multi-user OFDM was proposed . And the paper showed the algorithm into two parts : Sub-carrier allocation and Sub-carrier power allocation .

  11. ContentHandler的实现只是从子文档中获取已翻译的数据并将其存储在基于键的表中。

    This implementation of ContentHandler simply catches translated data from the subdocument and stores it in a key-based table .

  12. 为计算Roos扩张,引入了从子句集分解最小文字集的算法。

    The algorithm decomposing the smallest set of literals from a set of clauses is presented to compute Roos ' extensions .

  13. 从子类的main()方法调用的runClient()方法,负责处理命令行参数,然后从子类获取SSLSocketFactory来使用。

    The runClient () method , which is called from the main () method of the subclass , deals with the command-line arguments , and then obtains the SSLSocketFactory to use from the subclass .

  14. 指定要从子项中删除的指名的值。

    Specifies the named value to be deleted from the subkey .

  15. 封闭的箭头表示继承,从子类指向父类。

    The closed arrow denotes inheritance and points from child to parent .

  16. 对象从子表或父表获取相关记录。

    Object to get related records from a child or parent table .

  17. 是否还能把更多的方法从子类提升到通用的父类中?

    Can I pull more methods from the child into the generic parent class ?

  18. 你也许会有子-子-种类,但是现在我们从子种类这里停止吧。

    You can have sub-sub-categories , but let 's stop with subcategories for right now .

  19. 根据孟德尔自由分离规律,从子代的基因型推断出亲代可能的基因。

    And the genotypes of the parental oysters were assessed according to the Mendelian laws .

  20. 从子公司之间交叉持股和母子公司之间交叉持股两方面尝试对这一问题进行有关探讨。

    This paper will discuss the problem from the two angles of subsidiary-subsidiary cross-holding and parent-subsidiary cross-holding .

  21. 使用实施模型展示你的系统的物理构成,从子系统到可执行程序和数据

    Using implementation models to represent your system 's physical composition , from subsystems to executables and data

  22. 从子系统角度看,农业可持续发展的压力主要来自自然系统。

    From the view of subsystem , the pressure of sustainable development mainly came from nature system .

  23. 现在,我们准备从子进程的标准输出中读数据。

    Now we are ready to read the data from the standard output of the child process .

  24. 这个方法允许在相同结点上并行工作(从子活动的角度来看)。

    This approach allows parallel work on the same parent issue ( from the child 's perspective ) .

  25. 从快捷菜单中单击“单步执行特定函数”,并从子菜单中选择所需的函数。

    From the shortcut menu , click step into specific and choose the function you want from the submenu .

  26. 未嫁从父,既嫁从夫,夫死从子。

    Obedience to father before marriage , to husband after marriage , and to son after husband 's death .

  27. 所有对子单元元素的应用都会自动升级到从子单元中创建模型的元素。

    All the references to the elements of the subunits are automatically updated to the elements of the model created from the subunit .

  28. 我们开发一个稳定和强大但操作简便的统计程序用来从子网数据评估整个网络规模。

    We develop a stable and powerful , yet simple , statistical procedure to estimate the size of the whole network from subnet data .

  29. 本文针对园区网的建设,分别从子网规划必要性、原则和方法等方面作出较详尽的论述。

    Aimed at the construction of campus network , this paper discusses the necessity , principle and methods of sub net plan in detail .

  30. 本文从子公司这一节点层次,运用沟通理论构建了一个母子公司知识流动的理论分析框架。

    Pursuing a subsidiary nodal level of analysis , this paper advances a theoretical framework pertaining to knowledge flows between parent corporation and subsidiaries .